There is a 0.00000012% chance that GZ60 will hit us in 17 days and literally blow us the fuck out

There is a 0.00000012% chance that GZ60 will hit us in 17 days and literally blow us the fuck out. GZ60

So how can we bring that up to 90%?

God I hope

This guy knows whats up

Komm susser tod

good work! the probability is up

Alternate Representations for Impact Probability = 5.4e-6
0.00054% chance of Earth impact
1 in 190,000 odds of impact
99.99946% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth

Come on baby, just a couple more orders of magnitude to go...

If i post loli trap porn do you think some god will push it closer to hitting us?

c'mon, I only need a 1%

Anyone know the odds of dying on a regular day for comparison?

50/50, either you do or you don't

Funny how we look at a percentage like that and don't even consider it a possibility. No, we're totally not gonna get hit.

I bet it's gonna happen.

if this post is dubs it hits


please do

0, the soul is eternal, thanks to the power of our lord, jesus christ


Kek wills it.

Fuck off back to your board.

How do they calculate the chance?

kek has spoken


Literally putting a bunch of code into a calculator and going from there. They don't measure it themselves. Also probability is bullshit.

That would be nice

If Le Pen wins the asteroid is going to hit sub-Saharan Africa

that's a big asteroid


>0.00000012% chance
even a 1% chance is a tiny one :^(

Still a better chance than winning the powerball.


>0, the soul is eternal, thanks to the power of our lord, satan

Run about constantly to increase velocity, thus increasing mass, thus increasing your gravitational pull, thus increasing the pull of the Earth on the meteorite, thus increasing the chances of it striking the Earth.