How do I into bukowski?

How do I into bukowski?

Ham on rye

Which honestly should be titled "My dad, the ignorant shit stain."

literally who?

You read John Fante and then you read Post Office and move on.

You can't. He's long dead. Not even a corps to fuck.

Ham on rye, factotum and Notes of a dirty old man and youve read it all. 1 day max

Should be titled "I had a lot of pimples on my back."

ham on rye, because its mostly autobiographical and you can see how someone turns out like bukowski. i dont mean that in a bad way either, it just clears some things up on why he drinks and why he had such out of place opinions and ideas

>How do I into bukowski?

Shouldn't be too hard. He's not very erudite or deep or anything.

Okay, buddy.

Better start with Greeks, then read Ulysses, then the Holly Bibble.

Then you're ready to fully comprehend and appreciate the greatness and scope of Bukowsi's work.


I recommend Post Office over Ham on Rye to start with.


This is actually the order I started with Bukowski, seconded. I feel like it makes you feel appreciate the latter more.

Me three. Plus, Post Office grabs you from page 1.

Not worth it if you are over 17.

Isn't Bukowski usually considered YA? I've only heard him mentioned in those circles. Honest question.

Yeah. I believe so. My sister is into YA and she can't get into "serious books " yet and when I showed her Women, she loved it.

Don't ever post pic related ever again you son of a bitch

Amazon considers it YA.

Ham on Rye, then Post Office, Pulp, Hollywood then if you like it everything else.

Don't do this, because once you read Fante, you'll never want to read Bukowski again.

Considering I started reading Bukowski in my teens and started hating him in my early-mid 20's, Amazon isn't wrong.