What's the one book that every Veeky Forumsizen should read at least once in their lives?

What's the one book that every Veeky Forumsizen should read at least once in their lives?

Other urls found in this thread:


my diary to be honest

Bump for Christmas ideas

Something happened

the upanishads

Will check it out

considering Veeky Forums's demographic I'd say Crime and Punishment

considering Veeky Forums's actual demopgraphic I'd say The Bell Jar

Infinite Jest

You're jesting.

Danke Dankei Revolution

The bible (serious)

I came here to post this but since it was already posted people on Veeky Forums should read Storm of Steel

Pilgrim's Progress.


This and then this

The Classic of Poetry you dumb motherfuckers.

Overrated meme book. Bad answer.

1984 since we are living it

The Histories


The very hungry caterpillar

The Burnout Society

I haven't read it but it's a doozy.

Faggots by Larry Kramer


While listening to Earth, since we are living on it.

Kill yourselves

you just spoiled the plot to my diary desu