What is worse?

Someone who doesn't like to read, in fact, have not read a book in his life besides the ones that were assigned in school to him?

Or someone that read frequently and his favorites books are books like Harry Potter and Stephen King's? He also thinks that Quixote and Garcia Marquez are boring shit.

Which is worse?
An empty parcell or one with a badly built house?

None of those things impact you. Stop being an elitist pseud


What exactly is wrong with Harry Potter? If the books were bad they wouldn't be popular, no?


what exactly is bad in Harry Potter?

You're the faggot here. Despising mainstream culture is a healthy thing.
That said, I don't think either are inherently bad. When HP fans try to pass their literary knowledge as that of classical, or if they claim to know anything about literature at all, having read only HP and fanfics, yes that's lame. But if they are reasonably humble there's no problem.

Same with guys who don't read at all. There's lots to do in today's world, and reading isn't mainstream note, so who can blame them. But if they're smug about it, punch them in the nose

depends on what the non-reader does in his spare time. I know people who don't read much and are into something else like film or music, but are still pretty smart in their area of interest

>What exactly is wrong with Justin Beiber? If his music was bad it wouldn't be popular, no?

>what exactly is bad in Harry Potter?
It's a lame book with no deep meaning? It is too popular for what it is, and fans praise it more than it deserves whilst if they tried any other works they'd enjoy it more.

But it's popular so they fanboy

The important thing is you found a way to feel superior to other people

I don't know, you tell me.

I'm not trying to be elitist, I'm one of those two people

What a feminine view. It's perfectly healthy to despise mainstream culture.

If you're on Veeky Forums it's obvious you're the first one, so why bother posing the question

I don't believe anyone here as read a book in their life including me

none of the listed options are worse than people who reply to this thread without typing 'sage' into the options field

Aren't the feminists the ones who despise mainstream culture? Geez, you're all in a fuddle.

literally whos

It's not healthy to despise anything. Let it all wash over.

Feminists aren't feminine.

get out?

if the person 1 uses his time learning something valuable of course its better
because person 2 isn't learning nothing at all, is just distracting itself, fleeing away from reality


Like all women, you can't judge all feminists as one way.

Why do you care so much about these people? You are wasting you're time caring.

>no deep meaning?
Do books really need this to be considered good?
>It is too popular for what it is
Not a reason to hate it

Consuming the stuff shat out by the cultural industries is the most certain way of wasting your existence and becoming a useful robot. In the grand scheme of things, you are unlikely to have any impact on the way society will function moving forward, so it seems to me that the only option you have on an individual basis is to discipline yourself into developing good taste.

Or become an hermit.