Can someone here provide me with a scientific argument against eugenics?

Can someone here provide me with a scientific argument against eugenics?

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You wind up with a less diverse gene pool, leading to higher rates of inbreeding effects as the generations wear on. This includes weaker immune systems, lower average muscle mass, paler skin, larger foreheads, and a higher than average rate of messed up teeth. There's a reason island nations like the UK, New Zealand, and Japan all have these same traits among their nationalities.

You would run the danger of making humans a specialist species and in turn increase our vulnerability to extinction events i.e. disease outbreaks.

if done properly, the only REAL down sides is that your objective might not be as good as what nature would give you in the long run.

probably not true if done properly though.

And yet some the world's smartest people, highest IQs and the most amount of geniuses per capita.
Really makes you think, eh?

Not forgetting, we invented much of modern culture and technology and proceed to.

>implying science argues anything and it's not definite

Eugenic's is man's subjective selection of favorable traits. Natural selection does it better and has always done it better. There's too much loss of environmentally favorable traits when you leave humans up to deciding. Lack of diversity, slowing/stopping of human evolutionary processes, and the ever fun issue of wincest


any paper that backs your claim?

Cut off a [[very large]] portion of the population for breeding, and you get inbreeding depression.

Ashkenazi jews disagree with you

>scientific argument
Hate when people say this
Science just measures

these guya hit it on the head though

wow, that comic was great! next time i write a paper i will just use a quirky comic to justify my contribution and absolve myself from providing arguments


that was a good comic
clean and simple argument

Ashkenazi Jews do have a higher incidence of genetic diseases, same with the Amish community. Look it up.

If it's wrong then refute it brainlet

unless you leave in Uganda or some other shithole in Africa, advances in medicine and technology have rendered nature unable to enforce natural selection

And yet, modern Germany and the US are both technological innovators and famous genetic melting pots.

refute what exactly ethics?

It is better for most people to be ugly, stupid, and miserable, and for innovation that proceed at a snail's pace, than for us to make some folks feel a little bad by telling them they can't have babies.

And if you disagree, you're a fucking Nazi.

>80% of the population in Germany is homogeneous
>famous genetic melting pots

You'll still get a lot of stupid people regardless, because in practice, eugenics can only work in the long term if it's voluntary, which means that the participating population must necessarily be prone to indoctrination.

Abortion is basically soft eugenics. Every society in history has killed at least 11% of its progeny. We've just gotten good at doing it morally. Keep in mind that the low-IQ races have more abortions than high-IQ ones. Of course, they also have more kids, so the net effect of dysgenic, but as a pipe-hitting member of (((the tribe))) I don't mind.

What? Nature always enforces natural selection.

Natural selection doesn't stop being natural selection just because we don't like what traits tend to be chosen for.

Also, eugenics is subjective.

Potential is unpredictable. You might kill a person who was going to create a cure for cancer or make some important discovery without even knowing it.

Trying to stop someone from literally accomplishing their purpose (to reproduce) is also going to create some problems for everyone.

Isn't eugenics already happening?

See + Universities are practically a factory for eugenics since sometimes smart scientists get married to a smart girl in STEM.
The only problem is that there is not enough girls in STEM but we shouldn't force girls to get into it like the media is doing it right now, since it could make the eugenics of universities canceled out.

what you're describing is natural selection, not eugenics.


Well shit, I can't think of any other way to make eugenics happen discreetly other than letting die the fucking countries that keep having >3-4 children with IQs

I still wonder why first world countries keep helping other countries dying from hunger (by their own causes and not theirs) instead of fixing their people under the poverty line?

>In 2015, 13.5% (43.1 million) Americans lived in poverty.
Christ, you could've fixed this if all the money that went to Africa, SEA and Latin America but I guess moralfags are too stupid.

Eugenics have been in effect for years. Haha you really think you know half the shit that goes on behind the scenes don't be so naive

ashkenazis only exist cause of cross ethnic fucking anyway

I hope this is a joke because Ashkenazi's have some of the highest rates of genetic problems.

Eugenism is a political, social, ethical question. Even if relies on science on its basics, argumenting for or against eugenism is not a question for science.

wow, can you please stop with the anti-antisemitism?