Do Veeky Forums sperglords hate this guy because his characters actually behave like normal humans...

Do Veeky Forums sperglords hate this guy because his characters actually behave like normal humans, which confuses their autism?


Something like that. They also have no sense of family/interpersonal connection, so the only books they can enjoy are the cerebral ones.

Even the books that do blend both are only memed/discussed because of their relative difficultly, never because of their more "human" themes.

No. His books are great and well written. I like him as an author, but I just don't like him as a person because he's a huge pleb.

I thought it was because he writes for a busy, professional audience dealing with midlife issues while lit is blah blah blah

I feel like most people who put a lot of energy into hating him are fairly normie

I'm sorry, but: Who is this?

Big Dave's more talented, more successful friend.

....Big Dave?

>Anonymous 12/19/16(Mon)18:06:23 No.88617

>Boring plot, which is ok if there is depth to the characters but...

>Characters are uninteresting, unengaging and unidimensional, never cared about any of them.. I even skipped the chapter about Walter's parents, and probably din't miss a thing.

>Spoon feeds everything to the reader, explicitly, as if the reader is dumb as rock, and wouldn't understand the book if he had to read between the lines.

Liberty is an overvalued, 800 page pretentious piece of shit. My vegan girlfriend loved it though...

No, it's because his books are not cerebral in the slightest and his prose is almost exhaustingly dull (while still, for some impossible reason, being similar enough to Don Delillo for you to see his obvious influences and affections).
His books are the literary equivalent of an (albeit good) tv drama.

The Davester

I tried Purity, but I ended up skipping most of it. I wouldn't call his characters realistic, actually, I would say his characters behave like TV characters.

he just fucking bores me to be desu

What's pleb about him? I don't know shit about Franzen

He wrote a big article about 'the problem with the difficult book'.

>"literature is my religion"
>literally the dumbest thing a grown man can possibly say

Yeah and he even admits in that article that he's a pleb.

>Even as an adult, I consider myself a slattern of a reader. I have started (in many cases, more than once) "Moby-Dick," "The Man Without Qualities," "Mason & Dixon," "Don Quixote," "Remembrance of Things Past," "Doctor Faustus," "Naked Lunch," "The Golden Bowl," and "The Golden Notebook" without coming anywhere near finishing them.

Oh, wow, he's a fucking moron, then. I'll bet he hasn't read any Joyce, not even Dubliners.

His characters are all him. His plots are all his boring, insulated, suburban world.

It's not good. It's not even passable.

he's mediocre. it's not surprising that you like him because there's nothing odious about him. he just writes mediocre books. his idea of high literature is slice-of-life bullshit artificially made timely with current media and technology references. he's like updike with none of the verbal facility or narrative instinct.

>literature is my religion
>can't get through these books?


See: why Veeky Forums also loves Dostoevsky, an essentially adolescent author in spirit

Don't mix author personality and his work.

Nah Dostoevsky is considered great by critics & authors so distinct and parochial that nobody even comes close

His characters behave like they live in a Hallmark TV movie. Maybe thats realistic for him because he's a sheltered suburbanite """academic""" but only because that culture is itself an imitation of how people behave in TV dramas and bad paperbacks.

He is also shit stylistically.


>liking franzen non-ironically
shiggy diggy doo

Yeah, I'm not being sarcastic at all - Dostoevsky is one the greatest writers in history.