What is the connection between SJWs and YA fiction?

What is the connection between SJWs and YA fiction?

I've noticed a heavy overlap between the adult fandom of Harry Potter and people who won't stop shrieking about Trump

I'd love to be able to live in a bubble of ignorance like that

YA fiction is often about impressionable youth "finding their way in the world" and contending with issues of teenage identity and self-discovery, which is the SJW's playground.

The connection is just that both communities are on tumblr.

SJWs are mentally teenagers for their whole lives.


i think the connection is that both live in a sort of fantasy world. they both seek to escape from the real, lived world into a kind of reality that is more simplified.

also, YA is for children and SJWs have the emotional intelligence of an 8th grader.

Holy shit this has to be parody. This must be.

>99% of adult fiction is white dude melodramatic trash

>America is the only country in the world

not even true of the US

>Radiohead is overrated


>no movie produced before 1980 is worth watching except for historical purposes
this has to be a joke. r-right guys?

in a sense she is correct, because third world trash doesn't write

Immaturity, basically.

I can agree with #1 and #2

YA fiction
>teenager throws off the shackles of mean boring old people and discovers his/her magic potential in a world of
SJW ideology
>teenager throws off the shackles of society put there by mean old people to discover the le magic of tumblr genders

>1. Meh, typical edgy contrarianism
>2. Just dumb
>3. Fucking triggered
>4. Just a dumb joke
>5. By attempting to trash white men she inadvertently suggests that only white men can write literary fiction.

This whole post suggests this person has the mentality of a child, please tell me she's not a YA writer or something.

What do you think #2 means? Is it talking about the tumblr im not gonna capitalize style, or "Punctuation?" vs "Punctuation"?

5 unpopular non-political opinions:

1. Raw eggs are healthier than cooked ones

2. You shouldn't be legally required to reveal to your partner that you have STDs

3. Being fat does not imply being unhealthy

4. Cleaning up your dog's shit is not your responsibility

5. 99% of adult fiction is white dude melodramatic, self-indulgent trash and YA fiction is on average much better

Why are you trying so hard to trigger me?

>punctuation looks terrible and has their whole post formatted in bullet points with commas and full stops.

God fucking damn it

YA is just pretty much the same story of oppressed [blank] overthrows the power of establishment [blank]. Which is why teenage woman enjoy the most because they are the perpetual victim of reality in their mind.

>What is the connection between SJWs and YA fiction?
take a great big guess which group of god's chosen people get to decide who does and does not get to be published in print?

Oh fuck off /pol/. Jews aren't behind everything wrong with the world. Next thing you'll probably say the Jews control the media or something

I believe the person is talking about the second of your two examples which doesn't seem like a controversial thing to say.

She sounds like a complete cunt

>on Veeky Forums
>can't read

Checks out.

How is it possible for her to be so right about Radiohead and so wrong about everything else?

The plague has only just begun


this desu

>can't read

the post has no quotes so the entire post is outside quotes, and thus it must look terrible.

>anime poster
>got told so now is on the defensive by acting smug

checks out

not an argument

But there's writers on third world countries.
Like Onetti.

>takes the bait
>gigantic ego so has to win every argument on Veeky Forums
>doesn't realize he already lost

checks out

no argument


YA serves almost exclusively as wish-fullfillment and emotional coddling. The formula for YA is to present completely unrealistic emotional pornography for people to 'connect' with character(s) and thereby write self-insert Mary Sues. SJW's live in a fantasy world where they believe the world should serve their emotionally retarded safe spaces. The SJW bubble enforces emotional coddling, with no regard to challenging their own ideas or world view. YA is the prose equivalent of the SJW world-view.

SJWs want to live in a fantasy world like the ones in the books they read.

Get 'em while they're young.

Do you really believe that all the world's problems can be reduced to the actions of a small group of people's willfully malicious actions?

When that small group holds a lot of power, yes.

Because easily shallow ideas are easier to swallow than rigged, nuanced and more ambiguous concepts take more time and more creativity and attention. YA posits very simple plots/hollow characters who just go with the flow and never question the world around them, other than how they should overthrow it.

It appeals to the idealistic but grosly naive mind of coddled individuals who think that what they do and say and be really matters.

Firstly I think you're making an error, which is that you attribute the problems of a system to its leaders. The power of leaders rests in their means and doesn't come from themselves. So what's wrong is not that some group of people holds power but that there is a system that allows for some to rise to power.

Secondly I think you're making the interesting Nazi error of identifying the problem with secondary characteristics of leaders. Instead of arguing against economic oppression you argue that those which are on top are Jewish and that this is the important and bad quality about them.

As I've previously said it is not anybody holding the world in their power but rather a system which privileges some and not others, and that some of the benefits of privilege is 'power', but only one confined within this system. So in other words we live not in a system of despots but in a system which raises some up and bestows them with benefits, some of which is the time and means to play with toys.

National Socialism is a kind of perverted Marxism, and by perverted I mean sexually perverted. I think people need to be very warped in order to come to realize there is something wrong with society but then blame it on some boogeyman who is somehow both filthy and wealthy, a figure who is immensely ugly, short in stature, morally warped but also highly intelligent and successful. Often connected with some emasculated idea that broad-shouldered, dark-skinned men will steal their women. Call me a Jungian pseud but it would seem to me that these are projections of inadequacy. Hitler remember was a failed student, had no friends and drifted around. A Breivik figure, a nerd.

women are essentially children

Number 3 triggered me.

>no movie produced before 1980 is worth watching today
remove trash