Guys, I fucked up for like several months in a row. How clean this?

Guys, I fucked up for like several months in a row. How clean this?

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pretty hard to assess from such a low definition image to be honest OP

buy a really nasty cleaning product and some gloves and something to scrub with. I'd use dynafoam but there are plenty of options.

Throw it out and get a new one
WA LA ez pz

409 degreaser. Just buy new metal bowls that go under the burner not eeven worth the hassle for those.

Get some cloths that you are ok ruining and some carb cleaner (not brake cleaner it wont be strong enough) spray with carb cleaner, scrub, repeat until clean.

Heads up, the fumes are pretty strong

>next time user turns on his stove

Hire a spic. they come cheap.

2 parts ajax, 1 part water
smear the ajax paste on and let sit
scrub with brillo pad

Bar keepers friend. Put a little water all over the stove. Pour that shit in and mix it a little and it makes a semi-paste and then just let it sit for a couple hours.

Easy-peasy. Just use this:

Just blast that shit with Easy-Off. Used it to clean up a worse stove than that. Make sure you wear gloves even when you're spraying it though cause it'll easy-off your fucking flesh.

if steel wool won't scratch it, use that. i use it whenever i have to clean my stove and it pretty much takes everything off really easily.

Do all you stupid fucking autists fall for bait every time ?

Is this in a rental? My last apartment complex would spray paint the stove tops of previous tenants with super high-hat tolerant coating so it would be all nice and white for the next tenant. After like a week of cooking my shit looked like this.

Solution? Razor blade scraper thing.

This has never failed me.

just buy a new stove
what are you? a poorfag?

Fucking brillo dude.
Steel wool.

Clorox lemon wipes should be used on the hood and anywhere else grease has landed, they destroy it.
Don't breathe this.

>have a similar stove top where the elements have those gaps
>mice go in there at night

easy off, or just some cheap soapy sos/brillo pads. they don't really scratch the surface and cleaned up stove perfectly.

>Get some Easy Off
>Spray into a bag
>Place head into bag
>Take deep breath and hold

No more mess that is your life

>>mice go in
no dude they live in there

get a steam cleaner and some paper towels


Ammonia should do the trick

>How clean this?

Baking soda and vingear. Pour baking soda on the area, then add vingear on top. Be careful because it WILL find. Let it sit for half an hour or more. You can also just put baking soda, water, and vinegar in a spray bottle, spray on the stove, and let it sit. Wet dryer sheets to the area will work as well, I'd do both if it's been like that for months tho.

this, barkeepers friend is really good for this type of shit

White Vinegar + Elbow Grease

Bleach + ammonia should do the trick

A grenade.

Or this

>dampen salt with vinegar
>scrub with scouring pad and salt
>wash with dish soap

soap and magic eraser... and elbow grease.

OP, you know that whole thing lifts up right?

Look for youtube videos about how to take it apart.

When it is that bad it might be easier to just soak the whole top in a bathtub.

Isnt carb cleaner mostly acetone? Wouldnt it just flash off after he's done?

OP, please post after picture.

My OCD and anxiety are on edge until this left parenthesis is closed with its mate.


soak with a sponge with soapy water and let sit for ten minutes. Then you will need some elbow grease and baking soda to scrub that off.

I cook a lot and have to clean my stove top every couple of weeks. Soaking then scrubbing works for 99% of stuff.

how in the fuck do you even manage to cock up a surface that badly

do you animals just neglect to take ten fucking minutes to wipe down the stovetop every time you're done using it using or something

I don't even brush my teeth dude

Have you tried not fucking up?

Try one drop dawn dish detergent mixed with 2 tbs o baking soda and enough water to make a paste. Smear on mess and let dry completely scrub with wet sponge and toothbrush. Works perfectly on situations like this

Holy shit don't do this it'll make cyanide gas



Uh, I think you meant chloroform. Op, would just get a little sleepy.

It's two bases it wouldn't do anything

Okay This is a common one.

First of all get lemon juice. Pure lemon juice. Spread that over the surface and let it sit so the acid breaks it down. Then pour over boiling hot water and once it has cooled down enough for you to handle scrub it with steel wool and a cleaning product if still necessary.