Where does Veeky Forums's general leaning towards right wing politics and misogyny come from...

Where does Veeky Forums's general leaning towards right wing politics and misogyny come from? Is this a correct representation of the demographic, or are boards here a place that attracts such people in a higher number?

I've been posting for a while on a few art related boards on Veeky Forums and the arguments and ideologies of some people on here really shocked me. I understand the difference of opinion on purely economical situations, but where does all this misogyny, racism and anti-semitism stem from?
Also, in many philosophy related threads, people behave a lot like angsty uneducated adults (not really meant as an insult) - providing no rational argumentation, thinking their opinions have any weight.

This thread isn't meant to be bait and I'm not trying to convince anyone that he's wrong, I'm just wondering about the nature of such opinions and hate spread across these boards (since I never met a misogynyst or anti-semitic/homophobic person who was well read in literature and philosophy in real life)

everyone here loves to be contrarian.
that is it.

What kind of people does Veeky Forums attract? There's your answer.

> Ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed at that which one identifies as the cause of one's frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one's frustration. The sense of weakness or inferiority and perhaps jealousy in the face of the "cause" generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one's frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one's own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy in order to insulate itself from culpability.

"It's the kikes, it's the whores, it's the normies, etc."

I think that it comes from the way people find Veeky Forums. It seems that most people start with browsing /b/, which has a lot of shock stuff that people who don't go on Veeky Forums would find weird (all the creep porn and anime shit). Then you "graduate" to other boards.

I think this "indoctrination" (or perhaps an un-indoctrination of values given to us by other popular media outlets) gives everyone on Veeky Forums an ability to like things that the general public does not. It could be misogyny, racism, fascism, etc.

It's fashionable at the moment. Political and philosophical beliefs among the simple-minded are at the mercy of the hype cycle just like everything else.

If it were only that, there would be extreme left and extreme right views, taking aim at capitalists and normies respectively. Instead, only one of these is truly shocking to the average bear, so they go to the right exclusively.

Ressentiment affects literally everyone (though, granted, some groups more than others), so it wouldn't make sense that ressentiment alone pushes people to the right, because it can just as well push them to the left.

>Implying the Left does not encapsulate ressentiment

The way you say "thinking their opinions have any weight" makes me think this is bait.

>insecure loser finds Veeky Forums
>feels a bit in control about his shitty situation by erecting an idealized self-image (everyone else is evil, manipulative, brainwashed, and so on) against these people which gives him a feeling of consistent self-identity and fleeting self-worth as he engages in circlejerks about the evil subhuman Other

Since at the moment Veeky Forums is one of the few websites where such opinions aren't suppressed obviously people that cannot express themselves somewhere else will do so here

tumblr, leftypol, etc obviously have these people as well. Calm yourself. We're talking about Veeky Forums here.

I think left-wing politics more obviously reflects ressentiment, but you can see shades of it in any political philosophy. There is always an enemy. For the right-wing, it's more about non-traditional, subversive cultural forces (and those who perpetuate them) acting as the bogeyman, rather than more tangible things like capitalists and 'unfair' economic arrangements.

A mix of general Contrarianism to the 18-24 year olds who make up most of the sites typically left leaning peers and /pol/'s push to try and spread their influence.

Right-wingers from Stormfront and other such places perfected the art of internet propaganda.

>an un-indoctrination of values given to us by other popular media outlets
This I think is correct
The truths outside of the mainstream truths are found by many to be very revealing (nevermind if it's of any use: it gives many a feeling that they know more than the mainstream) which creates a sort of bitterness towards the mainstream, which results in the idolisation of individuality and solitude. Which, ironically, worsens the user's most likely already existing social inadeptness as he sees himself as something superior that others should strive for, instead of trying to become a better person himself.
The situation manifests itself most rampantly in the /pol/s (both of them) and the everloved /r9k/, where what could have been a man has been reduced to mere masochistic humour, whining and blame-avoiding

"Give a man a mask and he will show his true face."

Veeky Forums primarily appeals to disenfranchised and maladjusted young men, and its anonymity provides a means for unfiltered expression without repercussion.

I think this makes Veeky Forums a very unique case. Instead of manifesting itself through political contrarianism and social ineptness, the un-indoctrination allowed this board to create its own distinct literary taste (general love of the classics, Joyce, memeing on DFW). I don't know if anything this has ever happened before in the history of literature.

Veeky Forums has a similar story. Instead of becoming /r9k/-tier aspies, their un-indoctrination allowed for them to create a generally accepted regimen (it has a few venerated and accepted programs) to become muscular.

Because this is an idealist site, you disgusting materialist pig.

Leftypol's level of discourse is far above /pol/. Though some people are full-on tankies and Stalin apologists, in general there's a much better knowledge of theory.
Obviously I'm biased as a socialist, but I find it ridiculous that edgy /pol/acks consider themselves radicals while being completely submerged in the neoliberal economic consensus.

>since I never met a misogynyst or anti-semitic/homophobic person who was well read in literature and philosophy in real life

I am sure the majority of authors you've read in your life fall under at least one category.

Because Veeky Forums is one of the few popular online communities that doesn't delete discussion of racial differences. And once you learn about racial differences it becomes impossible to believe that all human beings on earth are equally capable.

>but I find it ridiculous that edgy /pol/acks consider themselves radicals while being completely submerged in the neoliberal economic consensus.
Protectionism and hating the trans-pacific and trans-atlantic pacts sure is neo-liberalism. Honestly where the fuck you get your opinions from. Come back when you've browsed a few years cuck. Maybe you should actually try one of the main hobbies here, like anime so you can understand the dialectics here.

... Yes, watching anime is a replacement for reading economic theory. I shouldn't be surprised.

Is it true that philosophy tends to be overwhelmingly left-wing?

kill yourself, anime pedo scum

Your question is nonsensical

Reality has a well-known socialist bias.

/pol/ isn't really neoliberal. It's divided between protectionism and libertarians, with mostly being protectionists these days. Where do you think the term cuckservative came from?

Don't listen to these idiots from /r/fullcommunism that try to brigade here. Most philosophers are reactionary from a modern and many from their own point of view. Modern leftization of academia is a direct result of the neo-liberalism that the leftists here seem to hate. Modern academia is leftists because they have their own industry and keep it that way like a cartel.

While the first leftist philosophers were writing outside of academia(Marx for example), now they have occupied an institution and have become stale just like the status-quo academics from the 19th century..