Why is cold water more satisfying than room temperature water or hot water?

Why is cold water more satisfying than room temperature water or hot water?

Because your body tempreture is usually warm and a cold drink feels like a nice change.

WHY does it feel like a "nice" change though? Why does it quench thirst easier?

It's not if you're in the winter

I have an excess of energy to get rid of because of racist retards

for the same reason going for a swim in cool water on a hot day fees satisfying

Because the temperature-sensing nerves in your body are stimulated as well as the touch sensitive ones when coming in contact with a temperature difference.

Neuroscientist needs to eat lunch

Looks like you're cultivating that "angry negro" exterior crucial to a black artist

That is surprising to me that science made progress as fast as did in the area of heat. Water is nearly the only liquid that expands when heated, but it was the liquid used in all the early heat experiments.

i'll murder your entire family you piece of shit frogposter

Fuck off I hate you so much just die and relieve us of your disgusting existence you unholy attempt at a human being.

I was talking about Mexicans

And Koreans

etc etc

Ooh ooh I know how to do that better than cold water!!
Cap yourself nigger

>le frogposter boogeyman meme


I actually prefer room temperature water most of the time as it can be consumed faster

It's an acquired taste. Most newborns prefer warm water and in most parts of the world, it's the norm to drink hot water on a hot day.

>Water is nearly the only liquid that expands when heated

>Water is nearly the only liquid that expands when heated
I believe you meant "water is nearly the only liquid that expands when heated AND when cooled."

Cold water is more likely to be running, e.g. a cold stream
Hot water is more likely stale and has mold and shit growing in it
That's why cold water tastes better, as an evolutionary incentive to find it

See this answer sounds good while it could be complete bullshit.

I don't even know anymore, University trained me like monkey to want to see citation for every claim made.How do I get out of damn rabbit hole?

I'd rather take a hot shower than a cold one

>University trained me like monkey to want to see citation for every claim made
nothing wrong with that