Can all the content of the human mind be derived from sense experience?

Can all the content of the human mind be derived from sense experience?

Let's say I have a mental state that has mountains as it's content (i.e. I'm thinking about mountains), very obviously the contents of this particular mental state can be derived from sense experience, after all I can apprehend mountains through the five senses.

Now, let's say I'm thinking about a golden mountain. I have never apprehended a golden mountain through the five senses, nonetheless the content of this particular mental state can be derived from sense data, from my sensible experiences of gold and mountains.

Can you come up with a mental state that has for it's content something that couldn't possibly be derived from sense data?

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Mathematical objects aren't really sense data if you're inventing them from scratch and haven't seen them before. Some mathematicians will describe their vision of pi in ways that smack of a sensory experience but can't be drawn or easily described. How about four-dimensional objects? Some people can imagine them, based on math alone, even though they've never seen one. If I'm not mistaken, artists often invent colors in their imagination that have never existed, which isn't surprising given the near-infinite range of colors.

One would have to literally disconnect the neurons from source and allow for natural chaotic sporadification then reconnect them and hope the data is not too corrupted. Sort of like pic related.

t. Adeptus Mechanicus

Oh wait...That sounds an aweful lot like Rem sleep! HahahahaahahahahahahahhhahahahAJAJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAJHAHAHAJJAJAJAJAJJAJAAJAAJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHJAHHHA

The universe is comparable and the brain is a general Turing machine, so it follows that anything which could exist in this universe could also be conceived of by a human mind given enough time.

Couldn't a brain in theory randomly fire in ways that create a sensory experience that has never been had?

You have seen the color gold and have seen a mountain. Even if you haven't sern a golden mountain, you can imagine one through abstraction. You can only abstract something that is made by things that you have perceived with your senses though. You can't imagine a mountain of a color you've never seen. That's why it's nearly impossible to make blind people understand colors.

Computable, not comprable

shut the fuck up you retarded brainlet

dude fuck off, stop LARPing here. you don't know shit and it's obvious to anyone.
just go away, LARP in reddit or something you'll have more success

The brain doesn't store sense data. This is a myth.

The brain just creates edicts for itself along the lines of "you are experiencing this sensation" rather than actually playing out the sensation in some little theater. It's mostly just stage magic.

If you take exception to anything I said you are free to dispute it. Otherwise calm your tits.

Nobody has any clear idea what the brain does, and neither do you.

Empiricist views of consciousness argue that concepts such as 'a golden mountain' can be synthesized by combining empirically acquired concepts, such as 'gold' and 'mountain'. This doesn't mean all concepts are derived through experience. Some cognitive scientists who agree with Chomsky will argue that the basic architecture of language is pre-programmed into the brain and that learning a language relies on this preexisting framework. Whether or not this is correct is an open question.

>universe is computable
>brain is turing machine
here's one chance to support any of those concisely

The brain doesn't store sense-data. It's too computationally expensive when you have cheaper workarounds instead.

Why do you think people have such a hard time recreating images from memory?

Read Church and Turing's paper on the subject, assuming you're not a troll.

>brain works like this
>how do I know? well WHY DO YOU THINK [anecdotal shit] HUH? QED

idiot. stop talking about shit you're not even interested in.

When you start typing in caps, it looks like you're an underage person getting very, very riled.

church-turing has nothing to do with idiotic claims of the brain BEING a turing machine and the universe being computable you gigantic fucking retard

of course you'll answer with nonsense aimed to confuse and divert when confronted. what the fuck is your idea?
>hurr I hope he doesn't know anything about this topic and I'll just namedrop slightly related stuff and he'll believe me


>I hate you
yeah amazing board contribution brainlet, fuck off

Can't you smell something you've smelled before by memory, or play a song in your head?

Forgive me for concluding that any further discussion with you is bound to be unprofitable, since you're most likely either a troll or a young man at his most hormonal.

Intentional irony or no?

>s-sorry for shitting the board, I'll go now
yeah you better be, just fuck off and be very sure that whenever you start LARPing and pretending to know shit while flooding the board with your nonsense I'll be here to call you out

I think ridding the board of idiots like you is a contribution worth several useless shitposts

Space and time couldn't possibly be derived from sense experience, for they are necessary conditions to even have sense experience.

>all those buzzwords


Thank you Kant-sama.