Veeky Forums can't solve this

Time to prove once and for all that everyone studying math on here is memeing.

Other urls found in this thread:^3 = d^5 mod 12


note that (d-1)d(d+1) is divisible by 3

two cases:

1) d even: in this case d^2 is divisible by 4, so d^2(d-1)d(d+1) is divisible by 4*3

2) d odd: in this case d-1 and d+1 are both even, so (d-1)d(d+1) is divisible by 4. since 4 and 3 are relatively prime, it follows that (d-1)d(d+1) is divisible by 4*3.

Pretty good. Now try this one.

do your own homework brainlet

lol. using the previous result, replace d^3 with d^5 to get [math] 12\sum_{d |n} d^5[/math]

>Can't do math problem
>Cover it up by saying it's someone's homework

These are from Chapter 9 of Elliptic Curves: Number Theory and Cryptography. If you can find a course that uses that book that is already on Chapter 9 by this time of the school year I would be impressed.

>Elliptic Curves: Number Theory and Cryptograph

My school has a course w/ that next semester. Taught by the author.

it doesn't matter where the questions are from, you could assign such elementary congruence questions to people who just learned modular arithmetic a week ago and they'd solve it

the second question is trivial given the first anyway

Are you Korean?

you're right. i would much rather have another IQ thread than one about actual math problems.

What? (mod 12) results in a value 0 12 will contradict this. It only works for d = 0,1,2

wrong^3 = d^5 mod 12

That three line symbol is congruence, not equality.
As in shorthand for d^3 (mod 12) = d^5 (mod 12)

Oh okay it could've been more clear if you just wrote d^3 mod 12 = d^5 mod 12, but I guess you math fags have to make up symbols to make yourself feel special

math fags like to keep things short, and not rewrite mod 12 unnecessarily

It's standard notation

a is congruent to b (mod n) if and only if n divides the difference (a-b)

in symbols: a ≡ b (mod n) iff n|(a-b)

Since I'm guessing you are more familiar with programming, this means that a%n == b%n. (Although I believe that many programming languages diverge from the mathematical definition when it comes to negative numbers.)

Wow, your google-fu is impressive.

This. Stop bitching about actual problems being posted unless you prefer when this shithole is flooded with /pol/ in disguise threads.

I've really been wanting to get into number theory, I hear it's fun. I'm not getting my degree in maths though. So what's a good book for a beginner? What are some prerequisites?


d5-d3 = d2(d2-1) = d*(d-1) * d*(d+1)

either d or (d+1) is even, so is d*(d+1)*d*(d-1).
In the same way, 3 is a devider of either d, d+1 or d-1.

In the end, d5 - d3 is a multiple of both 2 and 3, so it is a multiple of 12.

d5 - d3 = k*12
=> d5 == d3 [12]


It's not that hard to figure out by yourself man.
Took me 5 minutes.
