ITT: Post flyover feasts

ITT: Post flyover feasts

haha :D
'go 'za, haha
'go 'za
haha :D
'go 'za

I don't get the flyover meme. It's not like NY and LA have any local specialties, just lots of high-end restaurants.

Speaking of flyover Mexican, I used to have this when my parents shipped me off to my flyover aunt and uncle's house over summer break. It's called a taco ring and is made with pillsbury crescent rolls, ground beef and cheese. Disgusting but somewhat good at the same time.


That actually sounds pretty great if you upped the quality of the ingredients

This with a coffee is $2.99 in Manhattan. Literally THOUSANDS of delis and bodegas to choose from who all make this. Staple cuisine. Also bagels, and pizza.


I don't know why, but seeing this word triggers contempt in me.


Look mom, I said the buzzword again.

For me,
In and Out
5 Guys
Pan, nice and hot
Hello, Chef John here at Foodwishes
White people food
Do X really Y this?

Are you just now realizing this board is a fucking joke?

Yeah, and no different to anywhere else in the US, or London, or Singapore, or any global city.

All of North America is flyover. Third world status. The most third world parts of North America are LA and NYC.

Not really, the USA and the rest of the Americas have an incredible culinary culture

>hur the US doesn't have culinary culture
It's not like there aren't multiple regions with unique cuisine or anything

Key lime pies
Coconut macaroons
>New England
New England boils
>Pacific Northwest
Soft shell crabs
Salt cod
Cranberry Sauces
>Creole and Cajun
Blackened redfish
Pulled pork

And those are only a few dishes of a few regions from just from the US, and just because they are influenced by other culinary cultures doesn't mean shit; news flash, culinary cultures are constantly influenced by one another. There's plenty to hate the US for, but saying there isn't a strong, varied, food culture there is nothing short of stupid.

>implying those 2 fat fucks just ate 4 tacos

Your parents just wanted to get rid of you over summer break so they wouldn't have to see you or what? I'm not really getting it.

This is pathetic. Most of the things on your list are English.

Isn't the American south like the only place that actually has it's own shit?
I'm a Burgerclap myself but I just can't remember.

Oh yea I'm sure you can find 5 delis on a block in Shanghai that serve a bacon egg and cheese on a hard roll.
How dumb are you son? Does every city have a staple breakfast food? Of course, but the post is referring to the fact that NY does have its own food.

Probably 4 each

Honestly, i would love to taste a Cajun or Southern US cuisine. It may look like greasy "throw everything into this pot of boiling butter and grease" shit, but it must be tasty as fuck.

I guess. Also to give me a change of pace in the country. I loved going since they had a pool and my cousin had a SNES and I wasn't allowed to have videogames until later.

>Bacon, egg, and cheese
D coastalfats really eat this?

You can get that shit in any gas station or convenience store across America

>mustard water

It's EXCLUSIVELY a New York and New Jersey thing. You won't find that sandwich anywhere else, with that quality. Big chains try to imitate and fail miserably...especially Dunkin Donuts, whose sole purpose for existing here is for coffee, not donuts.


No, you can't.

>tfw also homefries on it

ignore kansas/nebraska switcheroo

Honestly Louisiana has probably the most unique thing going on

What's the matter witchu? Did someone spit in your McChicken?

>it was disgusting but it was good
so you liked it but you're too full of yourself to just admit it without a disclaimer because you want to make sure everyone knows that youre a fancy pants faggot who's actually too good for "flyover" food.

Your parents were trying to chill you the fuck out because you were probably an even more obnoxious and insufferable twat back then.. shame it didn't work better.


I live like 10 miles away from these people in Indianapolis. But I eat like a king. Cambozola and red wine every weekend. Carolina BBQ, sushi including saba, rare tuna steaks, lamb stew, schnitzel.

>your phone autocorrects Chowder to Crowder, or your brain does
end your life

I live in Arizona and don't remember the last time I saw a pork chimichanga on someone's menu

>Illinois is goza
A better example would have been pork tenderloin sandwiches or horseshoes, both of which are eaten across the whole state.

OP here, I'm originally from Indianapolis. Where the fuck are you getting tuna and sushi that you trust?

sushi grade tuna at JJ's in Cinci

>Indianapolis to Fairfield
That's a two hour drive just for a grocery store
[spoiler]Seriously love that place though.[/spoiler]

I liked going to JJ, but fuck that boring ass drive. I wish we had something like that closer. Growing up in Indy with a preference for seafood was fucking awful.

>both of which are eaten across the whole state.
fake news

>Disgusting but somewhat good at the same time.

Pretty much an accurate description of all "flyover food"

Bloomington here. Luckily we have a pretty big asian population here due to the university so we have some pretty decent sushi options here.
There's a place that flies their fish in fresh daily from the coast.

No one in Mississippi actually eats Mississippi mud pie.

Bizarre Foods: meats, seafood, fruits and vegetables from all over the world prepared in countless ways

Bizarre Foods America: Seafood in New England, seafood and iguana in Florida, cajun in Louisiana, ethnic food in California

Burgers, hot dogs, BBQ, pizza, and sandwiches everywhere else in the country

You know it's true

>No you can't
Every single gas station I've ever been to sells a bacon egg and cheese breakfast sandwich.
Literally every single one.

>Using facebook

Buckeyes are the best
Fuck Shitigan!

>Funeral Potatoes

jesus talk about a downer

You're a prissy fag if everything in this thread doesn't look good to you

they're fuckin good m8

besides when mormons die they get to hang out with all their family and get their own planet and become gods, it's probably a happy moment

Post hot dish

>fat people posting pics of their food

every time

Fuck off Indiana invented the breaded pork tenderloin sandwich. I had a 5 buck basket today from B&K's.

>eaten throughout illinois
>user calls bullshit
>you tell him to fuck off
are you off your brain medication or just drunk?


oh god tater tot casserole

we would make it with a can of corn mixed into a can of dinty moore beef stew

so fucking nasty and so fucking good

Oops, quoted the wrong fgt.

We had a few places that did it. Way overpriced though. Glad I live only a few minutes away from Pike Place (Seattle) now.

Indiana invented it, but it's eaten in Illinois and Iowa, too, just like how Iowa invented the loose meat, but it's also eaten in Indiana and Illinois. The cuisines of the three states are very similar.
Regardless, my point about the horseshoe still stands. You can get it from Chicago to Cairo, and it was invented in the capital.

>Know what my home state food will be without even needing to open it
Being from Maryland ruins crabs for you if you leave the state. I'm sure this is similar in other states and their own special food but holy hell is it apparent with crabs. I pity people who have not experienced the enlightenment that Old Bay brings.

>Fries with vinegar
Jesus Christ Delaware get your shit together.

Dat hot brown.

What exactly is hotdish

basically any casserole in minnesota and northwest wisconsin, usually made with canned soup, vegetables, some sort of meat, and a crispy topping like tots, french fried onions, or corn flakes and the like. Typical at church potlucks and funerals

Soul food for white people.


never seen horseshoe in chicago and i've lived there for 30+ years. I thought it was a Springfield thing

>Rhode Island
>frozen lemonade
Small states suck dick at adopting a regional culture m8

That particular dish extends all the way into Southern Illinois. Really popular in the Carbondale/Cairo region.

Its literally a staple at every deli in Florida. Hell the Amish farm down here will serve you one.

oh what do you know Florida is full of retired Jews from New York who like delis wow it's pretty amazing they would have the same tastes

I mean are you honestly saying delis in Chicago or any other place wouldn't make you a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel? And shit real Jews don't even eat bacon.

That doesn't look like porkroll to me

2/10 would not touch

I like when he ate squirrel and possum and shit in Appalachia

>Jews that keep kosher

Yes, none of those sects live on Florida, you have the Reformed AKA: KILL THE GOYIM type Jews there.

>pinnacle of NY cuisine
top kek

Right, the bread/roll is wrong because superior water here, as is the meat, and cheese, and egg...and everything else. Nevet tastes the same, don't pawn your JimmyDean shit off on me as the real deal.

>new haven style white clam pizza

>new haven style
What in the ever loving fuck do any of those words mean?

>white clam pizza
literally the holocaust

pls don't propagate the rumor that NYC has better water and that is why the bread is better, it is asinine and debunked

>eating squirrel

And that's considered exotic now? Christ children, grow the fuck up.

>squirrel is now considered super exotic


I've hunted and eaten squirrel plenty of times. The little fuckers can be pretty gross, though.

nigga what the fuck is wrong with that squirrel.

>implying it's not due to the copepods

NYC pizza dough has little crushed up shrimp in the mix, that's why it's tasty. There's meat in it.

Bot flies. Enjoy the nightmares.

Same. I've never had one that's "gross", though. Just disappointed it's becoming a food that's "out there."

>being elitist about a fucking egg and cheese breakfast sandwich
You don't have much in your life do you?

Omg this brings back an awful memory I had in my first few weeks of college. I saw a squirrel with what looked like a massive tumor under its arm. It couldn't even sprint. It just stood there shivering in the rain. My heart fucking broke.

There are actually girls on this board?

Do you eat rats, possum and armadillo too? That's not normal things to eat.

Yes. I'm tearing up just thinking about the amount of pain it must've been in to stand there while people were walking all around, unable to process what it was feeling. I hope it died peacefully.

what the hell is chislic?

Haven't had possum - yet. I've posted it before, but I did shoot, dress, cook and eat an armadillo one time. Used the 70's edition "Joy of Cooking " for the recipe. Fucker was being a real nuisance and had to go.

I live in San Francisco, probably the snobbiest place when it comes to food in the states. Fuck I hate this place. I can't buy a sandwich for lunch without it being 20$ unless I walk four blocks to the cheap place.

Even then the cheap places are fucking better than that shit 20$ sandwich. It's fucking pathetic.

I fucking hate this city.

>flyovers trying to justify their pathetic existence
every time

>Forgetting the biggest joke of all

I live in Tucson and they're all over the place. Enchilada style is the way to go.

I don't really see them a lot here in scottsdale.

>oh, I like scrump.

>not wanting to eat crowder
Fucking shameful

wtf is this that conversation never happened.