Is the order of operations arbitrary?

Is the order of operations arbitrary?

Yes, in physics we call them the canonical order of operations.

Yes, if we changed the order we'd just need to write the equations in a different order (lol) but the underlying logic is the same in any base system/order of operations/language etc.
Because math is discovered not invented


Not really, brackets/parenthesis are used for the sole purpose of saying "hey, do this first", division is just multiplication of inverses so they deserve to be on the same tier, and subtraction is just addition of inverses so they also deserve to be on the same tier. Multiplication/division comes before addition/subtraction because multiplication is just repeated addition, so doing addition before multiplication pretty much ruins the point of having multiplication in the first place.

It's completely arbitrary and I don't understand why we teach it. Write everything in fractions and use brackets if you need to.

Wuts pi*2.7 as repeated adittion.

absolutely btfo

How do order of operations apply to hyperoperations (repeated exponentiation etc.)?
Is it just which one has the most layers goes first?

you add pi 2.7 times

Simple, just multiply the Cauchy sequences of pi and 2.7. This reduces to multiplication of rational numbers. To multiply the rational members of the Cauchy sequences, multiply numerator to form the product numerator and denominator to form the product denominator. This reduces to multiplication of integers, which is simply repeated addition.

what you just as arbitrary, and unwarranted.

what you just described is just as arbitrary*

That form uses a division notation in terms of fractions though which is a much better notation than BODMAS. I suppose you can mix the two, but it will look like a mess
Yea I know, but it baffles me the emphasis we put on it considering that in most cases I encountered, I never use that convention but it's even in some SATs. It's bs.

well, fractions is basically just division with the numerator and denominator assumed to be in brackets.

order of operations only exist because of lazy bracket notation

Of course it is. But it has to be the way it is for the maths to be correct

>Multiplication/division comes before addition/subtraction because multiplication is just repeated addition, so doing addition before multiplication pretty much ruins the point of having multiplication in the first place.
How does that follow?

No it doesn't.

>because multiplication is just repeated addition
So what's multiplication by 3.2?

pi + ... + pi (27 pis) / 10

wuts pi times e?

8.5, give or take
