Weekly reminder that genetics is a factor in the racial intelligence gap

Weekly reminder that genetics is a factor in the racial intelligence gap

Other urls found in this thread:

ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Phenotype/Locations?db=core;name=Educational attainment;ph=26069;r=6:98136357-98137357;v=rs9320913;vdb=variation;vf=5140739
ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Phenotype/Locations?db=core;name=Cognitive function;ph=5713;r=12:56086299-56087299;v=rs877636;vdb=variation;vf=624831

what would you like society to do about it? kill all the black people? mass sterilizations?

not going to happen.

Is that pic accurate?

To the degree that income is a proxy for IQ, it looks like the smartest blacks are about equal to the dumbest whites. But I just don't fucking believe it. I *refuse* to believe it. Nature would not be so cruel as to divide our abilities along genetic lines, that's just fucking insane. Nature is not that cruel. It fucking can't be.

China knows who's going to be a ditch digger and who's going to be a blue collar drone by the time they're 14.

We should implement something like that here

What's hilarious is most of the countries with "free" college are similar. You decide your fate as early as early middle school. Could you imagine someone trying to implement that system here?

That is not really fair though.
Everyone should have an equal opportunity for advancement at any stage in their life.
I do not mean sjw equal either, actual equal opportunity.
Being filtered through a system as a child is cruel because some people do not develop early.

>Waaaahhh! All the brown-skinned people are being selected for manual labor! Waaaahhh!

>Nature would not be so cruel as to divide our abilities along genetic lines, that's just fucking insane. Nature is not that cruel. It fucking can't be.

What a truly moronic sentiment. Nature gives zero shits about your feelings you faggot.

>divide our abilities along genetic lines

Go take a look at the record holders in sprinting and long distance running.

Case in point: Me.

I was put in retard math in sixth grade because I was depressed. Now I'm doing a physics PhD at a good school. I can't imagine how shitty my life would be if my teachers decided to make me a tradesman instead.

I had similar circumstances as a child also. I basically stopped attending school at 14, I am now 37 and working on getting into a PhD program in mathematics

Unless you can prove that black people became rich for the same reason as white people and developed the same "education matters" mentality in the meantime, your point is invalid.

Is everyone on Veeky Forums too autistic to realize that racial equality is just a meme that decent people use to make nonwhites feel better? Show some fucking humanity, and stop rubbing IQ differences in people's faces.

It's always nice to see people in similar circumstances. The current education system is just not well-equipped to handle people with different development paths. I've known a few people who could easily have gotten advanced degrees if they'd received the right attention early on, but instead went into ditch digging, etc.

>homework as a predictor of inteligence

stop posting any time

>racial gap decreases as the money increases

The solution is obvious. Look at how the mean white score for 20k earners is 978 and the mean black score for 200k earners is 981. That is almost the same, which means that we need to re-distribute wealth.

Put all the white people in the 20k income bracket and then put all the black people in the 200k+ earning bracket and problem solved.

0/10 bait


I unironically agree with you, but then I also hate most whites.

Nice point


It's easier to give up on someone if your prejudices told you to.

The hard part it's defeating those prejudices, basically overcoming common sense.

That's the path an ethnic person has to take, he has to prove everyone wrong including himself in order to feel equal.

>tfw my scores when I was a kid were abysmal due to crippling depression and a complete lack of motivation
>tfw excelling now

I would have been 100% fucked.

Time spent doing homework clearly isn't a predictor of intelligence, however the more time you spend working on skills and learning concepts the more you can master these concepts. That is to say that if you have two kids and you know that one kid spent two hours a day practicing math by doing homework as assigned by their instructor and the other kid didn't and all other factors are held equal which one do you think it more likley to get a higher score on the test?

I think that's an important thing to note here. Intelligence doesn't mean absolutley everything. The ability to engage with things and the willingness to learn and take the time to master new concepts is often much more important than raw intelligence.

I'm trying to find the actual source for these statistics. Obviously it's The College Board and I was able to find that these were statistics gathered from 2008 but I can't find any literature from The College board regarding 2008 SAT scores besides this.

It looks like the graphic might have come from here jbhe.com/latest/index012209_p.html but past that my googling skills are proving insufficient.

I found this as well from 2013 which shows similar disparities but there isn't any correlation between race and income listed here media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/research/2013/TotalGroup-2013.pdf

Anyone else find anything on this?

(((the College Board)))

>mean scores
>not using standard deviation
>not going a step further and hypothesis testing your data using Z values.

Races went through divergent evolution in radically different environments over a period of 50,000+ years

I don't know why anyone would doubt this would register as slightly different general characteristics today

no one seems to blink when Kenyans are dominating long distance or Africans are cleaning house in sprints

The college board is the cited source for the statistic in the OP

So do Jews want people to think niggers are retarded now or something?

>but there isn't any correlation between race and income listed here

They don't record it any more, for (((some reason))).

The SD is listed with the original data chucklefuck. It's about the same for all races and income categories, as you'd expect.

> I looked at a bivariate relationship
> I can now definitively say genetics is the only possible explanation for this gap
> I know genetics is not a variable in my model, but I can still say it

Nice science you got there.

It's easy to say that. They make up a small segment of America, so the top earners are usually athletes. Doesn't mean they're smarter or dumber. IQ can change over time and depends on age and actual knowledge level. This is a bad statistic to use without additional information. Simple statistics are what racists and liberals use.

Which is why I'm trying to see if I can find anything more on this but I can't actually seem to find anything, but I can't find shit related to the graphic posted in the OP

Found this

Page 24/36 (actual page number listed is 22) Table 6 is pretty sad for American Blacks


society is the problem

>Genetics is a factor in intelligence.
True, though it hasn't been super useful so far. There is ongoing work on developing polygenic scores for measuring this but there has been very limited success, only with narrow populations under specific conditions and only via genome-wide polygenic scores.

>Genetics is a factor in race.
>kinda true but not really as you typically can't make inferences about genetics based on race

>Race is a factor in intelligence
False, laughably so.

>Genetics is a factor in race
>Kinda true but not really as you typically can't make inferences about genetics based on race

Uhh, I'm sorry? Literally what determines the appearance of the delineating physical characteristics we use to determine race besides genetics?

What the fuck did you just post?

>what would you like society to do about it?
end affirmative action for starters.


So Germans were among the most efficient at scoring Points at that PISA-Test-round?

>But I just don't fucking believe it. I *refuse* to believe it.
>Veeky Forums - Science & Math

Kill yourself commie

>Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores


>Nature would not be so cruel
This is what Veeky Forums become

>nature would not divide
Lemur dumber than Monkey dumber than gibbon dumber than orangutan dumber than gorilla dumber than chimp dumber than bonobo dumber than Australophithecan dumber than Habilis dumber than Erectus dumber than Heiderbergensis dumber than Archaic Human dumber than Niggers dumber than Eurasians.

Hello /r/science

Stop posting the truth


[math]\color{red} {\textbf{YOU ARE SHITTING UP THE BOARD}}[/math]

its almost like whites are smarter than blacks

Im a med student who's passing all the degree with almost no work at all, quite literally an hour a day but i was plain stupid at 14. Ive always felt i was just a year delayed developmentally.

>gets shat on in last thread
>makes a new one
Aight then

OP picture is a fake that includes only white students who applied to university

This is why you can't find a source
>But do the children of Black professionals really score lower than American poor Whites? No they don’t. To see why, I’ll convert those SAT scores onto an IQ like scale with a mean of 100 instead of 1017, which is what it was in 2008, and a standard deviation of 15 instead of 231, which is what it was in 2012(I couldn’t find the SD data for 2008):
>Now you see what’s wrong with that graph. It’s not a representative sample. Not everyone takes the SAT and the higher income kids are more likely to take it than the lower-income kids. How many of the kids whose parents make more than 200k take the SAT? Probably almost all of them, no matter how dull they are their parents will make them take the test. Of the kids whose parents make under 20k only those who expect to go to college take the test. So this data does not prove that the children of Black American professionals are not as smart as the children of the White lower class. In fact it shows that they have a score that is probably similar to that of the average White, note that the score of 97.7 is compared to other students who take the SAT, a population that is smarter than average.

OP, retarded yet again

but of course this post will just be ignored or misunderstood, quick go make a new thread instead

"nature is not that cruel"
are you a troll or just totally psychotic? get of this board and never come back, you are incapable of rational or objective toughts and should never speak publically, you lower the iq of an entire room

a master craftsman

>Waah, the nazis have to work along with them! They don't wanna!

You literally btfo yourself. Wew.

>Not everyone takes the SAT and the higher income kids are more likely to take it than the lower-income kids. How many of the kids whose parents make more than 200k take the SAT? Probably almost all of them, no matter how dull they are their parents will make them take the test. Of the kids whose parents make under 20k only those who expect to go to college take the test.
This doesn't explain the difference between blacks and whites.

>is genetics a factor
Well let's compare races on about ~100 SNP's people have discovered having to do with intelligence.

ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Phenotype/Locations?db=core;name=Educational attainment;ph=26069;r=6:98136357-98137357;v=rs9320913;vdb=variation;vf=5140739
Africans: 1.09
Mexicans: 1.14
East Asians: 1.16
Europeans: 1.19
South Asians: 1.13

Max score is 2.5408

ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Phenotype/Locations?db=core;name=Cognitive function;ph=5713;r=12:56086299-56087299;v=rs877636;vdb=variation;vf=624831

Africans: 0.75
Mexicans: 0.73
East Asians: 0.72
Europeans: 0.69
South Asians: 0.72

Max score is 1.2683

So because more whites are higher earners, they put forward less bright children because taking SATS is the defacto course. Therefore meaning the upper white boundaries are more likely to contain more less intelligent whites than the black higher earner categories.

So the disparity is actually even greater.

>How many of the kids whose parents make more than 200k take the SAT? Probably almost all of them, no matter how dull they are their parents will make them take the test. Of the kids whose parents make under 20k only those who expect to go to college take the test. So this data does not prove that the children of Black American professionals are not as smart as the children of the White lower class.

are you guys retarded
the black professional scores are not representative and cannot be compared to the lower class scores
same is true for the white scores

the chart in the OP is worthless in comparing intelligence across class, due to selection biases


from source

environment could play a role

>inb4 new thread

>professional scores are not representative and cannot be compared to the lower class scores
There is a selction bias in the lower class for smarter kids (who are more likely to go to uni). Therefore the sample average is higher then the real one.
This bias doesn't exist in high class samples. Therefore the sample average is closer to the real one.
Also comparing the same class, bit dofferent race os still valid

comparing the white lower class to the black higher class is invalid, glad you finally understood what the problem is

Nothing but excuses that have no basis in reality.


last few years black africans in the uk have similar results to white british

look up under attainment by pupil characteristics
>inb4 selection
some selected african moms must be, right

Genetic outliers.

aight mate, let's think logically
you mean to tell me that both the father AND his wife (think of sub saharan african woman) are genetic outliers so much so that their kids have white tier performance
but not only 1 or 2 kids, but hundreds, maybe thousands

be honest, would you predict such a thing could occur at all, based on what you think you know of africans

Of course they are genetic outliers, the average african black is so incredibly stupid that they cant even think abstractly.

No, more whites are higher earners and thus by your idea more likely to put forward incapable students for the SATS thus lowering their score. Please think harder in future.

is it because they are black, or is it because they have no father?

> blacks cant even win in home turf

>they just need dads

Stop this meme,most black fathers behave like unhinged retarded sociopaths so that makes no difference in stopping a negro youth from becoming a criminal.

Blacks have an insane amount of affirmative action in schools here, extra tuition, programs and funding for their communities. The fact that one study only shows them coming close is atrocious.

This, white males are so shockingly ignored and let down by our education system that they are performing at their lowest in years with plummeting university proportion. So using our education system as a metric for intelligence is inappropriate because it is inordinately biased.

You fucking retard read closely.

The black professional sample is not an elite sample.
The white lower class sample is an elite sample.
>How many of the kids whose parents make more than 200k take the SAT? Probably almost all of them, no matter how dull they are their parents will make them take the test. Of the kids whose parents make under 20k only those who expect to go to college take the test.

The chart is used to show rich blacks are dumber than poor whites-the chart can NOT be used in this way, thus.

Is this 4th or 5h time I explain this.
>affirmative action
>gcse scores
you are outright lying right now

what's wrong with just being happy UK blacks are doing relatively (and unexpectedly) ok

But user, what I wrote means that the average difference between low and high class is even greater than what the table sugests. So it's perfectly okay to compare them within the same race. And nothong you wrote means, that it's unreasonable to compare black high class with white low class.
And even if you don't do that, racial difference ain the same class presists.

Only a minority of UK blacks are doing well the majority of them are criminal causing pieces of shit like all blacks that exist in Europe.

The black sample is more elite than the white as there are a much higher proportion of whites in the upper earning category. You really arent getting this.

Blacks and other minorities have access to different examination pathways in state schools and privates have higher selection for blacks. Affirmative action exists in the UK jamal. Alongside the aforementioned programs.

I wont be happy for blacks just about reaching adequacy through crutches and misrepresention, especially when compared to the great let down of white students.

>And nothong you wrote means, that it's unreasonable to compare black high class with white low class.
Read this and if you still don't get it, then wtf.
>The black sample is more elite than the white as there are a much higher proportion of whites in the upper earning category. You really arent getting this.
It's literally the fucking opposite.

1)Only the poor whites who are bright will take the SAT and try to go to college.
2)ALL of the rich blacks will take the SAT regardless.
>the great letdown
I'm sure if you tried you'll match pajeet and wang, I'm sure, disregard the possibility that and they might be genetically superior according to YOUR OWN beliefs.
Their immigration is literally, EUGENIC, according to /pol/.

I Swear

Once agin you're making random claims based on literally nothing but conjecture. Guaranteed only the poor blacks who are the absolute brightest take the SATS. And all of the rich whites will, which is what you said earlier. You arent even remaining consistent, are you black?

I do more than match our pajeets, though they arent the issue here - they are smart. The blacks are not. White male IQ remains the highest average in the country yet academic commitment and attainment has dropped proportionate to the relative lack of funding they receive.

If you cant see the problem with that you are bitter and stupid.

> Their immigration is literally, EUGENIC, according to /pol/.

Pol will happily tell you the genetic drift of blacks to the west is one of the worst catastrophes we face today. It will render us all subhuman.

I didnt believe that until i tried to read what this tyrone is putting forward as argument.

Let's think logically
>To the degree that income is a proxy for IQ, it looks like the smartest blacks are about equal to the dumbest whites.
Most (You)'d post itt.
You do realize that blacks have to have an average of 50 for that to be the truth right. OBVIOUSLY there's something wrong with the above conclusion.
You are asking the right questions, who takes SAT, for what reason do they take them, for what reason are they rich.

The chart alone is basically worthless and serves to confuse people.
>White male IQ remains the highest average in the country
Not really. Indians, chinese are most likely an SD above them.

>inb4 CAT scores

No not in the UK nor even globally.

>No not in the UK
explain why year after year even brown indians do significantly better, are more educated on average, earn higher incomes on average
>nor even globally.
that can change as far as indians are concerned
as far as chinese are concernd, well, tough luck

These Veeky Forums retards still cannnot explain the 68 average IQ of african blacks.

Never in this thread has wealth been used as a measure for IQ. Again you're straight up fabricating things to form a vague argument. The graph serves to show that controlling for financial background blacks still dont perform anywhere near as well as whites. A range of IQs will exist within those wage brackets but this allows us to more accurately see that there is a substantial IQ difference separate to income.

Those are indian genetic outliers, average indians are as dumb as black americans.

Jesus wept. Go read earlier posts, the british education system is inordinately biased against white male students, they suffer from a dirth of funding, fewer educational frameworks and programs, fewer alternative exam pathways alongside less social support. Academic attainment is the whole issue, whites are being pushed last artificially, so to say "pajeets are doing well" either shows you cant read or you are trolling.

Actually chinese test low when representative means are taken from their nation, not expats. You're probably thinking of japanese.

>Never in this thread has wealth been used as a measure for IQ.
That's not what I'm saying retard. That's obviously not it.
>68 average
Not really.
>average indians are as dumb as black americans.
How does this make sense genetically, racially or in any way?
It doesn't even make sense as far as any sort of achievement is concerned.
Do you really feel the need to spread lies about indians
Not really, East Asian includes China.

Chinese test low, the high testing east asians are korean and japanese. Remember china has such a population that they will have more geniuses than anywhere else, migrating elsewhere and thus skewing international results. Studies incorporating chinese cities and rural china are around 95. Same goes for indians but id imagine their average to be a fair amount lower.

True, however you cannot accurately tell someones genetics by their skin color.

If you want to do genetic discrimination/eugenics at least take DNA test.

>"that's not what I'm saying retard."
> "income is a proxy for IQ"
Indian intellectuals everyone

Provide some sources.

Even richard lynn thinks this
Also, pic related, find what race indians are

I am the only person itt posting sources.
That won't help much , since there won't be much of a difference

>when these threads are made multiple times daily
Yeah, I fuckin wish, OP