Explain to me why multiverse theory is any different than Theism?

Explain to me why multiverse theory is any different than Theism?

>based on nothing but feels
>not testable

And yet it's believed in by so many "scientists"?

Science can't tell us how the world is, only that it can't be certain ways. Multiverse is just one of many interpretations of QM that are mathematically feasible.

>Explain to me why multiverse theory is any different than Theism?
It's not.

>And yet it's believed in by so many "scientists"?
Well, so is theism.

because it makes abiogenesis feasible

have you consider data from Higgs bosom collected at LHC and where it can fit or not into Heisenberg's theory and Einstein's theory?

They should focus not on Multiverse or supersimetry, but in something between


Only because of your autistic butthurt refuses to let you accept it.

If you're not an expert in astrophysics and cosmology, multiverse theory is probably going to sound pretty dumb to you.

The issue with theism is that it tries to ascribe divine will to what are essentially human desires.

I have no issue if you believe in God. But when he starts telling you to do stuff, that's when I get concerned.

this can't be Veeky Forums, I must be in a nightmare and soon I'll wake up and all these idiots will be gone

>>based on nothing but feels
Just because you keep repeating that mantra doesn't make it true
>>not testable
...at will; neither is a lot of stuff in geology or astronomy
Well, "you can't prove nuffin".

Nope, science merely predicts the world and has no business telling or describing what the world really is or is not. That is left for philosophers.

Have you been asleep for the past hundred years? That's how all physics works now. Theories are based on math, not tests. If it turns out that reality doesn't agree with your narrative or predisposition, just append the theory with some bullshit wildcard excuse like "dark matter".


multiverse =/= many-worlds

One's based to the behaviors of particles. One's based on the behavior of pre-literate farmers.

it pretty much falls in the same catagory as theism although its more likely to be true because its even more vague

If you did prove it could you imagine the fucking backlash?

Warhammer fags screaching at you to get their hands on your portal device, Doctor who himself pops outta nowhere and takes it from you before you can commit evil.
Monsters etc from other dimensions, demons.
The God of the Omniverse catches you on his radar and declares you an "anomally" while at the same time balancing his love for creation against destruction and allowing you to traverse the multiverse.

The thing about deities and multiverse is that much like how we cannot percieve imaginary numbers, there are multiverse dead ends and time conflicts that destroy universes. God(s) on the other hand can only exist if there is some kind of order and so a God of dead ends is a paradox unto himself. I.e a God of Death is still a God.

What in the everliving fuck are you talking about?

Multiverse theory.

Yeah, not what that is.

Multiverse theory is, in the dumbest of explanations, a nice way to have a probability distributuion. No need to invoke gods or monsters or any of that. Just look at the probabilty distributions we get from particles, then suppose they're all realized. The end.

It's not a theory it's an interpretation to a framework.

>not testable
Incorrect, there's been a few people claim ways to test, if I remember rightly The Great Attractor is hypothesised to be the "next nearest universe". Also something, something, something CMB.

See above.

In the end it's not really science, just an interpretation to some science.

multiverse =/= many-worlds

Would your prefer quantum uncertainty? Because that's the only other alternative explanation for a multitude of observed results, but the multiverse theory is superior in the Occam's Razor sense.

1. you don't understand what the multiverse is.
2. it's not a theory, it's a hypothesis.
3. it's derived from physical occurrences and the Mathematics related to them, as with many things, something strange lurked within the the vast calculations, giving birth to ideas to explain thee lurking oddity.
4. many physicists outright dismiss it and claim that it is not worth scientific inquiry.

There is something there, though we likely will never be able to figure out what. The multiverse hypothesis is just that, a hypothesis.

If you won't do so much as read the wikipedia page on it, why make a thread.

Multiverse theory: Multiple Universes occuring all around us, all at once, including ones where time is a supposition and varies not only by size where numbers are real but also where numbers are imaginary...

Multiverse theory is basically the "It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit" version of God. What we could theoretically do with such a revelation of its existance would be as great as it is terrible with what we would be able to manipulate.

To put it bluntly. Imagine if Garrysmod was real except there is only one life and when you die you either go back to God and he patches you up more or less or you get sent or decide to go elsewhere.

Multiverse theory would be like where the left hand meets the right hand of God in physics. We would be able to pull shit out of place we never knew existed by ripping reality apart.

>based purely on feels

You got a better explanation for quantum mechanics?

On a level, theism is different because it's beyond a metaphysical level of the universe. Multiverse theory is still an entirely physics-bound concept.