How did humans evolve so many anti-social traits when we've always depended on being nice to each other for our...

How did humans evolve so many anti-social traits when we've always depended on being nice to each other for our survival? We've never been able to survive on our own and pass on our genes if we didn't get along with the group until very recently were people now just have to attract a partner and have sex once and then raise the child alone in their anti-social manner without ever having to get along with even just one person. Are the anti-social traits new or have people always had them?

used to take whole village to raise a kid

>when we've always depended on being nice to each other for our survival?
this is false

Only the alpha male could get away with being a dick

user niceness is a very recent thing in our brains, primates are fucking jerks most of the time and nice primates are often bullied.

Black people are an example of what our psychology used to be like in 75,000 B.C. Notice most blacks are very rude and mean.

Now it takes two moms.


Fucking pleb.

that's why male feminists exist, only way they can even get a whiff of pussy

Asocial people are actually very social. Biologically speaking, one way to know how social you are is by noting how hurt and ashamed you get if you make a serious social error. Depending on your level of neuroticism you might obsess about what an idiot you are for the next 3 or 4 months or maybe even for the next 5 years. People don't like social exclusion. We evolved to have all of this anxiety and neuroticism because the people who didn't possess those traits continuously made social errors and never learned from their mistakes so they failed to get along with the group and their genes died off. Alpha males are the exception though. They didn't have to play nice to pass on their genes, which is why this topic is so confusing to many people

>Asocial people are actually very social.
That's a contradiction in terms. I was pointing out that the term OP is looking for is 'asocial', not 'antisocial'. This latter locution means that you harm people around you. Asocial literally means that you avoid social interaction. You cannot be asocial and very social at the same time.

I'm op. No, I meant anti-social, not asocial. Like I said asocial people are BIOLOGICALLY SPEAKING very social, perhaps too social.

My mistake then. I guess I've grown so accustomed to misuses of 'anti-social' that I automatically presume people mean 'asocial' when employing it. My apologies; carry on.

>and then raise the child
HA, no, just send them into adoption.

How did you manage to turn such a simple question into racebait?

We still have monkey brains
The being nice stuff is very recent in evolutionary terms

Because he's got a mental disorder user, it's best to ignore him.

Humans didn't evolve anti-social characteristics it's more likely that they diverged from positive social norms. Which either never got selected out because it was non-deleterious to general heath or yield an unintentional benefit for survival.

We didn't evolve them, they have been condition into the population as a means of control. House divided can not stand.

no everyone was a dick

>tfw you call someone a faggot
Who /anti-social/ here?

That's a nice theory but I would need more convincing to believe it. Though it does seem plausible I don't think genes translate into behaviour so readily.
I don't know much about evolutionary psychology anyway.

Go back to /pol/ you fucking racist


>How did humans evolve so many anti-social traits when we've always depended on being nice to each other for our survival?

It's an "In Group", "Out Group" instinct cluster that, along with other instincts, comprises what one might call the "Social Instincts"

Birds of a feather flock together.... so to speak.

The anti-social traits that you speak of, *MAY* have at one time been beneficial to group survival....

There is an inherent problem in genetically coding for behaviors, you know...

You have to be *EXTREMELY* general in your terms.

We used to be small tribes hunting each-other, you know...

Evolutionary Psychology is a fascinating subject.

>reddit spacing

No human, even the most extroverted, really wants to deal with other humans for any reasons other than close companionship and sex. A caveat of industrialization is that we now depend upon a whole array of people we hate for resources and services necessary to our enjoyment and survival. A man who's honest with himself just wants to be the ruler of a totally self-sufficient island with a group of close male friends who will solve all of his problems and a harem of sex slaves. Women also need validation and the line between friendship and hatred is blurry, but the gist is the same: we all only really want other people around for solving our problems and fucking.

in its most reduced form, close companionship=solving our personal problems