Mfw I'm starting to realize how shit I am at math

>Mfw I'm starting to realize how shit I am at math

>starting to realise
I knew it right from the beginning and stopped trying.

>>tfw Calc 3 brainlet

I failed Calc 2 I don't know what I'm even doing here

>failed calc II twice
>finally decide to take it seriously
>pass 3rd time
>B+ in calc III
>A in calv IV
>A in LA
>B+ in ODEs

I thought I was bad at math, but it turns out I just hadn't gotten to the really interesting stuff yet. Currently reading about calculus of variations and fractional calculus for fun.

>tfw phd in mathematics

Me too user
Me too

I didn't even make it to uni

>Currently reading about calculus of variations and fractional calculus for fun.

I was doing this when I was 14. You are bath at math.

>Tfw too brainlet for mathematics

I was doing it when I was 4. Fucking moron brainlet.

>the only people I know who are good at math are biologically impaired Asperger-lined family members
I didn't make the cut, too little autism but plenty of ADD

This gives me hope. gj user

You take that back, he is not bath at math

You aren't always born with math proficiency user. You train for and learn it. Dont fall for the brain memes.

If you don't have jewish ancestry of some type you shouldn't be taking math as a profession. Just become a liberal arts major or, gasp, even worse, an engineer.


>Be shit at math my whole life and years into employment
>Getting paid to do math $300k but still shit at it

Just polish the shit. I dropped out senior year of my math/cs degree. I'm reading (pic related) this for fun/research.

To OP: we can all be racers without a car or the experience

>breeze through every math class in school
>breeze through calc classes in first 2 years of college
>actually have to study for diff. eq. but still get an A with pretty low effort
>still thinking i'm pretty hot shit
>take first real math class
>feel like i just hit a brick wall
>drop out
B-but I could have done it if I tried! I'm smart but lazy!!
Fcuking kill me

Bitch I was doing triple integrals right out of the womb

Look at some rigorous math and see if it interests you at all. Linear algebra from Axler or Hoffman and Kunze, although this could be very boring considering you took an undergrad course. Analysis from Rosenlicht and Rudin. This is kind of like rigorous calculus but it's more than that. I enjoyed learning it from Rosenlicht a lot. Abstract algebra from Herstein or Artin. I liked Herstein's Topics in algebra much more than Artin. Artin focused a ton on linear algebra and geometry which wasn't my taste, but it's still a well loved book.

What about the French. I have noticed that most of the math and physics books I've read have been written by jews.

whats your profession lil boy?

> go through high school
> math is pretty easy
> even in senior year calc was a joke
> get to uni
> calc 1 is ezpz
> calc 2 is fucked - awful lecturer
> linear algebra is hell - realise how bad I am at math
> calc 3 is relatively easy

I think if I can plug and chug I'm ok, but linear really fucked me up

Feeling this right now, and I still have to take differential equations and then advanced boundary value problems :/

>mfw started realizing how cripplingly bad the overwhelming majority of the population (including myself) is at their specialization
>mfw humanity is doomed to produce imperfect subpar junk forever
>mfw extraluminal travel never ever
mfw the perfect state of being never ever
>mfw doomed to be a sack of shit till I expire 70, 80, 10^10 or whatever time I have left

>mfw I fucked up the greentexting
Case in point

This was literally me. Failed Calc II twice before taking it seriously, and now got A in Calc 3, A in LA (non rigorous), A in RA, A in topology, B+ in PDE, A in LA (rigorous)

where are you in your studies? I must know what signs to look out for.

>tfw doing math in the bath

To all the people who think they suck:

What's your study routine like? I want hard evidence you actually suck at math, not life all together.

what's yours?

I don't study much, I just show up for the exam and hope for a C-

It's more of a brainlet thing for me
>read how to do it but still don't understand it
>think you have it for a second
>try it
>Look at answer
>it's wrong
>give up

Just gonna be an hero soon