This is the state of popular contemporary poetry

>this is the state of popular contemporary poetry
>this is what young people are being exposed to
Veeky Forums needs to do something instead of complain for once. This woman and her ""poetry"" must be stopped at all costs.

Other urls found in this thread:

What, exactly, is wrong with this kind of poetry? I myself find it incredibly beautiful. It is brief yet insightful and beautiful. It excels because of its briefness. Tell me, what's so fucking wrong with it?

4/10, got mad for a sec

cuz it doesn't go like this

And then went down to the ship,
Set keel to breakers, forth on the godly seas, and
We set up mast and sail on that swart ship,
Bore sheep aboard her, and our bodies also
Heavy with weeping, and winds from sternward

Getting angry about things and understanding literature are mutually exclusive.

saged and reported


About as insightful as the ramblings of a 5 years old.


About as beautiful as a worm-eaten trashcan.

Here below, an actual poem

Une jeune chimère, aux lèvres de ma coupe,
Dans l'orgie, a donné le baiser le plus doux
Elle avait les yeux verts, et jusque sur sa croupe
Ondoyait en torrent l'or de ses cheveux roux.

Des ailes d'épervier tremblaient à son épaule
La voyant s'envoler je sautai sur ses reins ;
Et faisant jusqu'à moi ployer sou cou de saule,
J'enfonçai comme un peigne une main dans ses crins.

Elle se démenait, hurlante et furieuse,
Mais en vain. Je broyais ses flancs dans mes genoux ;
Alors elle me dit d'une voix gracieuse,
Plus claire que l'argent : Maître, où donc allons-nous ?

Par-delà le soleil et par-delà l'espace,
Où Dieu n'arriverait qu'après l'éternité ;
Mais avant d'être au but ton aile sera lasse :
Car je veux voir mon rêve en sa réalité.

Even song lyrics are deeper than this shit, it's just an aphorism with line breaks

>it doesnt rhyme and therefore doesnt gybe with the definition of poetry I was taught in preschool which was the last time I read anything

It's not about it not rhyming. It's about it being a shitty, cliched one-liner with random line breaks.

What literature will be left to understand once this quality of poet is lauded as the greatest amongst us?

Translated haikus are better than that.

“Many solemn nights
Blond moon, we stand and marvel...
Sleeping our noons away”

Free verse can be decent. Gaston Miron is an exemple of a poet that uses free verse beautifully. Your poem is just shit by all standards.

If the extent of your aesthetic vision is aphorism with line breaks whose main audience and subject are people that gobble the stuff that the cultural industries shit out everyday, then your taste is shit.

Just ignore it.

Not my poem and I don't like it a whole lot, but its not as outwardly bad as to be worth getting so upset over in the manner as everyone here is doing.
...but i guess you're right in that the line breaks don't appear to have any particular meaning or significance other than to turn it into a poem. But like hey let people enjoy it if they want?

>let people enjoy it if they want
No. You're missing the point. This is objectively bad poetry and if this sort of poetry is continued to be appreciated as great, actual good poetry will disappear. It's lazy and utilizes no elements of the craft. An entire artform is actively being destroyed by this shit being sold as good.

''but its not as outwardly bad as to be worth getting so upset over in the manner as everyone here is doing.''

It's worse than that user. If someone were to punch me irl for no reason, that would make me less angry than this poem.

Tu as les yeux pers des champs de rosées
tu as des yeux d'aventure et d'années-lumière
la douceur du fond des brises au mois de mai
dans les accompagnements de ma vie en friche
avec cette chaleur d'oiseau à ton corps craintif
moi qui suis charpente et beaucoup de fardoches
moi je fonce à vive allure et entêté d'avenir
la tête en bas comme un bison dans son destin
la blancheur des nénuphars s'élève jusqu'à ton cou
pour la conjuration de mes manitous maléfiques
moi qui ai des yeux où ciel et mer s'influencent
pour la réverbération de ta mort lointaine
avec cette tache errante de chevreuil que tu as

tu viendras tout ensoleillée d'existence
la bouche envahie par la fraîcheur des herbes
le corps mûri par les jardins oubliés
où tes seins sont devenus des envoûtements
tu te lèves, tu es l'aube dans mes bras
où tu changes comme les saisons
je te prendrai marcheur d'un pays d'haleine
à bout de misères et à bout de démesures
je veux te faire aimer la vie notre vie
t'aimer fou de racines à feuilles et grave
de jour en jour à travers nuits et gués
de moellons nos vertus silencieuses
je finirai bien par te rencontrer quelque part
bon dieu!
et contre tout ce qui me rend absent et douloureux
par le mince regard qui me reste au fond du froid
j'affirme ô mon amour que tu existes
je corrige notre vie

nous n'irons plus mourir de langueur
à des milles de distance dans nos rêves bourrasques
des filets de sang dans la soif craquelée de nos lèvres
les épaules baignées de vols de mouettes
j'irai te chercher nous vivrons sur la terre
la détresse n'est pas incurable qui fait de moi
une épave de dérision, un ballon d'indécence
un pitre aux larmes d'étincelles et de lésions
frappe l'air et le feu de mes soifs
coule-moi dans tes mains de ciel de soie
la tête la première pour ne plus revenir
si ce n'est pour remonter debout à ton flanc
nouveau venu de l'amour du monde
constelle-moi de ton corps de voie lactée
même si j'ai fait de ma vie dans un plongeon
une sorte de marais, une espèce de rage noire
si je fus cabotin, concasseur de désespoir
j'ai quand même idée farouche
de t'aimer pour ta pureté
de t'aimer pour une tendresse que je n'ai pas connue
dans les giboulées d'étoiles de mon ciel
l'éclair s'épanouit dans ma chair
je passe les poings durs au vent
j'ai un coeur de mille chevaux-vapeur
j'ai un coeur comme la flamme d'une chandelle
toi tu as la tête d'abîme douce n'est-ce pas
la nuit de saule dans tes cheveux
un visage enneigé de hasards et de fruits
un regard entretenu de sources cachées
et mille chants d'insectes dans tes veines
et mille pluies de pétales dans tes caresses

Here's a free verse poem (only 1/3 of it, ) that isn't trash.

Good poetry will never be popular and it should stay that way.

Are you still butthurt from that thread several days ago?

this advice is like poetry itself

poetry-thread anons are wise & mysterious

he didn't say the line breaks are without purpose, and if you don't understand on of the common uses of enjambment is to allow someone to consider the end of the line as its own self-contained thought (which in the short piece allows nested sentences) then you should read more poetry.
i encourage you to post poems you like in English, because posting an irrelevant language like French is some high-level posturing

It's not being sold as good, it's just being sold. Name a single academic who thinks she is good.

Also it's not killing the art form. It's an isolated example. It's really hard to actually kill an art form (no one has succeeded in all of human history) and having a bestseller is not how to do it.

I know you got into poetry a couple of months ago and now you heavily identify it but seriously calm down, leave the house for a little while each day.

I've been angry for far longer than that user.

French is my natal language, and France has a strong literary tradition with many great poets. How is it irrelevant? America is irrelevant by comparison. But here's an English poem

t keeps eternal whisperings around
Desolate shores, and with its mighty swell
Gluts twice ten thousand Caverns, till the spell
Of Hecate leaves them their old shadowy sound.
Often 'tis in such gentle temper found,
That scarcely will the very smallest shell
Be moved for days from where it sometime fell.
When last the winds of Heaven were unbound.
Oh, ye! who have your eyeballs vexed and tired,
Feast them upon the wideness of the Sea;
Oh ye! whose ears are dinned with uproar rude,
Or fed too much with cloying melody---
Sit ye near some old Cavern's Mouth and brood,
Until ye start, as if the sea nymphs quired!

Shit poem.

I read enough poetry to understand the structure of free verse poetry, and the effect of well-used line breaks, but I don't think that the use in OP's poem actually creates boundaries which add anything to the aphorism itself.

If he can't handle you at your worst then he does not deserve you at your best

>this is real literature and you know it

If you managed to make a significant portion of the literary population believe that Twillight is legitimate art, you'd probably deal a serious blow to literature for some time.

Really? What literary works or opinions inspired Twilight?

''If you managed''

Clearly everyone literate agrees that Twillight is bad.

How would it deal a blow then if you're not arguing for a slippery slope fallacy?

i was provoking you so i could see an English poem you like (can't french here)
I need to read more Keats, but i'm always worried that reading older stuff like that will infect my own writing in ways that'll be detrimental (doesn't stop me from Blake though)

i think they/leave is completely uselessly cut up, but the rest sets up a fairly clear attempt at emotional resonance, that i could see people finding sucessful (not really my thing)

If a significant portion of the literary population believed that Twillight was good, it would necessary imply that they would have lost all sense of taste. The idea of hierarchised taste is what allows something like the canon, or a classic, to exist and be legitimate.

My point is that the manifest popularity of poetry such as the one in op's post is evidence, in my view, that people are losing their sense of taste when it comes to poetry.

And don't think of me as someone that can only appreciate lyrical stuff like Keats, although it's obviously my favorite kind of poetry. I like poetry from many different eras and genres (parnasse, symbolisme, romantique, surréalisme et cetera) and I can even appreciate free verse sometimes.

But op's poem and the likes is just inferior poetry.

Who are the 'people' who are losing their sense of taste? The literary population? The common person? This is poetry for common people, not the literary establishment. And besides, she's a young poet and she's not wholly working from the European tradition. It is unfair to judge her by standards to which she does not belong. She's not Keats, but no one is Keats except Keats. There's no point comparing her to one of the greatest English poets. Not that Keats was well-received in his time anyway.

'People' never had a sense of taste when it comes to poetry. People and art don't really mix, at least not in a way that would satisfy you.

You're getting upset over nothing. Kaur isn't an attack on the literary establishment or a general sense of taste. Even if she was, it would still recover.

Please note how little bestsellers influence anyone. Can you name any bestsellers from 2010? 1810?

Women make the best poetry.
They're more in-tune with their nature, which makes them well suited for expressive writing such as poetry.

sounds like bait, but people like H.D., Dickinson, Sappho, and Plath make this a position that could be agreeable

I don't really disagree with you. Of course this isn't poetry for the brightest minds, but I dislike it by principle.

It's one thing if the uniniated buys her poetry collection, I don't really care about that. It's another thing if groups of college kids in Universities are trying to claim she's superior to the great masters. And yes, I've seen people claim those kinds of things.

I find my solace in thinking there is no better period in human history if your goal is to isolate yourself and read all the good stuff.

College kids will be college kids.

I'm actually a college kid too

except I don't go to college

and stay in my basement

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away

Lmao no one care about poetry fags

Jesus christ, post about literature rather than complaining about identity politics.

You're complaining right now, faggot.

so much depends
a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

>thread about literature
>"jesus christ post about literature"

Williams is so good
pink locust is probs my favorite of his

It lacks internal meter
the rhythm is jarring

Pretty sure that's the point. Do you think it's shit because it's not written in blue as well?

It's not the point. She doesn't know how to write poetry, so she comes up with little aphorisms that she thinks sound poignant and meaningful but are instead cliched and uninspired and then arbitrarily chooses places to create a line break. She's clearly never read any poetry before and that all a series of words need to be considered a poem is to be written in stanza, so that's what she did.

i explained her rather simple enjambment reasoning earlier, many you should read poetry more closely.


>It's not the point.

No, it is. I don't think she read it and thought "I think this internal meter is really good and not jarring."


You're right, she didn't think that. She has no idea what meter is, why would she be concerned with it at all?

I understand how enjambment works. The only line that works as a self-contained thought is "leave" and even that is a grade-school level form of craft. It's bad poetry.

She probably does have an idea of what meter is but poetry can exist without it, as long as it takes other considerations of language use into account. Which she does.

Good poetry will
Never be popular
And it should
Stay that

I wrote a poem, you guys.

>they way they leave

>they way they leave tells you

>they way they leave tells you everything

these are all different sentences that have slightly different tones. not great, but not 'arbitrary' in any sense

I doubt this person even came up with this. It reads like a fucking motivational meme.

good poetry will
never be
popular and it should
that way

poetry - rupi kaur

Now make a picture of that.

poetry is
for the likes

- user

Those aren't the line breaks that she wrote. Also, all three of those lines have the exact same tone because they're the same message chopped into smaller and smaller pieces.
Of course poetry can exist without meter. What other considerations of language did she take into account? We've already established enjambment wasn't one.


Why am I replying to bait?


top kek

Nope, Théophile Gautier

>aphorism with line breaks

that's the perfect description for this bile

>We've already established enjambment wasn't one.

Don't get ahead of yourself.

Enjambment works in these smaller poems because it would be excessive in her longer ones. Each break does cause the reader to consider the line on itself, and contrasts lines with others of the same work. The breaks in her longer poems appear less arbitrary because it wouldn't work without them being concise.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of her poetry, illustrations, etc.

>exact same tone
you don't have to like her to be able to read her like a reasonable person
if you honestly think that
>the way they leave tells you
>the way they leave tells you everything
has the 'exact same tone' then you need to learn to read carefully

someone is being sensible here

Shut the fuck up. Why am I even responding to you? What are the two different tones?

the 'everything' expounds on a sense of resignation you goose.

And how am I intended to read "the way they" by itself? What is the intended contrast between "the way they" and "tells you?"

For something to be called an enjambment, you actually need a verse.

Here below, actuasl enjambments, used with purpose

Si frères vous clamons, pas n’en devez
Avoir dédain, quoi que fûmes occis
Par justice. Toutefois, vous savez
Que tous hommes n’ont pas bon sens rassis


It categorically does not. Expounding upon a tone doesn't certify a new one altogether.

It's really the way information is given to you in the poem. It doesn't start with 'The way', it starts with 'the way they'. Who is 'they' and what is the action in which they have a certain way? 'Leave' has added weight introduced as a single line. It's a melancholic thought. And from the perspective of a woman one would most probably arrive at 'men' as being the they but it's not exclusive to them. A significant other. Little details of relationships, ones in which the other leaves in a peculiar way, why? 'The way they leave' is evocative enough. And there is a manner in which someone leaves that maybe you have never noticed. It 'tells you'. The act of leaving is telling? So slowly the poem is built up. And it would not nearly have the same effect if it were all a single line. 'Everything' also has added emphasis in being its own line. Also note what words are not used -- the more natural expression would be that the way they leave 'says' everything, but saying is passive. Telling is active. 'Tells you' is especially forward.

That is only one way of reading it really. And if you've read religious text, every word has that added weight to it. This poetry is a form of communication, meditation, resonance and catharsis. It is a voice.

it is in verse, particularly free-verse
is scans (i think)
-! -! !- !--
again, i did not say i liked the work, i did not say it was particularly complex. but it literally isn't random and it literally is poetry

tones exist as both gradients and genres
>it categorically does not
to you

The key point I think is to have 'leave' and 'everything' as their own lines. As well as having their own weight like I have discussed, they also work to first subvert a romantic tell of a significant by the other leaving, and then subverting the idea that the other leaving is the poet's passivity or weakness and in fact that since it tells her everything she is omniscient.

9.5/10 You've really got me fucking mad

-! -! !- !- !****
srry i changed my mind

what's wrong with it?
it perfectly fits the zeitgeist and is an accurate representation of what moves readers these days

Because I hinted at female empowerment? I'm saying this all in a neutral academic tone. Most likely that is an idea that the average female reader would get from the poem.

Leave it to Veeky Forums to be contrarian enough to start being contrarian towrads its own contrarianisms

To me it honestly feels a bit dated because I think the 'tumblr aesthetic' of teenage-college women using the internet to share their quaint but similar tastes has passed since milk and honey was published. 2016 was a big year.

>sentences rhyming in French
In other news I'm breathing air.

I agree. Just like that Japanese Haiku shit. How is a frog jumping into a pond even poetry?

[Insert mediocre French poetry here]

got milk & honey on a reading proof. they're just tweets really aren't they?

and now that I'm here, can anyone recommend me some similar poets to Dean young?

Any shit 90s poet p much.

That is an extremely shallow poem.

>fractioning words into many sentences gives them more impact
>saying is passive
>telling is active

Wow! My neurons are really firing!

>Implying you know French

Haiku is a million times more refined than this shit. Nobody said anything bad about haiku, what allows you to assume we think it's shit?

>implying you can compare the poem below with op's trash


Fucking retard.

could you give me some names?

I agree. Just
like that Jap
anese Haiku
How is a frog jump
ing into a pond
even poetry?

what's wrong with
perfectly fits the
and is an accurate representation of what moves homos
these days

>Théophile Gautier
>Le précurseur le plus important du Parnasse
>Également un nouvelliste talentueux

How about you
your throat
with the sharpened
of rupi kaur's

bashoo a shit git gud

You cannot make a criticism about it being an "aphorism with line breaks" and not have haiku brought up. Also try to be aware of the subject matter or the haiku you post ;^)

>Haiku is a million times more refined than this
More unintentional I R O N Y. Tell everyone more about being a million times more refined.

Everything above is shit poetry compared to Dan Schneider's poetry.

Oh wow.

>aphorism with line breaks

Haiku has actual lyricism you retard. Try reading it in the original language for once.

Wasn't lyricism the other criticism up there?

Oh yeah it was.

Laughter: again it clashes with my thoughts
of yestertimes, when lightning was merely
your backdrop, and your clothes fell like the snow
in a child’s dream of the past, or nearly
enough to it to agitate the highlands
of my body- which speaks to itself, and lets
listen its morning, breaking through love’s show
of itself, as it grips me firmly, and mans
me to force love from my lips; your body comes
closer to shadow, even as it appears
lighted and firm in its tone and its sum
before me, with the foliage of fire
crisping all senses- like your laughter my ears
or your lips bringing forth my hips’ entire.

I'm not the user who said that, you fucking dumbass.

I am aware of both, you're clearly not.

''More unintentional I R O N Y. Tell everyone more about being a million times more refined.''

Except what I said is true.

>he doesn't know about the 切れ字
>he doesn't know how strict the haiku masters were with their students
>he actually thinks the trash poetry of some contemporary feminist writer is comparable to haikus
