ITT: Guilty Pleasures

ITT: Guilty Pleasures

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Do you use photosynthesis?

>he hasn't evolved photosynthesis

i pity foodfags like you, truly I do

fucking fatass

Do you drink it or just absorb through the skin?

Stupid plastic poster

Water comes out of the tap tasting fine in first world countries

Xenestrogenes are tasty tho.

When I was in the third world (Addis Abeba) for 4 months, there was no tap water, and the large bottles of water everyone drank tasted putrid.

I saw loads of Ethiopians with footers, which is a growth on the neck from an extreme deficiency of Iodine, which is in water.

I've also been to Somalia, Kuwait, and Mexico. Bottled water is BIG in the third world, because tap-water is the reserve of the relatively affluent. The best you'll get is a rusty tap that pours "water" filled with metals that are unsafe to drink from and are boiled and used to clean clothes and wash dishes.

Goiters*, retarded spell-checker. I'd say 1/10 of Ethiopians had them. They're common in undeveloped landlocked countries. I didn't see any in Somalia, although Somalia is a poorer country, because the sea breeze provides enough Iodine to prevent goiters. It's a maladie of landlocked countries where people don't have access to drinking water.

Cool blog bro
Subscribed and liked

Something else I hated about the third-world was, to take food on the go, people would wrap it in newspapers. A lot of third-world food is soggy, so a good 1/3 of your meals taste like soggy paper and newspaper ink. Fucking disgusting. I'd even have letters imprinted on my samosas.

It's no way to live. We should either help them out, or nuke them. It's really dire over there. Put them out of their suffering.

I've just moved to a place where the water is reverse osmosis sea water, and it's chlorinated. Can't stand it, gonna buy a still so I can distill it.

Do you live in dubai or something?

Yeah I do.

Last time I was there Veeky Forums was blocked, and all the major VPNs are range banned by Veeky Forums. How are you posting?

No, I live in Malta. Don't listen to that other user.

Regular wifi, nothing blocked here that I know of.

Fuck off, imposter.

I used to know a guy from malta. He was annoying as fuck and for some reason thought being from malta gave him some kind of celebrity status. I have a very negative impression of malta as a consequence.

I live in Australia, and we were the first city to ever have desalination plants due to low rainfall. However, it's not as low as Dubai. Our desal water only makes up about 35% of what come south of the tap, the rest is from dams and the ground.

However, our water here is also chlorinated and tastes pretty average. It's certainly very drinkable but not as pure as bottled water. I have been sourcing brita-like filters for a while now and it makes a big difference.

I wonder why they chlorinate the water in Dubai if it's 100% desal? Reverse osmosis water is generally as pure as you can get.

I can believe that, tap water in Malta is fucking disgusting.

It's potable, but I can't stand chlorine.

This looks like he tried to swallow a whole egg and failed.

>nuke them because of soggy fast food
How about ignoring them?

Chlorine, cyclopodes, fluoride in the tap water?
I think I need a water filtration system.

Fuck off cunt

>fluoride in the tap water
Probably not, the EU has outlawed that.

Fat ass

For real? Good to know.

Why do we let people live like this?

Are you an olympic swimmer? Or have you just been drinking tap water so long you don't notice the chlorine taste?

Yeah, and that's why I don't believe that it's some kinda mind control substance. The reason they do it in the US is likely just because it's a waste product from the aluminium industry.

It influences the brain. Ergo it's a mind control substance.I think it's to weaken mind and body. And to have someone pay for toxic waste.

I like to drink my water from the tap. Xenestrogens are for girls and traps.

Don't you have concerns about radiation in the ocean? How does it taste like? Do they remove heavy metal and other toxins from the water?

Do you have concerns about cosmic radiation?

Reverse osmosis doesn't kill microscopic marine life, so ya gotta add chlorine

I was asking because of fukushima
my guilty pleasure is seaweed ever since fukushima happened because i guess they are quite radioative

>Reverse osmosis doesn't kill microscopic marine life, so ya gotta add chlorine
If I had to decide between plankton and chlorine I'd take the plankton.

How is that a guilty pleasure unless you like to shove it up your ass

>I was asking because of fukushima
Are you retarded? it's literally a drop in the ocean, an ocean that has been nuked several times I might add.

Almost all water is chlorinated, unless the cleaning facility uses ozone or UV. But even then chlorine is superior since it protects the water in the pipes, but if you can taste it they are adding to much.

>Reverse osmosis doesn't kill microscopic marine life, so ya gotta add chlorine

That stuff does not pass through the filter, nor does most bacteria depending on if you have a slow or a quick filter, there will be more or less, you add the chlorine to kill any possible remaining bacteria and to prevent infection in the pipes on the way to the recipient.

>Are you retarded?
Maybe,but also concerned.

Trust me, the air you are breathing is having a more adverse affect on your health than the water from Fukushima. Also bananas are naturally radioactive to the point where containers loaded with them have been known to set of radiation alarms in harbors. A little radiation won't kill you.

You don't?

bananas? didn't know that
good thing I dislike them

>water from Fukushima
read this

You unironically believe that?

Why the fuck should I trust you?

Why do you think they put it in the water? There are many toxic waste products but this one is pit in the watersupply. Why?

How many for a lethal dose?

>tfw coming home to a nice tall glass of Sydney tap water

35 000 000

Because I'm part of the aristocracy and you should listen to your betters!

>part of the aristocracy
tfw you don't pay someone to shitpost in your stead?

Be like everyone else and just get a puratap.

Good thing you anons post a lot of water this days. Usually I just forget to drink enough. Your threads help me a lot.For me. it's your waterposts.

I'm glad to help.


Same desu, when I moved from London to Scotland the water tasted much better.

In the city where I live the water tastes different even within the individual districts

thats a fucking lot bananas

What I like to do is fill up a jug and fill it up with water, and every time I go to the fridge I'll fill up my water bottle (if it's empty anyway). Good way to remember to stay hydrated, and I feel like a lot of people skip on water since tap water usually isn't cold enough.

ITT: people who don't know what fluoride even is
fluoride is an essential component for your dental health, which is why it's included in many dental health products
they put it in water so your teeth won't rot.
because apparently americans are too stupid to brush their teeth.
how can you sink so low?


Fluoride consumption linked to diabetes using mathematical models

I prefer rooting teeth.

That study is garbage. Fuck off back to Natural News.

>science daily
yeah yeah

just buy a water filter then.
i have one and my water tastes good