What made you start writing?

>What made you start writing?

>I've wanted to be a writer since I was six years old. I couldn't think of any better way to make a living and truthfully, I think it's the only thing I'm any good at. So it's a relief I turned out not to be deluded.
Well, was she right?

She has certainly carved out a nice life for herself. And she's very good at writing books that sell well.

Yummy titties

And has had a great impact in culture

>I think it's the only thing I'm any good at

She really isn't though. The writing of her books is undeniably bad. People love the books for the story and the setting and the ideas, the writing is plain bad.

>I think it's the only thing I'm any good at.

....should someone tell her?

That a frogposter on Veeky Forums doesn't think her writing has any merit?
She'll be devastated

>He stretched his legs
What did she mean by this?

She's a billionaire.

I'm pretty certain that she achieved what she set out to do with it, son. Contain your rustle.

I'unno, I just wanna tell a story and share it and see if anyone wants to read what I wrote. I'm not expecting to get filthy rich, I just wanna share my stories.

I have never seen anything remotely close to Harry Potter.

How much money you make is only a metric of success if you consider yourself an entrepreneur first and whatever you did to make your money second. She's materially successful but lacking in every other way. They're not necessarily mutually exclusive things and someone can be a talented artist as well as massively successful, but she's only good for her one cash cow.

The story, the setting and the ideas are part of the writing.

Can anyone here explain WHY they believe certain other children's novels are better than hers, preferably without memes?

nice dubs.
Nah, they're fine. Harold Bloom is a eunuch-- he is fatty and soft like a woman and squeaks about Rudyard Kipling's children's tales instead. They're serviceable, and they don't lead you astray from the literary path-- I know plenty of people who moved on to Pynchon and others who simply stopped reading, as always happens.

They don't have literary merit, they're simplistic, the prose lacks poetry, the characters are barely more than 2 dimensional... like virtually all childrens books.

People forget that Harold Bloom literally squeaked out a genre sci-fi fanfic (not, like how Veeky Forums uses it, to describe Paradife Loft & D's I, but an actual fanfic) that was fucking dreadful. Some of his criticism is good but other times he is what he is: a sour, puffy eunuch that squeaks in his unchanged voice.

Of course she was right. Her writing made her immensely wealthy.

>To be so stupid you compose an argument that defeats itself.

>not realizing it was sarcasm

She set an entire genre of young adult fiction. Shit like Hunger Games is a direct follow on from Harry Potter

>after all this time? always

>set out to do the thing
>would ideally like to make enough money off the thing to continue doing the thing

You cant criticise any one who aims for the above, OP. It's not even materialistic, its just necessary to continue your art.

Rowling, however, made much, much more than minimum wage with hers. People do, however, like to mention the money and her "worth" alongside her books.

Kipling is a GOAT, stop squeaking

I'm not sure I understand what are you saying or that you understand what I said.

Damn you