College bros/broettes on winter break. How many books do you plan on reading in the next couple of weeks? Which books?

College bros/broettes on winter break. How many books do you plan on reading in the next couple of weeks? Which books?

wish i was there.
I'll probably read whatever my family buys me for Christmas.

I'm hoping to finish one, maybe two but I've been busy. The book I'm currently reading is on economics and theology. Very dry and makes me not motivated to read it except in long spurts.

As much stuff from Euripides as humanly possible, so I can finish the Greek tragedians.

I'm trying to finish up The Book of the New Sun. I'm about halfway through The Sword of the Lictor. Spoiler: The dude travels to Thrax for like the first two books and then leaves in like three chapters...

Am not in college, but High School: Emilia Galotti - G.E. Lessing; Wenn Texte töten (When texts are killing) - Martin Andree; Faust - Goethe; To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee); Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (J.K. Rowlin); Never Let Me Go (K. Ishiguro); Confessions of Felix Krull (Thomas Mann)

There's a reason op asked for people in college. They are less likely to have prole taste like you.

I've finished two on my break:Marcus Aurelius the mediations, and John Dewey's Democracy and education. My break is going to end in two weeks and I'm hoping to get halfway through Rousseau's Emile.

I'm a philosophy and education major so this shit is my crack.

How was Dewey's book?

I too would like your thoughts on Dewey.

Hi can you guide me on what to read after I finish the republic? (plato)

Camus - La Peste
Kafka - The Trial

+3 university textbooks on literature I got as presents (2 years to go until uni, inb4 underage: I'll finish HS at 20 because not American). Haven't even opened them yet, but two of them are basically interpretations and dissections of Rousseau, Sartre and Hegel among others. The third textbook is about literary styles and rhetorics, discussing what is commonly accepted as "beauty" in literature. These textbooks reference some works I haven't read yet, so I'll have quite a long list in a few days.

>couple of weeks
How long is your winter break?

thomas sowell - black rednecks and white liberals

Did you like reading about education? Try Emile by Rousseau or John Dewey's book Democracy and Education.

>Lessing; Wenn Texte töten (When texts are killing)
Viel Spaß!

Complete Novels by Flann O'Brien
The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann

Reading the Woods translation?

I ordered Magic Mountain via BorrowDirect from Columbia and whoever works in their interlibrary loans department wrote "Great choice ^.^" on it. Got the book the day before Christmas so it was a comfy feel.

Reading it in German, but I've heard lots of good things about the Woods translation. Gonna read Flann O'Brien first though.

I'm gonna try to get through Don Quixote and Moby Dick. I should manage desu.

Finished "Stealing the General" by Russell S. Bonds, "My Antonia" by Willa Cather
Hoping to finish "Meditations" and "The World of Vermeer"

Already read the Aeneid and a few plays of sophocles and euripides.
Reading Vineland on vacation, if I finish it I'll begin Against the Day.

Summer break here in the southern hemisphere, i'm currently finishing 2666 and i intend to read The count of mount christ by Dumas and re-read Hopscotch.