A vegan diet is more healthy and natural!

>a vegan diet is more healthy and natural!
>even though we have to take supplements daily to avoid deficiencies!

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm no vegan but I'm pretty sure you don't have to take supplements. Meat doesn't contain any mysterious nutrients you can't get anywhere else.

A simple google would prove you wrong

Which is exactly why you haven't provided one, correct?

Vegans can have issues getting enough b12 in their diets. Taking a supplement is commonplace.

I stand corrected

it's quite difficult to get B12 without animal products. it's a molecule that's only made by bacteria, not plants or animals. herbivores absorb it from the bacteria in their guts, but we're not capable of that, so we have to eat herbivores to get it

Commonplace doesn't mean "have to". Many foods are fortified with B12

This is how vegans kill their kids. A vegan didn't realize they needed B12 supplements just to survive, yet they are permitted to raise an innocent dependent child as a vegan. It's the equivalent of someone being permitted to torture a dog. That shit burns my ass.

Just because the supplement is mixed into the food before you buy it doesn't mean it isn't a supplement.

>no need for supplements!
>just supplemented foods!

Oh so you're just shitposting about semantics. I'm guessing you have absolutely zero qualms about how most farm raised animals are constantly supplemented with various vitamins as well.

Do you also not own a refrigerator? Are you not actually using a computer but the own natural chalkras within your own body?

>makes a shitpost ragging on vegan diets
>doesn't know about nutritional yeast

fuck off

>just shitposting about semantics

>zero qualms about how most farm raised animals are constantly supplemented with various vitamins
yep, because the OP's operative phrase was "have to".

also, I spotted the vegan.

nutrition yeast is also supplemented with b12

>have to

Which you don't. Fortified foods aren't supplements and you don't need to take fortified foods or supplements everyday.

Also, I spotted the fat lardo piece of shit. Aren't I funny?

user the OP didn't use the phrase "every day"

And I didn't call you a failed abortion.


i take a lot of medicine because my body is naturally sick

if you hate science that improves life for no other reason than it's not 'natural!' you should just go shit in the woods already


b-12 is the only supplement required and the only reason it's required is because our living conditions are so sanitary. If our produce wasn't so meticulously cleaned before being delivered to us then it would be covered in b-12 producing bacteria and give us all we need.

>Grazing animals pick up B12 and bacteria that produce it from the soil at the roots of the plants they eat.


>be human living naturally
>dig up roots and tubers for dinner
>shake off the dirt and give them a quick rinse before cooking and eating them
>get plenty of b-12

The idea that it's "unnatural" to have to take a supplement to be vegan is missing the bigger point: it's only necessary because our living conditions are "unnatural". Also, a vegan diet being more healthy has nothing to do with it being "natural" and everything to do with the past three or four decades of nutrition studies and clinical research.

Like, it's been repeatedly proven at this point that you can literally reverse heart disease by putting people on vegan diets. That doesn't mean you're morally obligated to become a vegan but it does mean that you should think of animal foods in the same way you think of sugar or alcohol: they're fun to consume and they taste good but they're not very healthy and you need to consider the extent to which you're willing to risk your health in exchange for brief sensual pleasure.

I hope you and all your fucking family die in a fire


>what is reading comprehension?

Not entirely true. Naturally we'd get B12 from dirt on our food, but our soil today is an unreliable source, so that's why vegans should supplement. (I personally don't even take a B12 supplement though because there are so many fortified foods I eat that have plenty of it.)

There are vegans however who get their B12 from unwashed organic veggies. But in my opinion everyone should be supplementing B12 to be safe. Believe it or not, animal products are not actually a reliable source either.

Also, meat eaters are on average more deficient in nutrients than vegans: nutritionfacts.org/video/omnivore-vs-vegan-nutrient-deficiencies-2/

They sell vegan hot dogs at parks, you nitwit.

(If it's actually a non-vegan hot dog that guy can rot though.)

Reminds me of this meme.

Thank you for this.


ITT: meat eaters BTFO.


b-12 isn't washed off you shitposting anemic retard

This unnatural life we live increased our general lifespans by nearly two fold. If you were still innawoods yes you could be getting your B12 naturally, but you'd die of a hundred different things because of it.

The only thing that a good vegan diet cannot provide is b12 which you can fucking get from dirt. Try again.

>Eating fortified foods is not taking supplements
No, it's eating foods fortified with supplements. Oh wait, that's the same thing.

You're still taking supplements, otherwise you'd eat normal, unfortified foods if you didn't need them.

when will this meme end

>vegans look like holocaust victims lmao

like i kinda agree but still

I've literally never met a vegan who at all resembled a holocaust victim and I've met literally thousands so I have no idea where this stereotype is even coming from.

Look at all these retarded bastards on this thread. Durrrr, if I don't eat animal produce I'll save the world!

you def deserve a fucking band for posting spongebob on ck you deserve a fuckin ban for this fuckin post you fckn faggot

You don't seem to understand how a capitalist economy works.

If you stop giving money to an industry that's destroying the world and tortures animals, they have less power. If you convince other people to join you, much less. If you decide to give money to companies you approve of, they'll control the new economy after enough people start supporting them instead of the industry that's destroying the world.

If you continue giving your money to the industry destroying the world and torturing animals, then you are destroying the world and torturing animals. Hiring a hitman is still murder.

One vegan isn't going to save the whole world, and none made such a claim, but they are likely helping to build the new economy that will save the world, and they're helping demolish the one that's destroying it.

Funnily enough non-vegans commonly have way more deficiencies than vegans.´That "BUT WHAT ABOUT B12" thing is just stupid. Also you can take a bigger dose once per week.

However I also don't think vegan is the best diet for health.

I'm considering becoming vegan, because of shitty medical problems.

>Diabetes means less carbs
>Chronic gout means I have to avoid meats

It fucking sucks. Feels like the only shit I have left that's 'good' for me is boring ass lettuce and vegetables.

Or you can alternatively look around compromises and give your money to your local butcher or whatever local market and buy local meat coming from a farm not very far from your city.

This mentality of the extremes is fucking retarded.

Vegetables are carbs though. You can still eat many things, just make sure it's rather low GI and low in saturated fat. Make yourself a nice salad with chicken strips, see if you can eat wholemeal bread/pasta and so on. No need to give up on good food because of betes.

don't be an idiot, kid

explain it for us then, like we're all little babies who instead of disagreeing with you, 'just don't get it'

Shiiiiit, I'm an omnivore, and I still have to take supplements to avoid deficiencies. I have chronic anemia, chronic vitamin D deficiency, and chronic vitamin B12 deficiency. So have have to take supplements for those. The anemia I've had since I was a teenager, but the other two developed as I got older, because the older you get, the more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you'll develop.

Also, people need to remember that much of our plant based food isn't as nutritious as it was 50 years ago. The soil is depleted. And even though farmers rotate crops, fertilize, irrigate, and deep plow to turn it over and mix in, the soil still won't have the complete nutrients it should.
Growing you're own garden is still the best way to get the freshest, most nutritious vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts. Of course, not everyone can do that, so your next best bet is the farmer's market or local farm stands. After that, you have to take what you can get at grocery stores.

>vegan masturbating loudly in text form

Yes, that's certainly better than buying factory farmed meat. You're doing good.

lol your example of how vegans kill their kids is based on a guy who's not a vegan and as such didn't know about B12 deficiency. The babies who have died due to their diet is a very small number. Babies die all the time due to parental negligence and no one cares. A handful die due to their negligence taking the form of veganism and everyone jumps up in joy because they don't like vegans and can mentally rebut the sanctimonious hot vegan girl the next time she tries to get you to order vegan.

Non-vegans have vitamin deficiencies too, that's very true. The reason vegan vitamin deficiencies are a bigger deal is that they're much more severe. This is because even if you eat junk food you'll get enough vitamins to survive even though you might be deficient, but it's very possible for a vegan to have a severe enough vitamin deficiency to die.

>hot vegan girl irl

You might as well say you're breeding unicorns as pets irl.

>uhh vegans diet can't be healthy because they eat supplements
>brb eating my food with iodised salt

This is something someone who has done absolutely no research says (I used to suggest people buy "humanely raised" meat myself so please don't get butthurt).

Local doesn't mean shit, "humane", doesn't mean shit in most cases. Animals are abused regardless of the labels. Regardless of what the farmers say. I worked with farmers, they're liars. They'll say they treat their animals with respect to customers, but amongst themselves they laugh about hurting animals as if it makes them tough or their suffering is somehow funny. Farmers are stupid creatures, and they get a kick out of showing their "power" by hurting innocent animals. I could get deep into the psychology of it but just know, this is labeled "humane":

On another note, why the fuck does Veeky Forums keep thinking I'm a robot?

I'm in a vegan group on Facebook and I thought I had some weird thing where I absorb non-heme iron better than heme iron, because I was always deficient in iron as a meat eater, but when I went vegan that was cured and I'm getting called like every other week to give blood donations (partly because they say I have very healthy blood and plasma, but probably mostly because I'm a universal donor).

But anyway, my point was, on the vegan group I saw there were a ton of other vegans saying going vegan cured there anemia as well. I don't know the science behind it, and I know it's anecdotal, but it seems like something that might be worth looking into for you.

Vitamin D is the only one I still get deficient in sometimes, but I was always deficient as a meat eater anyway. It's because I always wear long sleeves and jeans and am indoors most of the time, and don't supplement or eat things like mushrooms very often. Everything else I'm good with though.

>I worked with farmers, they're liars. They'll say they treat their animals with respect to customers, but amongst themselves they laugh about hurting animals as if it makes them tough or their suffering is somehow funny. Farmers are stupid creatures, and they get a kick out of showing their "power" by hurting innocent animals.

You're a sick and disturbed individual who has never even MET a farmer. YOU are the worst kind of human, spreading horrible misinformation to try and make others as sick in the head as you are. SEEK HELP.
And just to refute your sick and twisted lies:
1. Farmers and ranchers care deeply about their livestock, and do everything they can to protect it, because that's their bread and butter. They don't want sick, injured, inbred, or abused animals, because that will affect whether their livestock is purchased and whether they have a good reputation as a seller. The exception to this is factory farming, but that's not FARMERS, that's CORPORATIONS.
2. Most farmers and ranchers have degrees in agriculture, not all, but most.
3. Farmers and ranchers are required to attend FDA and County Extension office classes and courses in different topics like land management, livestock disease, water conservation, pest control, fertilization, irrigation, etc. If they don't attend, they don't get their licenses to buy certain products they need, which are issued by the county.

You're distance from reality is so dangerous, people like you should have a gag order.

You clearly haven't met many vegans.

I don't know what it is but all the vegan girls I know look like fucking supermodels. I'm average looking but I feel like a hag around them. I only know of one ugly vegan female honestly - a famous youtube vegan whose videos I haven't watched even though apparently she makes really good points because I just know I wouldn't share her videos anyway because she has atrocious fashion sense and kind of looks like a tattooed turtle. And since meat eaters latch on to any negative stereotype they can justify against vegans, I'd rather not share her videos.

Resisting the urge to share photos of my gorgeous vegan friends out of respect for their privacy...

I will NEVER be a vegan so fuck you and fuck off. My anemia has nothing to do with my diet, it's CHRONIC, and it's HEREDITARY.



mah nigga

But somehow they still want ag-gag laws so you cant report how the animals are treated.

Pretty funny, if they really treated them so well.


>instead of doing something that is both bad and avoidable just do it in a more round about and may or may not be just slightly better

Or you can alternatively look around compromises and give your money to your local dog fighting ring or whatever local market and watch local bull fighting coming from a farm not very far from your city.

This mentality of the extremes is fucking retarded.

It's getting hard to tell when people are trolling because my vegan friends will make posts like this sarcastically often, but I know it's based on people who actually believe this shit lol.

I've met loads of farmers. Mostly "humane" farmers, but also factory farmers, government inspectors, and undercover investigators.

Farmers do not give two shits about their livestock. They're objects. They'll fatten them up and kind of try to keep them alive til they're fat enough, but anything else is bullshit propaganda perpetuated by dipshits who want to feel all cozy about their food choices so they don't care to research.

"Humane" farmers are just as likely to deliberately hurt animals as factory farm workers. I've seen it with my own eyes. Laughing about twisting a bird's neck because they pecked at another hen, then watching it slowly die. Kicking animals out of the way, mocking the way the animals bodies jerk around when they die, etc. Farmers are so fucking retarded they get pleasure out of feeling smarter than the animals. Any justification of abuse basically comes down to, "Hurr durrr it's just a dumb fucking animal."

It's a sub-culture that takes pride in hurting animals as if it makes someone tough. The same as game hunting. Same as people taking pride in being born a certain color. They have no personal qualities they can be proud of so they find these trivial innate characteristics to brag about as if they mean something.

And again, watch that video of a humane hatchery. There are countless more undercover investigations of "humane" farms if you actually want to learn.

Holy fuck I was only trying to help. Calm your autism.

>On another note, why the fuck does Veeky Forums keep thinking I'm a robot?
It has to do with your cursor movement. Try not moving your mouse after you click the button


Also this.

>I have anemia
>I don't want to be a vegan


Stop posting on Veeky Forums.

>Farmers do not give two shits about their livestock. They're objects. They'll fatten them up and kind of try to keep them alive til they're fat enough, but anything else is bullshit propaganda perpetuated by dipshits who want to feel all cozy about their food choices so they don't care to research.
>"Humane" farmers are just as likely to deliberately hurt animals as factory farm workers. I've seen it with my own eyes. Laughing about twisting a bird's neck because they pecked at another hen, then watching it slowly die. Kicking animals out of the way, mocking the way the animals bodies jerk around when they die, etc. Farmers are so fucking retarded they get pleasure out of feeling smarter than the animals. Any justification of abuse basically comes down to, "Hurr durrr it's just a dumb fucking animal."

Take a GOOD LONG LOOK people, this is what vegan lies and propaganda looks like.

Your a vile, evil human being who knows NOTHING about farmers. You're spreading lies and propaganda to try and appeal to people's emotions, because you want everyone else to have the same mental disorder you do. (Vegans fucking LOVE drama). I'm an 8th generation rancher, bitch, and not only would I love to beat the shit out of you, but my livestock and my wild game stock is 100000000 times more important than you or your sick little vegan friends.
VEGANISM IS A MENTAL ILLNESS. And someday, it will be classified as such in the DSM by the American Psychiatric Association.

I THINK you should FUCK off.

So you're angry at him because his way of life is making you make less money okay got it

I think YOU are mentally ill and should go fuck yourself.

You insufferable vegan evangelical hypocrite. I suppose you never saw the episode of "Mind of a Chef" when that wierdass scandinavian Mangus whatever, goes to a local duck farmer and the fucker walks down the road petting the duck then quickly flips his wrist and breaks its neck. Instant death. Then he tells Mangus, that he's really thinking about giving it up because the pain of killing them after humanely raising them is getting to be a bit much for the little amount of profit he gets.

You are trully insufferable. I hunt and kill a minimum of 2 deer and multiple squirrels and rabbits every year and I think I speak for most hunters, that the kill is the worst part of the hunt.

Stop projecting a false sinister serial killer mentality on people who care for animals humanely for meat or hunt responsibly. You fuckers are as bad as alt-right false factoidals.


its hereditary that means changing my diet will have NO potential effect on it

No, I'm angry because he's spreading lies and propaganda. I'll make the same amount of money as I always do, regardless of how many vegans there are, because there will always be people who eat meat, and who like to hunt game. Vegans don't affect my bottom line at all. It's the sick and twisted propaganda that's the problem.

>that deflection

Can you admit that it is possible that they're telling the truth and you're just getting butthurt because you feel lumped in with all the farmers who abuse their animals?

I thinks it's stretching it a bit saying that when people boycut your industry, it won't hurt your bottom line at all.

Though with all the state subsidies animal agriculture gets, it's probably true.

You're not giving an "honest opinion" at all, you sick little fuck. You're pushing propaganda as fact, not opinion. This is how I know you're mentally ill. You can't even tell the difference anymore, you're just crazy.
And yes, I love the animals I raise. They get the best care possible. But, they are still livestock and they are raised for a purpose.

I already made the distinction between farmers and factory farming which is done by corporations. I'm against factory farming and always have been. Maybe that pissy little bitch should learn the difference before spouting off a bunch of idiotic propaganda.

What definition of love entails "kills for money"? And are you going to totally disregard all the evidence of animal abuse on farms? It's not really that hard to google and find.

Nope, doesn't hurt my bottom line at all. I'm a private stock rancher, I don't belong to a corporate conglomerate. My income depends on my animals and where the livestock prices rise and fall. The main thing that's hurt my bottom line in recent years is the drought, which has affected fodder and hay growth.

You can't love animals and at the same time kill them for no reasons. Even if you actually didn't abuse them somehow (doubtful), you'd still be taking their lives from them when they're probably still babies, sending them to a slaughterhouse where there's a guarantee some of them will be improperly stunned and go through the dismembering/scalding process fully conscious. (Studies and videos done on this I can give you if you want proof.)

All for absolutely no reason.

Here's my genuine advice for you - start thinking about other careers. The demand for meat is dropping, and if it hasn't hit you yet, it will eventually. Even producers like Tyson are saying veganism is the future. Meat companies are investing in veganism because they realize it's their only hope for staying in business in the future.

So you're bottom line does not have anything to do with how much of a product you sell? I'm not really following you here.

Oh you little precious snowflake. Do you where you live? Do you know how this planet works? FUCK OFF.

honestly it sounds like you should just go vegan

>implying implying implying

You don't know shit about how a ranch is run, how livestock is raised, or what the future holds. All you know is the propaganda videos and articles you get from your overly precious little vegan websites.
Yeah, I'm sure there's assholes who abuse animals out there, just like there's assholes that abuse children and women out there. But people like YOU are just as bad. You're a liar and a shit-stirrer. If we lived in Salem in the 1600s, you'd be one of the first to cheer burning witches just to get rid of people you didn't like.

I told you, I've worked with lots of "humane" farmers, and there are plenty of undercover investigations and standard practices in "humane" farms that qualify as animal abuse.

Grinding up live chicks - standard practice even in "humane" hatcheries. Stealing calves from their mothers immediately after birth - standard practice, branding - standard, and I could go on.

But below all these standard practices lies the subculture of farmers. People who have desensitized themselves to the animals suffering because they're "food". People who have deluded themselves to the point of feeling proud of abusing animals. This is a common defense mechanism regardless of whether it's a factory farm or a "humane" farm. The very thing people should be ashamed of, they delude themselves into thinking is an honorable thing.

Yes, but I sell roughly the same amount of animals every year. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but it averages out. This is what I mean, you people have no idea how things actually work, but feel superior enough to assume, imply, and insult people who do.

I think all of those things you mention are indeed horrible. But not every "Farm" is like what you mention.

I buy most of my pork from a small family-run farm. They have about two dozen pigs total, which get to truly free-range. I have seen the pigs being fed and the veggies they get are better than what I've seen at some supermarkets. There's no abuse going on there. Now I will certainly admit that isn't "standard", but places like that do exist, and you can indeed buy from them, it just takes a little more effort than walking into Wallyworld and buying crap.

>Do you where you live
Do i what?

And i sure know the world would work better if we didn't grow lots of grains to feed to animals, instead of just growing food for humans.

In my world "little precious snowflakes" are people who can't make decisions for themselves so they just do what their parents and friends tell them are good, Mr. 8th generation rancher.

So you're saying they if less people bought meat, you somehow wouldn't sell less meat.

And i'm the one having "no idea" how things work.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little carnist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Vegan Academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on factory farms, and I have over 300 confirmed saved animal lives. I am trained in gorilla sign language and I’m the top leafleter in the entire local vegan society. You are nothing to me but just another bloodmouth. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of vegans across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, carnist. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your "omnivore diet". You’re fucking vegan, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can convert you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my pro-vegan knowledge. Not only am I extensively trained in slaughterhouse invasion, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your omnivore status off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking meat-tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit knowledge all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking vegan, kiddo.

this vegan celebrity is in his 30s


I don't fucking believe you at all. You're talking out of your ass based on bullshit you've seen in propaganda videos and read on your echo chamber websites.
Grinding up live chicks is NOT standard practice in "humane" hatcheries (another dumb phrase enacted by vegans). Only on dairy farms are calves removed from their mothers, and only after a certain amount of time has passed, and it doesn't make any difference. I've raised calves by hand before, after their mothers died during birth, and they accepted my as their "mother" just fine. As a matter of fact, one grew up into a champion breeding bull. Also, many, many, MANY ranches use other identification methods besides hot iron branding now. I use paint marking, and in future, depending on how it works out, I intent to try micro chipping. There's also ear tags, tail tags, freeze branding, and leg bands.

You're a hyper-hysterical loon. Fuck off.

>implying I didn't make my own decision
Excuse me, little girl, but I wanted to be stock rancher. There's money in it, I get to work out in nature, it keeps me in shape, and (in spite of your idiotic comments) I love animals, and I love working with animals. Also, when you own thousands of acres of land, you'd better find a way to make money from it, or you won't be able to keep it.
You forgot to take your meds today, didn't you?