Yfw when you realize you won't live long enough to see humans be an intergalactic civilization

>yfw when you realize you won't live long enough to see humans be an intergalactic civilization

You might if reincarnation is real.

>when you realize you aren't god and you never will be

>there will be intergalactic civilization

>there wont be intergalactic research on miniverses

When you die and go to Christian heaven or whatever just ask God to go in a sub dimension and start from scratch your own civisation...

Why are you posting a picture of a real god then?

>tfw you realize we will never colonize other planets
>tfw you realize that FTL travel is impossible and we will never explore the universe

nigga we'll literally never be an intergalactic civilization

Yeah wouldn't that require going faster than light?

we won't even be an interplanetary civilization.

the consumers are going to use up all the resources

God wouldn't create a universe this ridiculously huge without some means of traversing it. I legitimately believe this.

what if this is hell?

I don't feel like I'm sufferi...most people don't seem like they're suffering.

what if they are lying?

Are you suffering user?

are you not?

I am. But I have many health issues, what's your excuse?

mostly self doubt and lazyness

Then you're not suffering, so we're not in hell. Case closed.

The things I mentioned are the causes for my bad decisions, which in turn lead to suffering.

we've studied the heliosheath in our lifetime which should blow your mind

We won't live long enough to see humans be an interplanetary civilization, much less an intergalactic one.

We MAY /land/ on another planet, but we will never colonize it effectively (unless we somehow find a way to make it completely self sufficient and economically feasible). I doubt we will ever leave the solar system.

>when when

>tfw you don't want to leave Earth

The concept of an intergalactic civilization is impossible. Where are all the other space empires? Shouldn't they have contacted Earth by now?

Couldn't you just chalk this up to the universe being unimaginably big and/or intergalactic civilizations being rare.

>tfw you wont get to be the experiment niggers that get shot off into space to die alone on a foreign planet that no one likes anyway

You don't need to ask if you are a mormon.