A review of how to bomb the us govt (MDE book)

> The text and art pages are disorienting and scarring in the best way possible (Hamburger Man, political rants, bizarre layouts)
> did not expect there to be so many needlessly crude drawings.
> Seriously, it would be fine if there were like 10 or 20 of these scattered around, but literally every time you open the book you're like 2 or 3 pages away from something pointlessly obscene with no context. Like the helicopter twisting peoples heads off that looks like it was drawn by a twelve year old. It makes you feel sick, like watching Human Centipede.

I wanted a nice book for my coffee table but this thing is a hyperviolent/hypersexual schizo fever dream that will scare away anyone who doesn't know what to expect.

I'm glad you guys took the massive an amount of time/effort/money to produce something on this scale, but am sad I have no way of showing it to anyone that that doesn't have an iron stomach. I might edit the pdf into something a sensitive snowflake like myself would like, then bind my own print.

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Sam Hyde is a crypto-white nationalist.
Fuck him.

Sounds exactly like you'd expect with a title like that from mde

>but am sad I have no way of showing it to anyone that that doesn't have an iron stomach
fucking underage shit go away reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Stop shilling your lame book here, faggots!

Who were you expecting to show it to? Other autistic hentai fanatics in your engineering classes? Or were you going to try to arrange a tinder date and see if the girl was into crudely racist, angry political cartoons of Obama and bizarre 20th century nat-soc "humor"? But I guess it's at least politically incorrect, right?

read some real underground lit

And you stop shilling that book here too, double faggot!

From a quick flip through the book (ignoring the text), the book is ~700 pages long and I think it would be better removing ~70% of the drawings. Virtually all of the illustrations are almost out of their way made to look unpleasant, [like this or worse](gonzorz.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/my-sketch-of-me.jpg).
I only counted full-page illustrations. There's probably more little gems tucked away in the text.

pages with gfx I wouldn't show a cute girl: 34+ (stopped counting, separate to the below list)

pages with gfx I wouldn't show anyone: 30+, probably missed a few:

> a drawing of a naked chinese girl
> a gross drawing of a guy 'coupon pro'
> first 'hot quiz' drawing, a landscape with naked people except the sun and clouds and everything have [B]'s with fluids spewing everywhere
> 'adaptability breakdown' guy with half his face blown off by a man in a wheelchair
> crude picture of a guy saying 'whaddaya mean you dont want any rat pussy' girl lying naked in a pool of blood coming out of her vagina with rats crawling around it
> another drawing of this
> a picture of a giant hand grabbing a [B] with legs
> another drawing of a girl lying down with her vag exposed
> (15x) a picture of an anthropomorphized [ab roller, coffee maker, tobacco can, insole, e-cigarette, pizza, kombucha bottle, febreeze can, pill bottle, tire, tax software box, airplane, trash bag, yoga pants, gum packet] giving head to a man with a [B], all separate drawings, all practically the same
> gross intricately shaded drawings of a muscular woman holding sexual melons and an old woman with too little clothes on
> an abstract drawing of a woman with three boobs
> a guy bleeding through his butt sitting on a traffic cone, giving the guy in front of him a rectal exam or something
> 'white old dude kills/eats black person'
> guy grasping his penis with [A] behind him
> 'clit pounder' picture
> 'winner gets a picture of my dad's red hard on'
> (2x) helicopter twisting peoples heads/appendages off
> gay porn
> [A]
> crossdresser with penis head showing
> dead people with hairy buttholes exposed
> intricately shaded picture of a muscular girl crushing a fat texan's penis
> kid kross, sad crucified guy with small penis
> old woman with body parts exposed
> guy jerking off to a biplane
> gay porn
> some furry-type creature with a [B]
> gay porn
> [A]
> (2x) gay porn
> literally any page involving that disgusting fat person with flabby manboobs and gross spiky hair


> [A] 'a topless woman with a maggot infested vagina for a head'
> [B] 'giant veiny penis'

I really like Sam's book. I can really relate to it
Intelligent, nihilist with a wicked sense of humour

>needlessly crude
I think there's a need for it

If you don't like it, go back to re ddit.

Sam is the quintessential reddit user

We didn't fucking write that. Sam Hyde did. You got memed into reading a Veeky Forums book that Veeky Forums didn't even write.

Whats wrong racial nationalism? Racial hegemony would literally eliminate many of societies problems


Stop replying to yourself


Nice edit

The problem with racial nationalism is that in order to maintain racial hemogeny you have to opress or purge people not of that race. It also assumes some other form of conflict wouldn't arise to take place of racial conflicts

link to pdf?

So North Korea must be a utopia then?

I didnt say it would be a utopia i said it would elimenate many of societys problems. N korea has a whole host of its own problems


It would eliminate society as we know it at the same time, considering how many people you would have to day of the rope.

But that's what we want. Take a redpill

>The problem with racial nationalism is that in order to maintain racial hemogeny you have to opress or purge people not of that race.

Or you can just deport them and close the borders.

Let's take a historical example: the Edo Period in Japan was by far its most fruitful/innovative/rich/etc, yet also among its most isolated/foreigner-unfriendly periods.

Nah, Juche fucked it up. Japan is as close as we get to a utopia, however.