Which one is harder, programming or mathematics?


0/10 bait

programming, obviously

Take a look at who studies them.

Definitely programming, I fucking hate that I cannot get into it for some reason.

Not sure if it's because I'm NT or something, can get into math but not into programming.
At least I'm a good teacher and tutor though, pls no bully


Jesus that's stupid


Why am I still here?

computer science is a subset of math

she has perfect breasts
math, but then again I am terrible at math

That guy is just trying to be funny.

You would have to be literally brain-dead to program like that.

People don't even know how to bait these days. Jesus.

I don't actually know why it doesn't work, but then again I don't know java. Is there a syntax error somewhere?

Floating-point arithmetic and Round-off error

>I don't actually know why it doesn't work

Spot the non-programmmer, thinks of numbers in base 10.

> accused of not being a code-monkey

Well, you got me there.

Computer programming is math with many veils of black magic.

Who fucking cares

I do

My dick is harder than either.

>My dick is harder than either.

I think mathematics is using math to manipulate just numbers, while programing is using math to manipulate everything else that isn't numbers.

>I think mathematics is using math to manipulate just numbers
You are dead wrong about that.

Mathematics is concerned with significantly more then just numbers and it is a pretty common opinion that CS is the sub field of mathematics that deals with finite structures (graphs, etc.) or structures which can be easily representable on a computer.

"Programming" on the other hand is just the specific implementation of these structures in a computer.
Comparing mathematics (or even Computer science) to programming is like comparing an architect to a brick layer.
One deals with the structure as a whole and the other with the specifics of how the structure can be represented.

Programming is probably more difficult and also uses math. Math doesn't use programming.

Code can start to become insanely complex the longer you work on something. Constructing efficient algorithms also requires a lot of creativity. I would imagine something similar to this effect in Math would be coming up with conjectures.

>programming or mathematics
Programming is about the implementation of algorithms and data structures something which can be learned in months, very similar to learning a trade (up to now it is better paid though).
An average problem is programming is easily solved by an experienced programmer and even the hardest problems dont pose any significant hardships (aside from a time investment) to people who know what they are doing.

Mathematics on the other hand is concerned with the structure of how we experience reality and gives us the ability to make accurate predictions about the world we are living in.
To become a decent mathematician in even one field decades of study and hard work are required, most modern problems in mathematics can not be easily solved by amateurs or even mathematicians who work outside the field where the question is asked.

In conclusion, programming is significantly easier then mathematics. I would say that learning programming is about as hard as learning the basics of calculus.


>Comparing mathematics (or even Computer science) to programming is like comparing an architect to a brick layer.

Being a brick layer is easier though.

>Mathematics on the other hand is concerned with the structure of how we experience reality and gives us the ability to make accurate predictions about the world we are living in.

I think the term you're reaching for here isn't mathematician so much as it is physicist.

She is pretty!

>Being a brick layer is easier though.
Exactly. It isn't hard to become a brick layer, just like it isn't hard to become a programmer...

>solve real world problems that affect the lives of billions of people

>there's an dark space force just like in my Star Trek that's moving everything that no one can see and is impossible to test for lmao!

>I think the term you're reaching for here isn't mathematician so much as it is physicist.

Physics is the application of mathematics in an effort to describe the real world as accurately as possible.
Mathematics is "just" providing the framework in which physicists can describe the world.

Mathematics is about formalizing general structures, the only source from which the basis of these structure can arise is reality.

Consider the way a mathematician thinks about distance, you will realize that the mathematical idea of distance is the generalization of how we experience distance. (This includes things like "the distance from a to b should be the same as the distance from b to a")
The basis for this theory of distance is based on the world we are living in.

>Written on a computer build on mathematics
>By a person living in a house build on mathematics
>Who (potentially) drives a car which is build on mathematics
>Trusting bridges which are build with mathematics.

Mathematics is the greatest invention of human kind and every second of your live is influenced by it.
Every progress we have made in the last 2000 years is the result of mathematics.

>Programming is probably more difficult and also uses math.
Are you serious?

You can EASILY learn the basics of programming in a month or two.
No one goes to university to learn to program, mathematics is the most complex thing humanity has ever created and we are at a point where not one person in the world knows more then a fraction of the mathematical knowledge.

Of course it is "hard" to understand how a 100000 SLOC program works, but that is because it is a lot of things to memorize, but it is entirely unnecessary.

>Constructing efficient algorithms also requires a lot of creativity
Thats why mathematicians are doing it and not programmers...

nothing significant has happened in mathematics in a thousand years or more, that's like worshiping fire because it burns coal

>in a thousand years
your computer and your car IS BASED ON MATHEMATICS LESS THEN A COUPLE DECADES OLD. (most likely less then 5 or so years)

are you fucking retarded?


>100 year old inventions are based on math from 5 years ago

wow you're a great fucking mathematician lmao

Isn't math just a minor tool created by engineers to facilitate building?
Isn't programming just a minor tool created by engineers to automate the use of math?

Isn't better bricklaying the true goal and purpose of all science?

Mathematics, how is this even a question?

>No one goes to university to learn to program

Unfortunately, there is an entire undergraduate degree for that area. Even if your school isn't shit (requires discrete I and II, Calc I-III, Calc based statistics, Numerical Analysis, Graph Theory and Abstract Algebra) you still have to take a bunch of coding based courses like programming I and II, Data Structures and Programming, Operating Systems, Databases, etc.


Do you know how a modern car is developed?
Why are you straw manning this hard? I talked about cars TODAY not the first car ever made. (there is a GIANT difference there)
Hundred years ago they could be perfectly fine with a bit of calculus.

A modern car involves a lot of numerics to simulate and optimize it. This part of mathematics is VERY actively developed and a huge part of mathematical research happening right now. This research is IMMEDIATELY applicable to the automobile industry (and nearly all other industries who produce complex, highly engineered products.).

If you are interested what kind of math is currently needed there have a look at finite element methods, PDEs, DEs and numerically solving large systems of linear equations. As I stated these are actively researched (and funded) because they are highly necessary for companies.

Of course but if you "want to learn how to code" the university is the wrong place.

If you want to learn how to develop and manage high quality software, create new algorithms and learn about the foundations of computers in mathematics then the university gives you what you need.

>Isn't math just a minor tool created by engineers to facilitate building?

Engineers use mathematics, they dont create it. Engineering (aside from designing) is the application of mathematics to the real world with the goal of creating both accurate and easily calculable models of reality.

It is neither a minor too, nor created by engineers. It is the foundation of engineering (just like it is the foundation of physics and many different subjects) and only used by engineers not created by them.

>used by programmers to actually do something useful with

I rest my case retard lmao

A mathematician creates the algorithm, the software engineer uses that algorithm.

Are you retarded or do you actually think this if you scratch the mathematician you would still get the algorithms necessary?

No, he's dead serious. There are thousands just like him. Google fizzbuzz.

Veeky Forumsfags on programming

programming is something you can learn to the point where you understand a computer and can get it to do what you want.

At that point it just becomes a tool for the rest of your skills in math

math is harder
programming is. especially if u learn by yourself
did a programming class at my cc and it was shit.


top zoz

citation needed

Psychology will turn even the most basic observations into "mind blowing" facts.

If anyone's looking for a laugh, look up topological psychology. Lewin's equation is the pinnacle of this, behavior is a function of person and environment, B=f(PE), as seen in his book on topological psychology.

What the fuck is NT?

Microsofts operating system for servers from the 90's. Stands for New Technology. Was famous for actually not crashing, like most OS of the day.

That was what we humans call a joke. You need a sense of humor to understand it. What that is, is an ability to appreciate the beauty in blatant exaggeration and simplification.

>not funny
What did he mean by this?

Carrie you out on a stretcher if you don't stop ogling my girl.

kek, nice

More like /g/

>muh difficult pointers
>muh recursion
>muh functional programming

depends on the who's doing it I've meet people that can crazy math but can't code and I've meet people that can code really well but can't do hard math very well.

I actually took some programming classes (procedural programming and object oriented programming) in university, both were SIGNIFICANTLY easier then all of my math classes.

The exams were just remembering things and the homework took less then 30 mins per week.

My dick is harder than IUTT when I fap to Carrie Cummings.

muh dick is harder.


Whats easier?

Prove X vs create a program to prove X. The latter can be reduced to the first meaning the latter must be at least somewhat more difficult.


The latter relies on the first one existing in the first place though. That's like saying office work is harder than being an electrical engineering because the former can be reduced to the latter.

I would program her mathematics hard, if you catch my meaning

>smart enough for cs
>smart enough for maths
>not smart enough to have a gf

>he can't tell by the writing on the top of the car what this is from

2 secs in google m8 step it up


this hits home.

Does it matter? A programmer without any math is nearly useless, and a math major without any experience in programming is unemployable.
Programming is extremely easy to pick up if you have had any experience with formal logic, which you will have, if you took any decent math courses in first year.

Finally someone who said her name. I'm about to bust several nuts to her.

As a programmer, I'd say maths.

I've become quite good at linear algebra the few past years, but maths is an entire field; It feels overwhelming at times.

But I'm sure there are others who'd object.

I like your taste in boobs, friend.

You cannot smart yourself into having a billion dollars either. Just because you are smart, doesn't mean you can literally achieve anything. You are still a slave to your circumstances.

OK serious answer.

It's not even in the same league.

I started out as a CS guy, who was super into programming. When it came to choosing a major I chose Math because I thought CS was too easy and Math was more mysterious to me while I knew more or less what CS was about.

Math is hard in a way that programming will never ever be. With programming you can always bruteforce something. Heck sometimes we bruteforce math! But with math you don't always get to have a bruteforce fallback tactic.

There's a difference between knowing how to code, and really understanding programming.
It usually takes about 5 years to become a competent programmer.

By competent I mean:
Someone who can actively decide on a method of implementation based on for example execution speed, implementation speed, readability, etc.
Someone who knows what happens to the data and know how it's parsed through the heap, stack and CPU cache level's etc.
Someone who knows his Patterns, AntiPatterns, Refactoring methods, etc.
Someone who can comfortable get into other people's code, regardless of project size.
Someone who knows some basic Assembler, and can use it for debugging. (C++ specific)
Someone who understands the difference between SOA & AOS and knows when and where to apply each one.
The list goes on.

Math, is this really a choice?

This shows you absolutely do not have any understanding of math beyond calculus, and likely your understanding of calculus is very poor. Assuming you fudged your way through it with a C and didnt just fail.

Good physicists are basically mathematicians.

Are you implying rotation matrices are hard?

If you cared to read the actual text in my post, you should be able to figure out the answer.

So you do

Stop stroking your superiority complex, I literally wrote: "I've become quite good at linear algebra".

You must apply mathematics to specific programs but you must have a sound knowledge of it. For example, moving a sprite requires linear algebra.

yeah but both procedural and OOP are like the basics, so that is to the left of that graph.

Programmers have to think of a way to make the human words, look like computers words, so it's pretty differenty from mathematics that is solving problems, i think that it has one abyss between math and programing because of that human speak, computer speak.

>not creating a class for rational numbers and evaluating only at the very end of your calculations

To work as a mathematician you have to actually understsnd math
A programmer can literally maintain a job copy pasting other peoples work from stack overflow

>not storing your bits as quaterions and using them to calculate all real cases

>not only do you have to take freshman math, but also spend years to learn things most people genuinely interested in CS already know by the time the lectures start
Kek. It's always amusing to hear CS students tell tales of hardship spending years learning basic algorithms and OOP/func principles and then go on to ramble about math as if sitting Calc exams is fucking IUTeich.

Programming itself isn't hard. Most mathematicians and engineers can do that.
Mathematics, on the other hand, requires abstract thinking and even more logic than programming

That entirely depends on what level we are talking about. At the highest levels, Mathematics for sure.

t. Computer Scientist.

At any level really.

t. Mathematician


wow I love cocks in my ass too