Nothing more pleb than only reading the classics

nothing more pleb than only reading the classics.

Your shill technique needs a lot of refining. Think of the frog in the pot.

Make the novel gradually more visibile, take advantage of stack threads, what are you reading threads, rec threads.

Dedicated threads with antagonistic OPs will only drive people away.

oh I'm not trying to shill that specific book, but newer books / not the classics in general.

If he had just written the damn book and not tried to format it like he was some avant-garde asshole it would have been better.

I think it's fine. just read it, don't be a faggot about it.

i did, dont be a faggot about shilling a book that is both unnecessarily long and obtuse

I find your response both shallow and pedantic

I find your slavish dedication to defending a book that is edited in such a way as to cover-up an inability to compose readable and compelling prose self-delusional and naive.

lol you're a funny guy. that's good. I don't know what you're talking about.

Kill yourself

Why does he make all those line-breaks and weird syntax. I'm not the guy above but I'm wondering this too, those few pages read very awkwardly

As the other user said, my dude
You need to work on your technique

I'm sure he's using them as a means to communicate vocal tone or his perception of events as they play out in his head, but it just comes off as false complexity.

if you just keep reading it find it flows really well.

>1376 pages

Are this guys' bricks actually worth reading?

see thread

This is what happens to some dodgy ebooks I download.

He's awful. Such a try-hard edgelord. I'll just let this evaluation say it best.

>Third-rate Pynchon desperate to impress with quantity rather than quality. Critics taken in by sheer volume... Grist for dissertation mills, intends not to be read but admired, motivated by the same incessant logorrhea as David Kirby and Albert Goldbarth in poetry. Consistent strain of misogynist sadomasochism overlooked by awed critics. Hunting down prostitutes (especially Southeast Asian prostitutes) has been uber-nerdish preoccupation, both in life and writing. Stepped into the breach left by Pynchon's long silences, determined to churn out a full Pynchon a year. Encapsulates ethical vacuity of American fiction after the collapse of 1970s postmodernism. Any moral meaning is buried in indigestible compendiums of graceless sentences. His few readable pieces are those heavily edited by conventional magazines (such as his Taliban piece edited 40 times by the New Yorker). Intentionally kills narrative with digression, to prove his superiority over other writers. His travel books follow Orientalist conventions--the coy outsiderness--despite his radical pomo self-image.

Holy shit this is embarassingly bad.

This is less bad, but still bad.

Anyway, it's shit books like these that make people feel safer with classics.

Go check it out at the library, its very faithful

lmao who wrote this. he is retarded. please tell me it was Dan Schneider.

Reminder that he dresses up as a """"pretty"""" lady.

that is so he can research shit for goods books dumb dumb

>He's a nigger lover.
What did he mean by this?

he loves niggers my man

pretty sure it's the other way round
>who wrote this
how do i internet

I will end you


why and how

So to get it straight:
Anti-Vollmann camp:
>writes weird
>he isn't traditional enough
>doesn't see a valid reason for prose stylings, thinks its posturing
>I don't understand your comments
>you guys don't get it
>sees merit in prose style
Pro-Vollmann is doing a piss poor job, but anti-Vollmann isn't making a very convincing argument either.

you forgot that the editing posturing increase novel length tenfold. 1-1500 pages of posturing.

Vollmann's short stories are his best works.

>Consistent strain of misogynist sadomasochism overlooked by awed critics

Ur a fucking fag, mate. Rainbow Stories and Whores of Gloria are great.

damn, who is she? #thic

I'm a bit of both. His tomes are annoying and completely full of themselves. Tho Europe Central is fantastic.

His shorter works are good, but his prose is jagged and stiff. But it sort of works in context of some of his stories.

Thanks for sharing. Now I know to avoid Vollmann. And to think OP was calling others plebs...

Actually, only reading politically charged non-fiction that already conforms to your preconceived notions and opinions is far more plebeian.

I swore him off after The Royal Family. If other people enjoy him, good for them. Honest-to-Christ Fun Fact: He cucked the shit out of a guy I knew in an online community. He lived in Sacramento and found out his hot-ish wife was meeting WTV in motels; he had lost his job at a magazine and had no money to even move out until they sold their place. It was kinda heartbreaking because he really bonded with his step-daughter but of course he lost that relationship too.

Can you imagine knowing the woman you love is getting pounded with *that face* looking down at her?

It's really difficult to find respect for this Vollmann guy. He seems to me like a typical nerd trying to shit out ways how to appear superior but lacks the makings og actually being someone worthwhile.

I want to read Imperium, I find it interesting, but there is soething holding me back saying it's just an account of some city and there is really no difficulty making asides the arduous attention to many commonsense things.

it seems people who don't like vollmann have never read him. and just hate him because he's ugly or a tranny.

Well, as I said, I did read The Royal Family, and I also read the short story collection--The Rainbow Stories?--and it left me cold. Maybe these were poor choices to judge him by. I may read You Bright and Risen Angels, someone gave it to me. But The Royal Family started off good and then it was another 400 or so pages of me waiting for it to come to something, which--spoiler alert--it does not do. But take it with a grain of salt; I didn't like Underworld either, and some people think it's the greatest book of the last 25 years, though I'm mystified how or why.

you didn't like the rainbow stories? I thought it was neat. especially after the skinhead chapter when he let's them read the story and they all say it's shit. I might have more respect for him though because I like how he does his research. always thought it was cool to immerse yourself in stuff .

oh my god this guy made anime real