Is this the best book written in spanish? I seriously think it's better than anything by Garcia Marquez, Vargas Llosa...

Is this the best book written in spanish? I seriously think it's better than anything by Garcia Marquez, Vargas Llosa, Cortazar, Neruda and Paz.

Cien años de soledad and La ciudad y los perros are better.

It was too surreal for me, I prefer stuff like Llosa's Feast of the Goat or War at the End of the World, or if we have to be surrealist, Carpentier.

Also . Just because Solitude is meme tier in the general populace doesnt mean it isnt a work of Brilliance. Also, Borges' Aleph.

I think the overall build up of Solitude is brilliant, feels like a modern epic, is one of those things whose popularity is well deserved, even tho I enjoy more the narrative of chronicle of a death foretold. But the way Rulfo uses the language is unmatched in my opinion.

I can appreciate the beauty of his language, but at times it feels less like a book then a painting, and I am someone who needs narrative.

>Just because Solitude is meme tier in the general populace
Stopped reading right there. It is a monumental literary achievement and no amount of pseudo cultural faggotry will ruin that.

He implied exactly what you said.

Ah yes. Just realized. As I said, after

>meme tier

stopped reading right there.

None of you have any fucking idea what you're talking about

Do tell

Modern tryhard crap. Go read Cervantes, Calderon of the Barca, Gongora or Cernuda.

I think it's the best book written in Spanish after Don Quijote, a work that can't be properly appreciated in translation (the same can't be said of Pedro Páramo).
Marquéz, Llosa, Cortázar and Paz have nothing to do here. They're good, but we're talking the best of the best.
Neruda, Rubén Darío, Sor Juana Inés and Fray Luis de León are the greatest poets in the Spanish language.

>Latin boom Veeky Forums is tryhard
>it is all completely readable

Octavio Paz is a great poet. Neruda rambles.

i'm reading it now and it's real nice

I will since you idiots are spouting off Spanish language writers and making single comments about them like you're an authority because you can say something about it. It seems like one or two of you even read it in Spanish.

The OP started off on the wrong foot comparing prose writers to verse. Paz and Neruda aren't even similar poets, or great ones--but I get it, Veeky Forums loves to give definitive place rankings to its writers and languages and genres and all other sorts of categories it can.

To compare what is essentially a novella, Pedro Paramo, to Cien años de soledad is also an equivocation, as is comparing it to a short story collection although at least that's by the same writer.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
>if we have to be surrealist
>implying he at all said it wasn't a work of "B"rilliance

>Calderon of the Barca
Jesus christ
You're alright

You're not

You're almost on the money
The answer is Don Quixote. The answer will always be Don Quixote. Don Quixote is a greater piece of writing than anything Shakespeare wrote and he is the GOAT of English, no questions asked. While Shakespeare has excellent language throughout his plays and poems, Cervantes is the more talented and advanced writer.

>I have the monopoly on literary opinion
>others are worthless
>im the only one who have read these works

Huge cocksucker imo, you sound like the insufferable faggots in the savage detectives

i wish i was as confident in my opinions as you man

Ese no, pero El llano en llamas sí.

your opinions are shit, you pretentious faggot

My favorite book of all time. I think Don Quixote is the best book ever written in spanish, but Pedro Paramo is a close second.

Fantastic book. The only question i've always had is why we never meet Pedro Paramo in a ghost form? You could say that he is in hell, however we meet ghosts in Comala which have commited sins as bad as his. What do you think OP?

>of the Barca
>of the

I hope you die a horrible death.

>insufferable faggots in the savage detectives
>part 2 of TSD not being one of the most impressive pieces of writing in existence, a polyphonic attempt at prismatically tracking and describing the alter ego of the writer's life throughout his life

welp your shit taste is further reinforced

and how did I hurt your feelings?

Yeah sorry buddy. Just saw some people talking out of their ass and had to call em out for it.

Hey man I think he means you sound like the insufferable faggots from part 1, the part where Bolaño pokes fun at himself and his friends for being pseudo-intellectual elitists.