Are there any books with a loving gay couple in it that will make me feel less cold in the world as a closeted...

Are there any books with a loving gay couple in it that will make me feel less cold in the world as a closeted homosexual? I've already read Brideshead Revisited.
I'm just looking for some characters that feel things similar to me that I can relate to.

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>I'm totally not a redpiller who wants another thread on Veeky Forums to shit on 'degenerates'

Post boipucci first

I promise I'm not, although I don't really know how I could prove that to you. I was in a bookshop today looking for books that meet my description, and I was going to get Death in Venice but seeing as (a) I wasn't mad on the prose style and (b) it isn't an actual relationship

post of pic of your gaping asshole, and I'll help you out, lad

I've only had a penis in my mouth so I doubt it's gaping

>Are there any books with a loving gay couple

You're looking for fiction - in every sense of the word.

>That webm

"a single man"

that's horrible

I don' know any but you could write one. Seems like something you're really passionate about


That's it.

Sorry user, I used to work in a bookstore and we had a section just for this but I can't remember any titles.

I also think the contemporary graphic novel scene is making for of this if you are into that.

Maybe Mishima's Confessions of a Mask? There seems to be a part with the main character as a teen in relationship, but it seems to have a sad ending.


OP is a faggot

Nigga where the fuck do you live? How can you be in the closet TODAY?


Go to tumblr you filthy degenerate

Most decent literature doesn't focus around loving/functional relationships, gay or straight. Considering homosexuals are ~3% of the population, the odds are even lower.
That said, the movie Weekend might by down your alley. Also a beautifully shot film.

Giovanni's Room is what you're looking for. Like light through ice


The Divine Comedy of Dante

Check out Another Country also by Baldwin. Set in Greenwich Village in the late 1950's everybody sleeps with everybody, straight and gay gets very blurry
the women characters never really come alive but the actor and his French boyfriend have some nice scenes together

gay "people" can't feel love

extreme lack of self esteem

Thank you. Based on the synopses of these books I think I'll check out Giovanni's Room (although it does sound quite upsetting) or perhaps A Little Life.

I would try. I'd really like to write but I can never come up with a fully fleshed-out plot –does anyone have advice for this?

Kill yourself, you fucking degenerate pedophile.

Where did you get the sense I'm a pedophile? I'm 18 and have only ever interacted sexually with someone the same age as me




i remember doing that one time, Veeky Forums gets really slow from time to time and you can easily time it

you still deserve some dots

What country are you in that you can't just be gay?


Check this book out, might help with your problem

a single man, although it's mainly about the one gay guy mourning the other one who died