Compsci math

Hey Veeky Forums, Lets say i forgot everything about math and want to learn compsci math what books or resources would you advise?

Speed Mathematics Simplified by Edward Stoddard
Algebra by Gelfand and Shen
Functions and Graphs by Gelfand, Glagoleva, and Shnol
The Method of Coordinates by Gelfand, Glagoleva, and Kirillov
Trigonometry by Gelfand and Saul
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics by Smith, Eggen, and St. Andre
Introduction to Calculus and Analysis by Richard Courant and Fritz John
The Art Of Probability for Scientists and Engineers by Hamming
All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference by Wasserman
Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers by Hamming
Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra by Meyer
Combinatorics and Graph Theory by Harris, Hirst, and Mossinghoff
Geometric Methods and Applications: For Computer Science and Engineering by Gallier
Logic for Computer Science: Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving by Gallier
Elements of Information Theory by Cover and Thomas
Introduction to Modern Cryptography by Katz and Lindell

CompSci isn't particularly hard on math.

Calc 1, Linear Algebra, Discrete math. That's about it.
Make sure your foundations are strong, perhaps go through a precalc book first. College level math is gonna be impossible if you struggle with basic algebraic manipulations of expressions

Other than that I think it would be better to read "Algorithms" and "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" aka "CLRS" and "SICP",

That's all good and great, but if he forgot everything about math, he might want to start here instead.

He should start at Peano's axioms and work his way up.

Is there any advantage to learn C++ compared to C if you are mostly interested in algorithms?

OP here thanks a lot!!!

C is very small compared to C++ and you can do most things with C if you are interested in algorithms see CLRS.

Idk, but CS students at my uni take calc1-2, discrete math, linear algebra and abstract algebra. One CS guy took real analysis with us (mathfags), too. He shouldn't have done that. Please don't do that.

That sounds like a benefit because it will be easier to master then right?

>C is very small compared to C++
objectively false
you're probably thinking of the standard library, but that's not part of the "language"
the languages themselves are mostly the same in terms of complexity

c++ adds some syntactic sugar which makes life nicer
no reason to go pure c unless you're working on some 30 year old project, an OS or on embedded stuff

How different are c and c++? Is the a huge gap between learning both?

Like I said, the languages are mostly the same. If you know c++, you know c, but if you try writing c, you might get an easily fixable compiler error because you wrote something that c++ adds(e.g. for(int x= 0;;) is allowed in c++, but not in c, so you'd have to define x somewhere before the for: int x; for(x=0;;). If you know c, you know c++ and if you try writing c++ you won't get any errors because c is a subset so you don't write anything that's "added" on top.

Implementing the algorithms will be much easier in C++ than C

Nigga what? C is much smaller than C++. And if you know C++, no one wants you near C code. The loops are both legal in C (C99 and later). And try to use anonymous struct initializers in C++. You can't, but in C you can. The languages are different and shouldn't be clumped together. Ansi C is subset of C++. Modern C is not.

and never return

There are differences between c89, c99, c11

It's okay to be wrong on the internet. If you still insist on correctness of your post, feel free to read the standards of both languages.

might find one of these interesting
Danny Kodicek, John P Flynt Mathematics & Physics for Programmer
Clive Maxfield, Alvin Brown The Definitive Guide To How Computers Do Math
Fletcher Dunn, Ian Parberry 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
Thomas J. Myers-Equations, Models and Programs A Mathematical Introduction to Computer Science
Tim Chartier-Math Bytes Google Bombs, Chocolate-Covered Pi, and Other Cool Bits in Computing
Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. Foundations of Computer Science
Alexander A. Stepanov, Daniel E. Rose-From Mathematics to Generic Programming

>for(int x= 0;;) is allowed in c++, but not in c
What? Where did you read this? From c99 this has been allowed

>C is a subset

Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Rosen
Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Sisper
Algorithms Unlocked, by C in CLRS
Introduction to Algorithms, CLRS
Category theory for scientists, Spivak
Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories, Lawvere

Add to this:

Calculus I- III
Linear Algebra - Learn this before Artin
Abstract Algebra - Pinter, then Artin
Calculus based Probability theory & Statistics
Computability theory & Logic - Boolos,
Computability theory - Weber
Computational Complexity theory

Real Analysis
Set theory - Jech
Algebraic Topology
Algebraic Geometry

Meant to add after Spivak, Lawvere, go with Mac Lane "Categories for the Working Mathematician".