87% in Calc 1

>87% in Calc 1

Fucking optimization word problems killed my ass

It's not easy being a brainlet ;_;

Optimization was easy.
Related Rates was the cause of my B in calc I. I'm about to start calc iii and still don't understand how to set that shit up.

>It's not easy being a brainlet
Dont give up, hard work can mask your brainletism.

Maybe you're right but I hear Calc II is the hardest and how will I recover from this ass blasting to my GPA?

Calc 1 was harder than calc 2. Optimization and Related Rates gave me the B in Calc 1. Calc 2 is easy mode compared to Calc 1

Calc II is easy concept and homework wise, but when you go in for the test and are just given some sequence or nasty integral without being told what techniques to apply and have to know by intuition I panic and forget everything.

I don't know what you are even talking about. I don't know what any of you people are talking about. Having problem with word problems? Come on. Learn to read and learn to check yourself.

I remember in my Calc I final I did the final optimization problem wrong 3 times but the 3 times I checked myself to find my mistake until I got it right. You can do the same. Get real.

And no, Calc 2 is harder than Calc I because in Calc 2 you have to check yourself harder. The same goes for Calc 3, the amount of manual labor you have to do and the amount of checking you have to do just increases.

I think that Calc II is marginally harder, but more straight-forward. You won't have word problems, and it is a transition toward a more truly mathematical view of the subject.

In the real world no one tells you how to solve a problem



You have to have a system yourself, try one method, if it doesnt work, go to the next one. Think through the problem before you do it. If you do enough problems you will have enough time on the test. The guy who wrote the exams at my Uni was an asshole and made the problems stupidly hard, but if you think it through, you can break down each problem into an easier one.


Literally how?
Know if you're looking for the max or min, write an expression like you learned how to do in pre-algebra, set it's derivative equal to zero, plot the roots on a number line and plug in values to find which one you want. The only actual calculus is taking the derivative

My problem was setting up the equations I needed to differentiate.

Setting up integrals is easier than setting up derivatives for word problems.

It's cool. I failed Calc 1 but I got a 138 IQ from the Stanford-Binet test.

What is an example of a problem you had trouble with? We're they just poorly/ ambiguously worded in a way that would confuse you on what the variable was?

Anyone didn't get an A in Calc 1 but still had success in the rest of calculus? Not sure if there's hope

I was just confused on what two equations I needed and what to solve for to get the variable I needed

I got a B- in Calc 1 and aced Calc 2, Calc 3, Linear Algebra, and Analysis

I took Calc 1 at a community college, too

Cont.... If I wasnt given the two equations how would I know to use them

>B in calculus
when did this board go from above-ish average students making fun of engineers to being actual retards?

LMAO at the brainlets in this thread, including you

Mine were never anything like that. They were just stuff like finding the ground speed of a plane or distance between two ships sailing different directions.


to be fair a B in Calc 1 is perfectly normal at a non-shitty top 5 school

Lmao at getting anything less than an A at places like UC Davis or UC Berkeley

If you get a B at all in any undergrad year other than your senior year, you're braindead.

I got a B in Analysis, so I'm not laughing at you.

I got c's bro. Was partying a lot. Will probably screw me over for grad school. But I just aced diff eq so, whatever man.

You'd better get your doctor to patch your ass up and give you a prescription for extra strength turbolube because you just got a taste of what you're about to get thrown at you.

>the circular side


Height 5sqrt2
Radius 5sqrt2
Volume 250sqrt2*pi

Why would you have to prove this? You just set the height and radius equal to each other. The triangle must be right, covers the largest volume.

*blocks your 4.0 GPA*

90.3 because I did almost no homework

Damage control.

If you go to a top 5... aren't you supposed to be smarter? Kek at you Ivy fags

>I am getting completely destroyed, failing even the easiest classes. My parents don't love me. I have not felt the loving touch of a woman. But that's all fine because I actually to go a top 5 so it is justified lol at you UC Berkeley fags xDDDD

I'm ready to take the fucking D lads
please kill me

>not understanding basic epsilon delta proof

Berkeley >>>>>> shit tier Ivies (excluding HYP)

a 87% in Canada is a straightforward A, sheer up.

How the fuck do people do bad in related rates? What exactly don't people get, it's a basic application of a derivative?

Haha no

Berkeley is the reject school for Stanford applicants

Everyone gets in these days

Is this true? Am I a brainlet for doing math in Berkeley?

what the fuck

Your GPA can take a mediocre grade, especially if you're at the point where you think a B+ is bad. But if you're interested in a PhD program you get diminishing returns after you hit ~3.5, after that it's all credentials, experience, and interview skills

I don't get this. It should immediately be obvious upon looking at the integral what technique to use, or at least you can narrow it down to a few and try them all. Just [math]think[/math].

It's easy to fuck up by differentiating w.r.t. the wrong variable, or setting up the triangle(s) wrong so you're evaluating the wrong trig function.

I got a B in Physics 1 in college because I got a 89.996%. When I asked my professor if she could bump me up to a 90% so I could get an A she giggled and said no. All because on one exam I skipped forward on a problem I was stuck on and forgot to go back and finish it. As soon as I got the exam back I realized what I was supposed to do.

Also got an 88% in calc 1 because I accidentally left a few easy questions blank on an exam.