If you're so smart, then think of a way for me to get a gf that doesn't involve getting rich. You can't

If you're so smart, then think of a way for me to get a gf that doesn't involve getting rich. You can't.

Find a coffee shop or other popular venue preferably where you can get a cheap drink. Look for girls sitting alone (do not stay more than 2 hours at a time, perhaps make it part of your morning routine). Sit down across from one of these girls and attempt to make conversation after buying a drink (for yourself).

If these places see anywhere near the traffic they do in my city, you will have a gf within a few years at most from doing this every day. Maybe even in the first five days.

kidnap her

just b yourself and b comfident

Stop watching anime


Be famous

Do...Do you actually think talking to random women works? It's considered creepy for men to walk up and talk to women they don't know in this day and age, man. It's not the fucking 1950s anymore, you can't just casually strike up conversations with people you don't know without looking like a potential rapist

>It's considered creepy for men to walk up and talk to women they don't know in this day and age, man
how ugly are you?

>Do...Do you actually think talking to random women works?

it does. i treat women like NPC's from an elder scrolls game. each one has a conversation mini-game you have to get through to get them to dispense pussy. the thing is, the AI is really bad and there only so many combinations of correct inputs you have to memorize. if you fuck up, don't worry because another one will spawn around you soon and you can try again. eventually you just memorize the QTE and it actually becomes pretty trivial. the key is to start on the ones with shitty stats so the failure chance isn't as high.

Not that guy, but yeah, you can.

The worst that thing that can happen is that she'll tell you to fuck off and you go away like a respectable person would do.

In the best case scenario, you hit things off, get her number, and start dating.

What do you think will happen? She'll blow a rape whistle and you'll get arrested for striking a conversation? Just don't be overtly sexual and you'll be fine

Women are attracted to success because it improves the welfare of their offspring. It's the same as saying "find me a way to get a bf without having to be physically attractive on some level"

>you can't just casually strike up conversations with people you don't know without looking like a potential rapist
Actually you can, you just need to do it when the other person is
1. not busy (engaged in anything is busy; book, phone, etc)
2. you have something to say that would actually be relevant to the other person

But it doesn't really surprise me your average Veeky Forums poster wouldn't know this

Be an alpha male

>If you're so smart, then think of a way for me to get a gf that doesn't involve getting rich. You can't.

Height, face, frame. Take care of yourself. A mildly interesting life and personality. that's it

Except the 'best case scenario' NEVER happens and you'll be told to fuck off 100% of the time and probably gain a reputation for being the creepy guy in your area. I've had a fucking can of mace pointed at me just for walking up and saying 'hello' to someone, you do NOT talk to random people. Ever.

> I've had a fucking can of mace pointed at me just for walking up and saying 'hello' to someone

Literally, what did you do? Was this late at night and your advances were clearly unwelcome? No sane person points a can of mace without reason

>Literally, what did you do?
Followed the advice of Veeky Forums and started an unsolicited conversation with a woman. It was broad daylight at a bus stop.

>my personal anecdote proves that good things don't happen

>Except the 'best case scenario' NEVER

i've had one or two similar responses. you just got to keep playing the numbers and get better at reading people. i guarantee you haven't hit on over 100 women so your sample size is small as fuck when you are coming to your conclusion of NEVER. your success rate is low because you are just starting out. thats to be expected. start out on ugly girls/fatties (you don't have to fuck them, its just practice).

I'm just going to assume that your ice breaker was off and/or your tone of voice was weird/weak/creepy.

Are you wearing something that's at least somewhat fashionable (There's no need to be Ryan Gosling 2.0, but wear something that matches)? Are you hygienic? Did you smile in a non-creepy way?

You're not going to be perfect at first. You'll fall a lot. Learn to embrace failure. But you'll win if you keep trying, learn from you mistakes, and progress. If it makes you feel better, think of it like leveling up your social skills

Now starts the goalpost shifting from "Just talk to women" to "Oh yeah you need to be attractive and dress like Chad". Fuck off, your 'advice' is completely worthless.

easy avoid women who are thinking about having children like older women because they need resources to have children and go for the younger women who are not thinking about children. also don't get them pregnant if you are poor because they will become very resentful and be prepare to have your heart broken because they will leave you if you don't get your shit together after they start thinking about children.

> Implying you need to be a chad to get women

No, you mongoloid. Can you read? I never said that you needed to be attractive. I live in a downtown urban area. Every day, I see these below average looking men with attractive women holding hands and having a great time. Do you know why? These guys literally all have the following in common:

They show an inkling of awareness of what they're wearing. They follow some common sense hygiene/grooming, and don't look like a fedora wearing neck beard. Most of these guys aren't even fit for God's sake

Were they rich guys?

please do NOT do this

random men who strike up conversations with women are always deemed creepy or desperate. we will then proceed to go home and tell all our girlfriends about said creeper and avoid that specific place for life. unless you are objectively attractive, maybe even a 8.5/10 to have a success rate above 10%.


if you are from /r9k/ anything more than the ~700$ or so a month you get from NEETbux is considered "rich".

these are the same people that call a hyundai a "millionaires car".

This. I would think it's extremely weird for a random guy to come up to me and try to start a conversation. It reeks of desperation and I would be very surprised if you got any bites doing that. It's a complete turn off.

So basically its dating apps?

the art of casual flirtation cannot be so dead.

>tips fedora

i was in my twenties in the 90's and random conversation is how most hook ups happened. i know technology and all, but just chatting with members of the opposite sex cannot be so terrifying.

i'm old and still get women my age randomly flirting with me. hard to believe its not the same for the younger generation.


You are immediately regarded as a creep if you do that nowadays, oldtimer.

You are regarded as a creep if they realize all you wanna do is fuck them. Try, you know, to treat them as human beings and not just think how you wanna fuck them.

>Try, you know, to treat them as human beings and not just think how you wanna fuck them
Then they don't view you as a sexual prospect and toss you into their orbit.

You lose sexuality when you act like a horny awkward autist. Not when you're trying to talk to people like a normal human being.

more or less this desu

Act like an obnoxious self centered asshole.

How do I get a gf then?

via mutuals, the internet under the pretense of wanting to talk about shared interests, in an environment where there is a basis for communication (the gym doesn't count, she's there to work out and sweat not for men for come and hit on her while she's covered in skin piss). honestly a lot of these things i list out will be relative for each male but most of it will come down to how attractive she finds you and what kind of mood she is in.

bear in mind my opinions may not be the general consensus as i am slightly on the reserved and cynical side. other girls may be more inviting.

Literally just start talking to them, you'll be shitty at it the first few times but then you'll start to get better, hey wow it's almost like socializing is a skill that you can practice and improve, who the fuck woulda thought? Go get em tiger!

The less attention you give a girl, the more she wants you.

>via mutuals

I can tell you how to find a gf in [math]\mathbb{R}^2[/math]