How far off are we for real permanent cures for (currently) uncurable diseases like diabetes, cancer, AIDS, etc

How far off are we for real permanent cures for (currently) uncurable diseases like diabetes, cancer, AIDS, etc.

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Hundreds of years.

No way.

AIDS already has a cure - dont have unprotected anal sex with strangers. Seems like an easy ask but apparently that's too much for the gay community so instead we siphon billions from other medical research areas to find a way.

Preventative measures aren't cures, friendo.

Not only gay people exchange aids-fluids. You can't be here and be this stupid.

We probably will never "cure" cancer as it's thousands of diseases wrapped in one name. Everything else will probably get sorted out in the next century or so

How long for herpes desu?

Asking for a friend.

>Everything else will probably get sorted out in the next century or so
I'd rather see cures within the next decade or two. I have prediabetes. I'm taking care of myself via healthy eating and exercise, but I don't want full beetus looming over my head.

> aids requires bloodborne transmission
> vaginal sex has an insignificant rate of transmission
> anal sex has a high rate
> homosexual anal sex has the highest rate
So yes apart from analfaggots and junkies, everyone else is pretty exempt.

All you had to do was not eat like shit, hopefully you lose your legs.

When it is that black and white it might as well be. Sitting your faggoted son down and saying don't park yourself in gay club cubicles with your ass in the air then invite the local poz group on grindr to run a train on you is essentially an antibiotic.

Hopefully, I don't lose my legs or experience any complications. What's your grudge?

Look up CRISPR it might do the trick lad

That can only have a real impact on germ lines and a few diseases caused by issues with cells constantly derived from a few stem cells. So gut, blood and fertility diseases in men could be good candidates. Otherwise at best you'll have temporary relief.

A few days ago i saw that they used it to successfully cured a mouse that had AIDS in most of its body so maybe with some more time it could be a permanent solution. Also heard about something called NaD+ which could in theory "stop the aging process"

The latter is totaly nonsense and as for the former what they can do in mice in amazing - im pretty sure if someone loved their mice enough today they could make it immortal and have a 190IQ. That's what you get for ethics free experimentation. However it almost never translates over to humans.

Yet if it can be done in mice then it must mean some mechanism exists by which it could be done in humans. Perhaps it involves editing the white cell line to not be infiltrated.

True enough I heard they will try the treatment soon on monkeys or animals close to human biology to see if they can replicate results. It would be nice if NaD+ is a true thing though it does sound to good to be true, tho living forever would be nice.

If you plan on living a long time your best bet would be finding some way of preserving your young DNA now so that you can later be edited back to youthful health. Get fully sequenced or something.

I've got vicious crohns so ill be happy if any advances mean i can live with any gut left to 50.

Rip you will be missed when you go user and I heard that some DNA sequencing companies sell your sequence since there are not any laws preventing them so I might wait a bit.

No idea.
I haven't heard much about that one.
I hear more about cancer and beetus, but no luck for either.

cancer is a group of diseases, therefor not even in the same class as the other 2.

It's Ur chakras all this stuff is solve so t.brainless stop dummby get a lyfe. Sort it. Don't be around poison and let it into Ur body. Be balance and health. Man I'm smarter than everyone on this board even after I smoked a bunch of speed.

For those curious about beetus

It has been cured. The cure is money. Liquid, concentrated money

Seriously though, anyone knows anything about this?

Also asking for a friend.

They can wipe out HIV from the blood itself with anti virals, the last hurdle they have is to flush it out of its hiding places.

I don't.
I don't hear about it that much.
I have a friend who got herpes from some craigslist girl.

>muh undetectable viral load
What if haart drugs are pumped directly into the cns, will that work?

For diabetes there's a new method that grows pre-pancriatic cells and puts them in a packet to implant in the body, that filters out t-cells. Not exactly a cure, but I'll gladly trade daily injections for a surgery every couple years or whatever.

Don't worry. In a few years, I'm sure there will be a cure.
We're gonna make it.

Yeah no, i got HIV from a blood transfusion. Not only junkies have HIV, because of shame most "normal" people don't admit it.

Eyy even if the cure were found tomorrow, it'd take a some years to actually get through testing and distributed. I have faith it'll work out in time, but it ain't going to be quick and easy.

Suppose you're right.
I have prediabetes because I wasn't taking care of myself.
Fortunately, my A1C was somewhat on the lower end at 5.8 when I was recently diagnosed.
I'm taking care of myself now but I'm afraid I'll get full beetus even if I am physically active and eat healthy.

Unless we develop AI soon, expect cures in 50-100 years.

I'm sure with current tech cures already exist.

Already here
CRISPR-KAS9 is the pandoras box of genetics

An interesting turn of events. Although, it may lead to nothing.

diabetes will require some active gene therapy most likely or some kind of intelligent implant, give that a decade or so

AIDS is fucking tough, it's viciously chimeric and loves to mutate like nuts. That will take a very long time and the best we can do is make better antivirals

Cancer is also tough because its a broad classification of hundreds of radically different diseases. Right now, immunotherapy looks like an excellent tool to fight it, as well as improving detection methods so it can be caught way earlier. Give this a decade for good immunotherapy to attack the most prevalent and dangerous cancers like breast cancer

heart disease is a sumbitch because preventing it is hard and reversing it is even harder. i'm not really sure what the research currently is but i'd be really surprised if we had any very good prevention/reversal methods before 25 years from now. Until then, just eat healthy and exercise a lot

>Stop the aging process
Now we just need to make the human body able to survive shit like extreme injuries and have a better healing factor.

Isaac Asimov and a lot of other people have died of Aids received from blood transfusions. Children can also be born with it.

>everyone else is pretty exempt
Except from countries like France where there have been lax tests for infected blood and cover ups and more drama and scandals.

I've had Type 1 diabetes for 27 years now. There's always some cure just on the horizon. When I first got it people were saying it would only be five years until I was cured because of some successful chimp experiments that involved putting islet cells in seaweed so immune cells wouldn't kill them.

I really wish we could just put all the cure research money into developing a wearable device that monitors blood sugar and administers the correct insulin dose.

A cure for cancer will likely never happen, its like asking how long it will take for us to find a cure for bacterial infection. The specificity of cancers varies significantly, and can often arise from various different external or internal stresses. A more important question would be to ask how long to cure specific cancers, much like how you would ask how long will it take to cure tuberculosis.

Not too sure about HIV because a lot of drugs have been developed that worked in the past, but HIV is such an impressive virus due to it's capability to make only a single nucleotide mistake when replicating it's genome. This allows it to evolve rapidly and efficiently compared to other viruses. I also don't know too much about diabetes, but I'd assume it would be eradicated via gene therapy in the coming decades seeing as effective methods like CRISPR have been patented.

I heard naked mole rats and sharks are immune to cancer

The Berlin patient was cured of AIDS. We're still not sure why it happened.

Type one diabetes and HIV were both cured in lab mice this month. I'm on mobile and can't link right now

There is one treatment using CRISPR to train the body's immune system to attack cancer cells. The reaction is pretty intense and can cure cancer in a matter of days or even hours, but the patient has to endure dangerously high fever caused by the immune response. Also, as far as I know it can only be used to target an identified cancer in the patient, so it can't work as a general cancer vaccine.

They are born with self-repairing telomeres so their cells hardly ever mutate into cancerous forms

Sharks can get cancer, and so can naked mole rats. Apparently naked mole rats can reduce malignancies by producing HMM-HA using a species specific gene.

we have telomerase too


Our repair mechanism degrades, but part of their metabolic function is to be sure to synthesize more of it.

Lobsters are also biologically immortal

Listing off current best solutions.

Cancer: Proton Therapy, Stem cells for damaged tissue replacement.

Diabetes: Insulin Patch, Stem cells for damaged tissue replacement.

AIDS: Carriers who do not exhibit symptoms may have resistance and can have a vaccine extracted per blood type.
No cure yet. Full wasting. Hardest disease to replace cells in unless...we make a universal external or secondary fully resistant organ to make White blood Cells.

>Now we just need to make the human body . . . have a better healing factor

Is the pharmaceutical industry holding back progress in these areas?

Realistically, what would we, as citizens, be able to do to speed up progress in this area to guarantee permanent cures for diseases?

Supposedly there are already cures for cancer, though you would have to verify for yourself whether they're real or not considering the stigma around claiming to have the cure for cancer in general.

I hope there are cures for many of these diseases in our lifetime.
[spoiler]I pray to God for that.[/spoiler]

Yes. The entire medical system is designed to treat symptoms for profit, not to cure anything.
The only thing you can do is come into a position where you're making the choices on what to research and release to the public.

>come into a position where you're making the choices on what to research and release to the public.
I'm not smart enough enough for that, sadly.

Not really - i live in a country with nationalized healthcare where the overriding motive is to cure as it reduces costs. Our content of treatment is identical to the american with the primary difference being the US has a lot more scans and tests.

>Is the pharmaceutical industry holding back progress in these areas?
There have been rumours, for decades, that Big Pharma is sitting on the "Next Great Thing" that will be launched when their patent portfolio expires. The problem with this conspiracy theory is that Big Pharma has already reached the end of life of patents, called "Patent Cliff" and nothing groundbreaking has appeared. Instead these companies have fired researchers in droves and now aim for making generics, big time.That will put a serious dent in the hopes of new groundbreaking medicine since development is horrifically expensive.

The second factor is that most of the groundbreaking research has taken place in academia and this has been the case for a decade or so and academia lives and dies on publishing, not sales. Thus there is nothing stopping academia from revealing breakthroughs, quite to the contrary. Also how can you stop underpaid students and research assistants from revealing secrets?

Is there anything exciting going on with Crohns?

It's a good candidate for CRISPR, seen as the gut is highly replicated from germ lines as is the immune system. So theoretically editing could remove the reaction or repair the gut. Probably won't be around for a fair while yet though and will be banned on site by leftists for being ableist.

Saying that "big pharma" or the rich are sitting on crazy medical technology is just wishful futurism, same as "if we ever go to war DARPA is going to reveal all their black site tech ufos".

I know an ex-goldman sachs CEO and his son has really unfortunate diseases and he gets the same type of treatment as everyone else, just quicker and more monitored.

Despite what bitter people think, the rich aren't in the mind set of keeping good things from others for no reason.

Not the guy you're responding to, but I'm sure Big Pharma has a lot of crazy medical tech that they're keeping from everybody - Rich included.

OK, how come you are so sure?

Because I'm hoping it is. I want wonder cures for incurable diseases :(

AIDS kills off people who have too much secks.
Needs no cure

What about innocent people that get infected through malicious means?

Unless you mean the tiny subset who got it through blood transfusions, mother or rape then there is no innocent. They should be be placated by having the remaining dying hordes of gays, blacks and junkies as slaves so that their final years are heavenly.

As i said, wishful futurism. I too have an incurable disease but exploitation annoys me more than hopelessness, we've been "just around the corner" from cures for 80 years, make sure to pay for the new treatment!

What disease do you have?

I could cure AIDS right now. Kill everyone who has HIV/AIDS and it's gone.

>Yeah no, i got HIV from a blood transfusion.
And the person that donated the infected blood probably got it from sticking his dick in some other faggot, so the point still stands.

technically you could say diabetes is already cured, in the sense that diabetes is mostly a deficiency in insulin and we can easily provide insulin in injection to the patients. "Curing" it in the sense of administering a single treatment and not having to think about it anymore would basically be solving immortality. The exception to that would be for type 1 diabetes, which is an auto-immune disease which could potentially be screened and stopped before it destroys the pancreas.

Cures for type 1 diabetes have been reported following bone marrow transplant
Pancreas transplant also cures diabetes
Immunomodulatory therapies are currently being developed to cure type 1 diabetes

This is a massive heterogenous group of diseases. It's like saying "when will we have a cure for all heart conditions"

Antiviral therapies basically suppress viral counts to undetectable levels.
Also, bone marrow transplants have been reported to achieve cure

> Pancreas transplant also cures diabetes

Not really. The problem with Type 1 diabetes is your own immune system destroys the insulin producing cells. A transplanted pancreas stops producing insulin in under a year unless heavy immunosuppressive drugs are used, so you've replaced needing one medication to stay alive with another, and now a common cold will kill you because you've got no immune system.

>No longer has diabetes
>Somehow implying that this doesn't constitute a cure

>have brain cancer
>remove brain and keep body alive on machines
>"what do you mean this isn't a cure?!?"

It is a cure

The adverse consequences of the treatment simply outweigh the benefits. That doesn't mean the treatment isn't curative

Having to inject insulin is better than having a severely compromised immune system.

Not in all cases

Diabetics have to flood their body with high circulating concentrations of insulin in order to reach the liver- the primary organ upon which the liver acts. This promotes further insulin resistance and pancreatic dysfunction as well as increasing body weight.

Diabetic nephropathy is the commonest cause of kidney failure and if a kidney transplant is going to be performed, patients are evaluated for a simultaneous pancreas transplant because this is going to cure their diabetes and protect their new kidney. Their kidney failure and their diabetes are both cured. Without this measure, they will suffer a premature death that is averted despite the need for suppressants.


You can control that nowadays with Biologics right?

Not really, any one biologic usually helps about a third of patients and for about 6 years before they become immune to it. All the while at quite potentially drastic side effects. Even during this time on them you might still need intermittent steroids to dampen down attacks.

Im on my first biologic lately, seen as i was only diagnosed a year ago and you have to move through all other medications first. IBDs are second only to degenerative neurological disorders in terms of being shockingly under provided for.

Shit, autoimmune diseases suck. I've got Vitiligo myself, sucks that there's no cure.

I know, reading this thread and it does annoy me that we are so competent in treating diseases like HIV when all it takes to not get it is self control, but there's a huge public lobby for research and funding. Meanwhile those with genetic disease, who had no choice, are told good luck. I just spent a week hospitalized for obstructions and in the end got let go with all consultants saying they had no idea why it happened.

I hope we see some consumer gene editing in our lifetimes as they will massively help auto-immune diseases.

You're getting type 1 and 2 diabetes confused.

Type 1 is not caused by insulin resistance or body weight. It's an autoimmune disease where the body destroys its own insulin producing cells. It's the one where insulin injections are always required. It's also the one where transplants don't work without immunosuppressants for life.

Type 2 is caused by insulin resistance due to diet and exercise. Most Type 2 diabetics do not need to inject insulin. If they get a pancreas transplant they only requires immunosuppressants for a while to stop the initial rejection.

>gene editing
I doubt we'll see it in our lifetime. The body's just so damn complex. It's amazing that a majority of people are generally healthy.

I doubt it too, but it's the one real promise of a cure at all. Otherwise my future is one having all my guts removed, slowly crippled from IBD arthritis, weak bones and diabetes from steroids and cancer and nerve disease from biologics.

And yeah it is but i used to read all the "1 in 200 has this, 1 in 1,000 has this etc" and think surely everyone has something then but i dont know anyone who does. Then i got very ill one year and became one of them, i think everyone has something in the pipeline at some point.

>pancreas transplant
lol, this is the only true cure for Type 2? I'm sure there will be a better method in the future.

If we can keep for destroying our environment or blowing ourselves up with nukes, there'll come a day when no one has to suffer from disease. The thought of that gives me hope, makes me want to do my part to get us there.

Well if we blow ourselves up with nukes then no-one will have to suffer from diseases either. The hilarious thing is that i was almost a hobbyist "prepper", my house is in the countryside and i own gas masks, weapons etc just out of lazy paranoia. But now if anything were to happen i would be without medicine and die within a year.

That sucks. Good luck user.

Then why not educate yourself so you can ascend to a position like that? If you truly want to change the path we are spiraling down, then you will learn what needs to be done to change our future.

I don't think you actually understand what you are talking about.

>Type 2 diabetes
>If they get a pancreas transplant they only requires immunosuppressants for a while to stop the initial rejection

You need to learn about the immune system, bro.

Pancreas transplant patients require lifelong immunosuppression, regardless of the type of diabetes they have

There is a lot of overlap between the autoimmune component of diabetes and insulin resistance. For example, you can sometimes find type 1 diabetics on metformin and insulin in an effort to overcome the insulin resistance element of their diabetes.

Insulin is a hormone designed to act primarily on the liver via the portal circulation. In order to achieve the portal insulin concentration, the systemic circulating dose has to be so much higher. This has the unwanted effect of placing systemic organs and adipose tissue in an anabolic state promoting the formation of further adipose tissue. Insulin itself frequently leads to inceases in body weight for this reason. High concentrations of insulin have also been documented to contribute to insulin resistance. This phenomenon is seen in both type 1 and 2 diabetes.

Whilst most type 2 diabetics do not require insulin, a significant proportion of them eventually do.

Basically, the only vaguely correct thing you have said is that type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. That is indeed the primary mechanism. Your view of the aetiology of type 2 diabetes is far too simplistic. Everything else you have stated is objectively incorrect

Not that guy, but I thought Type 2 diabetics don't require insulin injections if they watch their diet and are physically active.

Practically all diseases are cured now, the public just doesn't know about it.

If you think that's what really causes diabetes you don't have the faintest clue.