Is gender a spook?

Is gender a spook?

It's a huge spook. Think how many things people do or avoid doing just because they're considered "manly" or "feminine." That being said, it doesn't mean there's no such thing as inherent masculinity and femininity.

Women's activities like peeing as a team or spending hours fretting over hair/makeup have absolutely zero interest for me. I can't think of anything I'm sad to be excluded from as a guy.

2 spooks

No, but doing things because they are associated with your gender are. Like described.

Gender is a man made categorization, based mostly on sex and influencing historical roles.
This is why Transgender people have no problem identifying as something else, because it's just a category you are put in or put yourself in.
If a "guy" wants to be a "girl" and likes dicks or doesn't or whatever then whatever.
I'm not calling anyone xe instead of he though, that shits fucking stupid.

what does spook mean?

>Transgender people have no problem identifying

Then why do they all kill themselves after some years ?


Loli stirner a cute

Your mom is a spook

Because they believe that "gender identity" is an actual thing that exists within them and that they will feel at peace when they start LARPing as the sex traditionally associated with the "gender identity" that they believe themselves to have.
The illusory identity that they have made for themselves is of course a caricature built out of whatever they can superficially draw from the other sex - cultural stereotypes and aesthetics - and it has nothing to do with any essential qualities of the individuals belonging to that sex or their experiences, nor has it anything to do with their own general predicament in life.
The realization of this must be soul-crushing for someone who has greatly invested themselves into this supposedly liberating ideology.

Why do gay people kill themselves after some years?

You mean behaving in a certain way because you're a male or female in order to conform to social norms? Yes.
Inventing non-existent genders and thinking gender is subjective? No, that's just being mentally retarded special snowflake.


I identify as a spook


/pol/ pls go

That is a nice picture you saved but it doesn't really apply here. Nobody is talking about hambeasts making excuses.

No. Gender is biological.

Really, this. Transgender people have depression. Letting then transition to the gender they delude themselves into being is inhumane.

Glad you mentioned it. Now we'll stop doing it



My 2 tranny cents: Gender is a social construct comprised of feedback between social role/behavioral interpretations and perceived/physiological sex.

>That being said, it doesn't mean there's no such thing as inherent masculinity and femininity.

Yes it does. They're contrived not inherent

You don't need to mention you're a tranny. It doesn't add anything to the discussion. Rest of your statement is pretty good and I have never thought about gender that way

I wonder if there are any right-wing people here that into Stirner, and if so how do they reconcile the idea of Spooks with their hatred of identity politics, which are inherently iconoclastic ?


You are both fucking retarded, go to /lgbt/ and educate yourselves on why people transition instead of sprouting this bullshit.

I'm sure the right-wing hates stirner because he takes a lot of their beliefs to their logical conclusion. Which is ugly as hell

I was going to mention something that made it relevant, but hesitated on wording.

It's an idea that isn't particularly popular in trans circle, since it doesn't serve to validate the miasma of individualist microgendering. It's one of the main reasons I can't stand trans politics.

>Go to Cuba and educate yourselves on why Socialism works

could you give a cliffsnotes? I'm not either of those guys, I do care kind of about trans reasonings for being trans but not enough to go to /lgbt/ for a few days until someone decides to bring it up

Holyshit, get yourself help faggot

the right-wing plays with identity politics now, it has nothing to do with facts or reason, whoever is the most charismatic wins.

Now you got me curious

Completely retarded analogy, but that's not a big surprise.
Then make a thread and ask about it.

Actual trans people (not tumblr special snowflakes) transition due to body dysphoria, that's literally the reason, not because they want to cosplay as an anime girl inrl.

Who wouldn't want to transition to cosplay as an anime girl IRL?

>Actual trans people (not tumblr special snowflakes)
>Implying there's a difference

It's time to go back to your containment board.

isn't body dysphoria a mental illness, which is exactly what (whom you quoted) said?

And guess how you treat it? The answer might surprise you.


I meant the idea that you thought was relevant but hesitated on wording. Never mind

cognitive behavioral therapy.

Oh wait, you mean irreversible genital mutilation and hormonal overdoses which are not scientifically evidenced to do anything for the subject's mental state. Yes that makes much more sense

>which are not scientifically evidenced to do anything for the subject's mental state
Where did you get that idea from? Btw 'scientifically evidenced' isn't a particularly grammatically sound term.

Since when has /pol/ been worried about the wellbeing of trans people?

I actually tried CBT for sex dysphoria. It gave me panic attacks.

>cognitive behavioral therapy
Yeah, that one is "scientifically evidenced" to work, that's why all the trans people go for it rather than transitioning kek


Holyshit people on here actually believe in that "science"

Next thing you'll probably say electroshock therapy is scientifically sound

I'm not sure if you are ware but even if you aren't transgender and just want to remove your cock and balls you will be allowed to do it if you manage to convince your psychiatrist that it will improve your mental well being. That's why it's so hilarious to watch tards like you throwing a hissy fit over trannies.

>what is sexual dimorphism

thanks for all the (You)'s guys, I've been thirsty over the last few days with the new system

Gender is only a 'spook' in women, who (in general) feel an inclination to become 'womanly' or follow the 'womanic' lifestyle. This contrasts to the man, who doesn't bother with such things as the woman (whose clothings, make-ups, etc are addenda, rather than authentic aspects of their being). Men also have addenda, but such aren't in the scope of their 'performing' gender, whereas the womens' are.

Yeah more or less. It's a spectrum. That said, fuck that image conscious bullshit. I want to identify as a dragon. You see how ridiculous social identities and chosen pronouns are?


ur a dumbass

>transitioning instead of actually fixing your own mental illness
>irreversibly, unnaturally changing your body and hoping you don't regret it in the future
You degenerate fucks are being scammed into doing expensive, dangerous medical procedures by the greedy medical industry

>hurr I'm retarded what is gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, retard. Its a delusion.

>hurr I'm retarded and can't be bothered to read as much as a wikipedia article about things I'm talking about

What's your point?

That you are a retard.

I want to learn more than I know now because my lack of understanding of the world gives me anxiety. Does this mean I have mental dysphoria? Should I get therapy to help me just bee myself?

Different gametes = different optimal mating strategies = gender.

If it didn't already exist, it would quickly evolve.


Identity politics hinges on a mutual desire for the power of the group identified with, rather than the cardinal acceptance of one's own power in the world. In identity politics, the creative nothing is reduced to a mere 'identity' which all political action (and note: the action in this sense is based in the mass, rather than the individual) is done from.

Miu-chan dressed up as Stirner is a spooking my penis if that's what you mean

>there's no such thing as inherent masculinity and femininity
can giving birth be masculine?
does taking hormones change your chromosomes, or is every single cell in your body the sex you were born as, and you're just deluding yourself with what the World Health Organization classifies as mental illness?

My experience of sex derives from my phenotype. Transition changes that. I didn't expect anything more.

I feel like this is bait. Do you not realize your genotype is what determines your phenotypical sex? The word "gender" in psychology is a spook invented by the pedophile, John Money. The word "sex" in biology is not.

Kill yourself.

Read it again, faggot

I have schizophrenia and I am genuinely Julius Caesar, reborn, my psychiatrist and given me the go ahead to physically remodel my entire body on his(my) image.

A progressive age we live in.

>go to /lgbt/ and educate yourselves on why people transition instead of sprouting this bullshit.

Because of autogynephilia

>atheistic numale marxist
>believes in debunked unscientific 19th century social environmentalism
>denies evolution in everything that contradicts his human tabula rasa bullshit

really makes u thingk

dangerous analogy, but interesting topic for another discussion

Gender roles are a spook.

We all put on costumes dictating how we want to be seen by others.

If we reverted to primordial conditions of man, we'd see how gay little gender identity politics would hold up. sexual dimorphism > your modern bourgeois ideology