Well Veeky Forums... I have learned I am a brainlet. I failed Calc I twice after trying my best...

Well Veeky Forums... I have learned I am a brainlet. I failed Calc I twice after trying my best. What else can I major in besides engineering?

>I failed Calc I
Maybe you're Smart But Lazy™ ?

>american intelligence

No I really worked my ass off I just don't get it

You must have really bad learning techniques that rely on rote memorization of machinery rather than building up intuitive concepts. You should try to get a tutor / talk to the TA for the course a lot and make sure you can build up the logic of something in your head. Honestly, you should be able to do this. If you can't pass basic calc and that's the limit of your intellect, college is definitely not for you. Not necessarily a bad thing, but you'd then need to find out what you're good at (if it exists)

try better, see otherwise give up and go to gender studies or biology or something

watch Professor leonard

Describe "worked my ass off" what are you doing in your studies? What are you have trouble with? Taking derivatives?

What problems do you have with it? Have you seen 3blue1browns series on calc?

What did you actually have trouble with? Was it taking the derivatives? Applying the derivatives to something like a funnel problem? How did you actually study?

What dod you ultimately want to do after calc 1?

If you really cant hack it (after trying what others have suggestef) go join a trade -this assumes your are not a trust fund kid in school for the experience. If you are in college for the experience, maybe art or philosophy is more your speed.

I hear Gender Studies is a hot field.

I don't think you can do anything without Calc 1. Even stuff like Business require it.

well at least you're honest with yourself

You can do some cognitive science, like psychology or linguistics. Not everyone is cut out for the physical sciences.

quit college.

learn on your own.

go back until you actually want to study.


But I mean Calc 1 is the most basic. It is a high school course for many. It isn't just physical sciences that use it. Stuff like Economics and Business require it. I wouldn't be surprised if Linguistics required it. It is often a required class for many students to transfer from a community college to a university.

I'm in linguistics and we don't use calc, we mostly use discrete math. So if you can pull off logic, set theory, graph theory, etc, you'd be fine.

If you can understand the concepts and do the math but can't remember the steps then I suggest cheating

Latin american studies
Gender studies

>If you can understand the concepts and do the math but can't remember the steps

>If you can understand the concepts and do the math but can't remember the steps

What the fuck is this word salad supposed to mean?

Plumbing maybe?

He could make good coin if he pursues that and has the capital to open his own plumbing company

I found this book helped me get it. It starts from a dot, to a line and explains everything from there