People put cucumbers in water, they claim it adds flavor

People put cucumbers in water, they claim it adds flavor
Cukes only taste of water to me to begin with, it makes no sense
If cukes flavor water, surly something with more flavor would as well
I have watermelon, what happens if I put a piece of watermelon in water for a while? Will it be a treat?

Put it in vodka instead.

What happens? What's it like?

I somewhat get it when people ask if something will be good prior to preparing it if doing it yourself requires at least some amount of effort on your part... but come on just cut up a piece of watermelon and try it yourself I doubt it will taste so horrible that you cant drink it at all and even if it would... whoop de doo you wasted a WHOLE piece of watermelon and 2l of water.

It's like watermelon that gets you drunk.

it tastes like watered down water melon

For me, it's a pure glass of water.


vodkamelon is good-trier fruitpunch

>what happens if I put a piece of watermelon in water for a while
if you aren't careful it will explode or worse, taste like pic related


don't what me
just be careful

There are drinks that already do this. I buy "Hints" bottles every once in a while.

no put vodka in melon

just like this

Wodkamelons suck

So it's like a poor man's rum ham?

Cucumber in water is more for aesthetics than flavor, if cool and refreshing is what your after try a lemon wedge for a bit of bite. A slice of watermelon could make the beverage more sweet and cloying.

seriously, can u imagine eating a watermelon that is oversaturated with vodka?

Imagine how embarrassing it is to cut that thing open.

You have obviously never tasted cucumber flavored water.


>wasting 2l of water
This is a criminal offense in California now

it just adds something to the water to make it a little more varied and refreshing.

It's fucking disgusting

Those are nice but you are doing it wrong.

>cut the top, remove a litle flesh
>cut the other parts into pieces
>add vdka

It is called watermelon for a reason
you clearly have to use water
you are all al/ck/s?

>you are all al/ck/s?
Yes but who cares.