I know it is popular for people now to brag about how many TV shows they sat and marathoned but I'm curious what is the...

I know it is popular for people now to brag about how many TV shows they sat and marathoned but I'm curious what is the longest time you've spent reading a novel in a single sitting?

If we don't count bathroom/food breaks, probably 12 hours. If you do count those breaks, about 6.

I have sat and ate through some novels in 3 1/2-4 days without doing much else between small breaks except maybe a half hour of being outside to get some exercise and stretch.

Probably not more than 4/5 hours. I get headaches if I read for too long, I probably need glasses.

well i woke up and read until i fell asleep

so, 5 minutes? or 4 days? do you have problems to sleep?, this is lit my man you have to be more descriptive my good sir

I read Moby Dick in a couple days. I got up and started the book with my coffee, read all day, 16ish hours I would guess, went to sleep, started reading again and finished around 5pm.

I didn't expect that to happen because usually I read a bunch of things at once and don't stay with one book for more than a couple hours, but reading it was like a drug for some reason. I didn't even cook any food, I just made coffees and nibbled on some bread I had.

Spent a whole Saturday reading Give a Boy a Gun in middleschool since it was assigned reading. Dad thought I was going bonkers because I didn't come down for breakfast or lunch like usual.

6 hours.

Not proud to say this, but I marathoned half of Dan Brown's Angels&Demons. I was 16 back then.
Chandler's The Big Sleep comes second, probably 4-5 hours.

2 to 3 days, stopping to eat and sleep, was on vacation, and grabbed the pillars of the earth, Follet has really nice world building the architectural details were at times over the top making it seem as he was just citing from history books or wikipedia, but, was enjoyable nonetheless, and the description of the characters and inner struggles was really engaging, got me hooked the whole weekend

any similar recommendation?

For both The Brothers Karamazov and Infinite Meme I spent a day or two where my only breaks from reading were for eating.

Stoner in about 7-8 hours.

only half an hour then my eyes start hurting might need glasses

when I'm close to the end of a book I marathon for however long it takes to finish, usually about 3 hours.

In my mind it's like an occasion to give a special goodbye to the book, because it's been entertaining enough to keep me till the end, and as I get closer and closer the feeling of melancholy sets in where I don't really want the book to end but at the same time it's always sort of an accomplished feeling getting to that point.

could just be your lighting. reading in poor lighting strains my eyes and make my head hurt.

I read The Pillars of The Earth in two sittings when I was incapacitated-tier hungover. It's a thousand pages long.

I tend to read for 2-3 hours before I do something else. On rare occasions I have marathoned for 6 hours straight, but only when the book is very engaging.

the real patrician right here

It's not about marathoning books, ya fuck

"The Gray House" (has not been translated in English yet), got back it from a friend and figured out I could re-read it ~11h.

Best day spent ever.

one saturday over the summer I lied out on my terrace (top floor, no one above me), staring directly at the sky just in love with the fact that I was literally staring into infinity. I knocked out about 300 pages of Infinite Jest that day, but I would get distracted and just kinda stare at the sky every few minutes.

>I know it is popular for people now to brag about how many TV shows they sat and marathoned

why do you have to remind us how hopeless contemporary culture is
why user

If I really got into a book 8 hours.

Pretty much everytime I read a book by William Gibson, I do so in one sitting, which is really weird, since I'm not particularly into sci-fi or Gibson (I do think cyberpunk is a cool aesthetic, but I wouldn't read a book because it's cyberpunk).

A day.

Illness and no internet is a wonderful, horrible thing.

If you don't count bathroom breaks probably close to 12 hours.

2 or 3 hours.

Read a lot as a kid, and now started to read again last year. I dont even read that much, for some reason i spend more time thinking about what ive read than reading.

I read Atlast Shrugged in about two sittings because I didn't have internet where I was.

marathoned the first page of infinite jest today
what did I think?

The longest I've ever read was when I was sick too. It's almost like you go into some kind of reading trance and just keep going.