I have a real weight problem guys. I'm currently weighing in at 315 lbs...

I have a real weight problem guys. I'm currently weighing in at 315 lbs, and have been steadily gaining weight over the years. One of the main things I struggle with is portion size, and I regularly binge eat.

When I cook I make extra with the intent of making multiple meals, but I end up eating it all in just a few sittings.

I'm going to be doing meal prep for the week, but would it be worth it to look in to buying premade frozen meals to help control portions?

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That's gonna be stupid expensive, and if you cannot help but make and eat too much food, what is going to keep you from preparing more packaged frozen meals? You need to find a way to work on your willpower, you can't just outsource it.

no, just eat less, it's not hard.

then don't make extra

You've never had a problem with food. If it wasn't hard, there would be no fat people.

Avoid all processed foods, especially snacks and sweets. These usually contain a lot of sugar/fat and no nutrients.

Make meals mostly out of veggies. Even if you get the urge to pig out, veggies are so low in calories it's hard to overeat them

No, it's easy. There are plenty of easy things that people still fuck up. Like losing weight.

Are veggies sautéed in veg oil healthy? For example, would a chicken breast with sautéed peppers and onions be good?

Aside from salads, what are some good filling recipes that are primarily veg?

This. Have some fucking willpower. Eat normal sized meals of normal healthy food and get some fucking exercise. Should be able to easily shit out 5kg a week if you're full-on obese.

Do you have much of a social life, OP? And no, playing with friends on Steam doesn't count. Do you hole yourself up at home a lot?

I ask because that's what I think my biggest problem with food is; it's that I'm alone too much and bored too often, and it's real easy to eat as a distraction. Perhaps you're in the same boat.

>go on weight watchers
>eat around only half of the daily points they'll give you
>avoid carb-heavy foods
I've managed to lose almost 150 pounds so far since last January with that plan. One trick is to eat a smaller meal or snack every few hours instead of waiting 4 or 5 hours to eat a bigger meal. But yes you do need willpower; especially if you're doing it on your own like I've been.

your argument is rather flawed. same as saying "if it wasn't easy, there wouldn't be thin people"
honestly, it's not hard, i've been overweight, decided not to be anymore and that was that. people saying it's hard to lose weight are just lazy and want an excuse.

Do you think Weight Watchers is more helpful than other calorie trackers (most of which are free) ?

It seems like all they're really offering (on top of the basic tracking apps and stuff) is live chat support and meetings.

how is it hard though? just stop, it literally doesn't require you to do anything.
next thing you'll tell me that it's hard to breathe, right?

Not OP
There are sometimes psychological reasons.

I think you would struggle to find a single person who is deliberately overweight and happy about it.

perhaps, but the thing about psychological reasons is that overcoming them is just doing it.
literally nothing stopping you.

>literally nothing stopping you.
Other than the psychological problems.

This is why nobody talks about mental health.

Holy shit.

Married people on the other hand, amirite????

Honestly for me it was more psychological. Those daily points put an official limit on how much food you should eat in a day, but I was so fat they gave me a ton of daily points and I was getting full just eating around half of those points. Last year I was losing on average 3 pounds a week, sometimes even 4 pounds, without doing ANY exercising. So for me weight watchers definitely worked, but really it just boils down to eating less and eating healthier.

>but really it just boils down to eating less and eating healthier.
Who could have POSSIBLY known that?

Jokes aside, good for you, man.

What sort of changes did you make to your diet that made you feel full?

which are essentially nothing.
it all comes down to you wanting something or not, it's a simple decision

>it's a simple decision
When you don't have the impediment of mental illness.

You might as well scoff at someone's broken arm and tell them to use it just like one would an arm that wasn't broken. It's great logic until you realize that it's not.

>just make your mind work in a healthy way
>he says to the unhealthy mind

I still very much have the appetite of a 400 pound man, but I keep it under control by eating more fruits and veggies (most fruits and veggies don't cost any daily points on weight watchers) and by giving myself a once a week cheat day. Every Thursday (since that's my weigh-in day) I eat whatever the fuck I want, however much of it I want after I weigh-in and that has kept me sane.

Also another trick you can do to feel full is drink A LOT of water. I can't really recommend this since it's only possible if you don't have much of a life, but about 15 years ago I lost a ton of weight by drinking up to 3 gallons of water a day. My stomach would be so full that it was impossible to overeat so the weight started pouring off of me.

Other people got a problem with your weight

That is just a short solution.

Kill yourself.

sugar and fat are nutrients...

The most I have ever weighed was 230. I had a shitty diet being raised by a single mom and all. Finally I got tired of being overweight, and here is how I rapidly lost weight. I became a vegetarian for a year and a half. I ran at least 30 minutes on the treadmill or did jump rope every day. I started drinking a lot of green tea and caffeine to suppress my appetite and increase my bodies metabolism.

I eventually had to stop being a vegetarian because I was losing to much weight, I went from like 230 to starting to get into the 120 range. I have cut back on my cardio for various reasons and have been lifting and am at 180 right now. Simply going vegetarian for a period of time will essentially force you to cut out a lot of fast food and junk. You need to develop the will power to resist the high sugar and fatty food you are probably used to eating.

I don't recommend imbibing his world view or religion but Aleister Crowley's "Liber III Vel Jugorum" presents practical methods for developing mental, emotional, and physical control of your body. Yoga, chess, martial arts, drawing, etc... will you help you develop general will power which is required to gain control over your body, which is relatively simple compared to controlling the mind or emotions.

The only advice I can give you is calculate your TDEE and log your food. Eat less than your TDEE by at least 500.
Use shit like MyPlate on your phone.
Before you cook - myfitnesspal.com/recipe/calculator
And try being strong willed. I don't know how people just give up and eat when and what they want, but fuck me. It is a matter of not eating more.
inb4 someone tells me to fuck off.

>Should be able to easily shit out 5kg a week if you're full-on obese.
He would look like an empty sack of shit, instead of a full sack of shit.
He needs to lose weight gradually.

You're gonna have to really just eat less. Cutting out soda, fruit juice, and other sugary drinks is a starting point. Going for lowfat/nonfat options will also help.

It all boils down to the amount of calories you consume over the week. It's usually 2000 cal a day on average to maintain weight. So you'll need to either eat at a deficit of 500 a day to lose one pound a week, or start hitting the gym/doing cardio to help with the deficit.

You could always start by reading Veeky Forums sticky.
Shit is very informative.

>Veeky Forums on my Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums on my Veeky Forums

i fuckin love crowley, m8

You need to start counting calories I everything. And I do mean everything. Start eating small portions of low calorie foods throughout the day. Feel like some potato chips? Eat some pickles. Hell, even anchovies will knock out that craving.

As far as portions go, if you're just cooking for yourself you need to measure out uncooked ingredients by weight prior to cooking. Don't cook a pile of pasta and a tub of sauce and then think you can stop with a normal portion. Shit won't work. Portion out the food before you start eating. And don't binge on anything. Not even veggies. Those asparagus turn into licorice fucking fast.

Stop being a cunt. The guy is asking for help. Either help him or shut up.

hey OP -

Proud of you for stepping up and deciding its time to do something about it. fuck all these other assholes.

first off, get yourself a vitamix. Its easy to feel full on a big load of juice thats mostly kale. I basically fill the vitamix with Kale (minus the stems, they taste like ass) and then add a cup of almond milk, a spoon full of yogurt and a spoon full of crunchy peanut butter. Resulting drink is not nearly as revolting as it sounds. I've actually grown to like them. And the best part is you feel fucking full so you don't eat all morning.

step two - change the snaking habits. When you want a quick snack, eat a couple clementines or a hand full of baby carrots.

Step 3- salt. This one is hard - it really takes some willpower but you will be shocked what happens. heres what you do: after you get these first two things locked in place, commit to 3 months of salt-free living. No added salt. No salty foods. No chips. no fries. flavor your food with dried herbs. I'm not saying salt is bad for you - it's more about a forced change to your palate. After you do it for about 3 months, go ahead and try a few potato chips. They won't taste good. Then quit worrying about arbitrarily avoiding salt - you will naturally not want it, so it cuts out a lot of the problem foods.

Okay - step 4 - movement. Sorry, fatty, but ya gotta move. don;t worry about "exercise" as much as just movement. if you have to do something you can do sitting, do it standing. walk on short trips. just move around.

Step 5 - now you're in a GREAT place to actually start doing the shit everyone else is saying. once you get these other four things going, you will have already lost like 20 lbs. Now you can realistically start counting calories, introducing real exercise, etc.

Proud of you bro.

Pickles were a life-saver when I had to cut down on the chips. Problem is they're pretty expensive, and SO MANY JARS to deal with and try to cram in the pantry

eat zero fat. and you can practically eat as much as you want. avoid rice, potatoes, and pasta, though.

It isn't hard fat asses are just incredibly lazy, so lazy that they can't portion meals and do mild exercise.

Fat doesn't make you fat, retard. You basically just told him to avoid carbs with your recommendations.

Is that even safe? Maybe recommend no added fat.

RIP brain

Do you drink alcohol? Like the alastair crowley user mentioned it's mostly self discipline and alcohol tends to weaken your discipline across the board

You have to learn to surrender yourself to misery. Once you do that, dieting feels easy and ironically becomes easier as you spend less time thinking about something you can't control. You're sitting there - you're hungry - and you can't stop thinking about food. Just accept that's the way it is and move on with your day

>I'm going to be doing meal prep for the week, but would it be worth it to look in to buying premade frozen meals to help control portions?

Your best bet is to get frozen meals, look at the caloric intake and serving sizes and stick to that schedule. Also, cut out things like sweet teas, soda, and snacks.

underrated post

i thought like this too until i went through some dumb bullshit and ended up struggling with nearly crippling depression and anxiety. it's reeeeally easy to say "just do it" when you're not dealing with it.

You're so right. I always tell people that if you want to lose a lot of weight you have to accept that your life is going to suck ass, and for a long time you're going to want to fall to your knees and suck a sugary, fatty meal down your sadness hole, and you need to find ways of dealing with that

smoothies son. seems counter intuitive, but you can pack a shit ton of fibre and protein into them, and really restrict calories by using water as a base.

best part is, you won't even think about food after you have a smoothie. it completely satisfies hunger and thirst, so for the next 3-5 hours you're good.

my recipe: 3 tbl. flax, 3 tbl. wheat germ, 2 handful frozen kale, half frozen banana, handful of mixed berries, half scoop whey protein powder, 400ml water.

try it.

Anchovies are so fucking good

Invest in a scale. I use my smart phone to look up calories per gram of stuff I eat.
Protein and fiber help keep you full for longer.
Black coffee is low in calories and a great appetite suppressant.
Before Every meal, drink a liter of water and a cup of black coffee an eat 15 minutes later.
Apples are a high volume low calorie fruit and contain chemicals that help suppress appetite.
Start the day with eggs, the protein will keep your blood sugar stable which regulates your cravings. Go to Veeky Forums They have a sticky with links to a calorie calculator. A 2000 calorie diet though will drop weight quick.
Preparing meals ahead of time can help and save money but counting your calories is mandatory.
No soda, chips, sweets etc.
Only home made tea if you need something sweet. Weigh your sugar. 16 calories a tea spoon. Honey has less calories and is better for you.
I snack on apples when I crave something.

If you have real trouble with portions, try popcorn instead.

The amount of calories it has is relatively small for its volume, and the taste can be anywhere from passable to amazing.

Pop them in a hot air popper, or if you have to, pop it in healthy oils (coconut, grapeseed, avocado, etc.).

Eating popcorn whenever I wanted a snack, or whenever I wanted more than three meals has helped me lose 70 pounds.

oh and dont drink any fruit juice. Its liquid calories and sugar. Because its a juice its low volume high calories and lacks the fiber and solidness that slows digestion. Only a step above soda really.

Soups are good. Anything that isn't calorie dense.

What I ended up having to do to train myself into normal portion sizes was to just straight up not have food in the house that I could eat easily, and only prepare enough food at a time for one serving. The hassle of having to prep a whole meal every time you want to eat is enough to help your willpower. It's an additional barrier to eating, and makes you have to think about it for a long time before actually being able to take a bite.

The trick to losing weight is, you have to realize you're literally starving yourself. Come to peace with that. You're going to be hungry, and you're going to be hungry for a while, and that can't be helped. You have to take action while you're not under that temptation to help mitigate your weakened resolve when you are hungry.

ctrl+f'd to see if someone had mentioned this since it's exactly what I'm doing and it's been a tremendous help.

You have the right idea with preparing your meals ahead of time but you need to be aware of the calories and macros you're taking in.
By using mfp or anything similar you'll be able to more effectively plan your meals and base them around your goals.
As user said you want to eat at a deficit of 500 calories below your TDEE to effectively lose a pound per week.
I recommend using this to figure out your macro goals (I think it's okay to focus on just calories for a bit but this will really make your meal planning all the more effective): freedieting.com/tools/nutrient_calculator.htm

MFP is an especially handy tool for logging binge eating episodes as you'll be able to identify exactly what you're overeating and equally important what you're not eating enough of. For instance when I started logging my binge eating, I quickly found that my excessive carb intake seemed to be related to a lacking protein intake, so I made meal plans with an emphasis of hitting a protein goal per meal while meeting the other goals and the binge eating went down. Of course the types of carbs you take in are important too but that's a whole other subject in itself, I recently found this site and I think it includes some good information on food: ss.fitness/#foods

Good luck m8!

>has never seen the massive fetish community dedicated to that precise topic

Weight Watchers user here; don't mean to hijack but I gotta brag. I lost 3.6 pounds this week by cutting out bread and rice.

You can lose weight by cutting out anything.

But yeah people tend to overeat on starches like bread/pasta/rice, it's a good idea to look at that.

that's not really bragging though is it?
losing 3.6 pounds in a week is pretty easy for essentially anyone.
hell i'm roughly 175lbs and my weight can change that amount in a day, either up or down

My last weigh in I only lost one pound for the week. Decided to replace my daily sandwich with an egg white omelet and stopped eating rice all together when I'd eat fish for dinner.

>losing 3.6 pounds in a week is pretty easy for essentially anyone.
Except I've been doing Weight Watchers for over a year now and I haven't lost 3 pounds or more in months. I was losing 3 to 4 pounds a week on a regular basis last year despite pretty much eating the same foods this year. So yea it's worth bragging about because I wasn't sure if I was ever going to lose that much weight again in a week unless I started exercising.

Assuming he adjusted for daily fluctuation it's quite a lot. Weight yourself every day in the same situation to get a good weight progress. I usually do it every morning after going to the toilet and taking a shower. Of course it will vary a lot during the day depending on when/how much you eat and drink.

are you actually surprised that you didn't keep losing weight while eating the same?

The same food, not the same amount.

back when i actually checked my weight daily, it wasn't a big deal if i dropped ~2lbs (1kg) between days so i wouldn't call under 4 lbs in a week anything special.
losing that much would be an accomplishment if a person was really underweight but then it would just be retarded to do it.

The hardest, toughest thing you will need to do is simply suffer yourself. Train your mind to eat healthy. Train your body to want fruits and veggies. Don't end up like this fucking godamn lard ass right here. You gotta WANT change. You gotta like really desire that shit.

When you wake up in the middle of the night wanting potato chips, just scarf down rice cakes. When you want a whole 2 liter soda to drink, just drink seltzer water or something, I don't know. 315lbs is a godamn lot, and it let's me know that you are the average American.

serious question, why do people make such a big deal about losing weight? people seem to think it's like climbing mount everest or something when it's really simple and easy if you want it.

If it was so easy then there wouldn't be any fatties in the world.

the world wouldn't have fatties if everyone actually wanted to be thin/normal weight.
excluding legit medical reasons

Ask an overweight/obese person if he/she would prefer to be normal weight or slim. I bet at least 95% will say yes.

sure but the fact is that they would rather eat and stay fat than eat less and get to a normal weight.
you don't even have to eat super healthy or anything to lose weight, you just need to eat less. it's not hard, just drop the fork

What's up with all the 'starve yourself and be miseable' posts? I thought conventional wisdom was that starving just promotes binging eventually so any diet that requires going hungry is risky business.

What worked for me was just eating calorie poor foods until I couldn't eat anything else. Still had cravings but not hunger pains, so it was manageable. Eating huge portions of rice with only small amounts of flavor (like adding one tomato or a dash of cinnamon) worked pretty well. Didn't lose weight amazing fast but it was a diet I could stick too that didn't require buying a bunch of expensive meme ingredients. Was 200, been dieting for about 11 months and I'm down to 175. Pretty content with it.

Because it takes some self control, including impulse control, and some basic understanding of nutrition. Both are things that the majority of people lack.

They clearly don't want it enough to sacrifice anything else.

>the world wouldn't have fatties if everyone actually wanted to be thin/normal weight.
Gonna go out on a limb and say damn near every fat person wants to be not-fat. Even the lardo tumble feminists who claim otherwise. Ultimately it does boil down to willpower; unless they do legitimately have a medical condition preventing them from losing weight (which the vast majority do not). But maintaining that willpower for very long periods of time isn't easy. The fatter you are the longer it's going to take you to lose that weight and if you don't start seeing decent gains right away it can be extremely disheartening. Especially if you're going at it all by yourself.

But yes it actually can be easy if you do have the willpower and have a plan laid out. I'm exactly 1 pound away from losing 150 pounds since last January and it's almost entirely thanks to my own willpower. I was 100% on board with losing weight as my new years resolution last year and I went into it with a positive attitude and it paid off for me. But it took me over 10 years to finally find that inner strength to lose that weight.

Do you seal those packages and then freeze them or simply keep them sealed in the ridge?

So it is not that "easy" duh. Change is hard.

And my BMI is 21 with pretty low bodyfat so no need to come at me.

Most people can't even do something like that. I dropped 30 lbs literally just by stopping drinking soda. More of a statement on how much soda I was drinking than anything. My father on the other hand committed to a jogging regimen and got up to jogging 3-5 miles every other morning. He never lost a pound, since he ate a gallon of ice cream just about every night.

It's easy to make excuses for other people, isn't it?

>What's up with all the 'starve yourself and be miseable' posts?
Most people who have serious weight problems got there because they have a fucked up relationship with food and cannot be happy unless they feel overstuffed with deep fried pink slime blasted with HFCS, MSG, and whatever else.

1 or 2% of those managed to perform CPR on what was left of the self-loathing that normal people are supposed to experience if they look in the mirror and see they've grown a belly. They then "fix" the problem by torturing themselves by eating OMG YUCKEEEEEEE! vegetables for 6 months and nothing else, and thus erroneously conclude that health = pain

These are usually the people who go "lol fat jealous woman detected" any time there's a thread that has nothing even to do with food, it's just that they think fat is the default (these people tend to live in fat people places aka red states, where normal healthy bodies are seen as aggressively smug and librul)

Better than shitting on them like you. Two thirds are overweight or obese, you and I are in the minority (assuming you are not fat yourself).

You need to be able to understand a problem to solve it.

>it's just that they think fat is the default (these people tend to live in fat people places aka red states, where normal healthy bodies are seen as aggressively smug and librul)
lol the only fat acceptance bullshit is coming from blue states.


This is complete bullshit.
Female obesity rate in WV is 80-84%. Male is 70%.

This state is fucking FAT AS FUCK. And the women also have no teeth because they chew tobacco.

no, it still is easy. why is making a decision so hard when it's that simple?
if you're unhappy with your weight, change it.
i did and dropped 25lbs, now i'm happy with my weight

I've lost weight myself, I was never overweight by any metric but I felt like I was getting too close so I made a change. It took time, but it was really simple and easy. It's clearly harder for some people with fucked up cravings/addictions to food, but they're also the ones that got themselves into that mess. I don't have a lot of sympathy for someone who gets up past 200, 250, 300 lbs and didn't fix a problem while it was easy to do so.

>this is what red state retards ACTUALLY believe
The only place I've been body shamed for being a normal size is when I've gone on business trips to flyover land, it's always "oh you must eat a lot of salad lol" and "whoa you're HOW old? how come you have the body of a 20 year old?"

i'm assuming you mean 2/3 of americans are overweight/obese.
also there's apparently more than me who are "shitting" on them.
i really am not shitting on anyone, i'm merely stating that it is easy to lose weight if you want to. if you don't, you prolly won't lose weight.

Are you sure that's passive aggression and not friendly teasing?

>"oh you must eat a lot of salad lol" and "whoa you're HOW old? how come you have the body of a 20 year old?"
How is that body shaming? Those are compliments, you daffy shit. And you know damn well the whole MUH FAT BODY IS BEAUTIFUL AND YOU BETTER FIND IT BEAUTIFUL TOO crap comes directly from blue state fat shit feminists.

honestly, how can someone get to those crazy weights ?
i've always wondered about this, don't they have mirrors? at some point you really should see that you're obese and do something about it, right? are people really just that lazy that they just won't do anything about it?

I understand if someone gains something like 20 lbs without noticing, but at some point you're gonna have to buy new clothes and you have to notice by then, right?

semi-related, why is bodyshaming considered a bad thing?
it's like it's a bad thing to tell a kid to eat his/her veggies

well yeah, you would think so.
at that point, i would prolly lose weight just so i wouldn't have to go shopping for clothes.

Nothing wrong with body shaming as long as it's done positively. As in trying to get the person to lose weight because you don't want them to die in their 40s.

And once again, if asked every fatty will answer "Yes I want to lose weight", usually followed by a "Nothing I do works" because as you said people are lazy/stupid/addicted/misinformed.

"Wanting" is not absolute, they all want to lose weight but they also don't want to give up on their habbits so nothing changes or it gets worse. And this is mainly an eating problem, people with enormous will power in other fields are fat. Shouting "you don't want to, you are just lazy" is not going to achieve anything other than feeding your own feeling of superiority. The approach has to be different.

Depends what you consider to be bodyshaming. In general, insults very rarely help to address shortcomings in people. If someone fails a test and their teacher tells them they're a fucking stupid piece of shit, they probably won't do any better the next time. But if you take bodyshaming as any comments regarding health, lifestyle, or diet, you're delusional. Some people do make comments on those things to be insulting, but many people are actually concerned and this healthy at any weight nonsense is a load

They're backhanded compliments. Like telling an Asian person "you have really good English". There's an unstated "can't you just be a regular normal guy". In these places fitting in is fundamental, eating a salad is vaguely unamerican, like having glasses (why do you think flyovers get so assblasted over so-called "cuck glasses"?)

As for "blue state fat shit feminists" I'd be surprised if those were anything other than red state reactionaries, like the shrill atheists who can't shut the fuck up about how "god isn't real" because religion is a major force in their everyday life. A "feminist" is just a normal female, and around here, normal females weigh less than me, don't hate men, and are usually obsessed with yoga or crossfit. You need to stop assuming that people who don't want to perform female genital mutilation and ban abortions are all fat, just because the only ones around you who are brave enough to speak up against the prevailing local culture may happen to be.