I want to take a break from crime and punishment and read something beautiful...

I want to take a break from crime and punishment and read something beautiful. I have a cold right now and reading this grimdark shit really makes it flare up. Does anyone have any suggestions of something beautiful and poetic, preferably a novel that I could read?

The epilogue of Crime and Punishment desu

Marius the Epicurean.
I highly underrated classic.

But Dosto is beautiful

It's very grim. I don't find soul crushing poverty all that beautiful. I don't dislike the book, I'll read it more when I don't have a cold.

If you have a cold and want to read something comfy, then read Steinbeck's "Cannery Row"

Hi Butterfly. What's it about?

in watermelon sugar

Coming of age travelogue through Aurelius' Rome with plenty of philosophical musing and the authors own translation of the myth of Psyche and Cupid. It's a dreamy picturesque book.

Take a break from the fiction and grab a self-help book or a business or psychology. There's tons of non-fiction that's extremely educational hurt. Personally I like to grab the biggest academic educational works of History the last one being Wealth of Nations

Fuck non fiction. I couldn't think of a more boring way to spend my time.

Read some Emily Dickinson desu

This. Its full of soul-uplifting poverty and goofy crimes, its the perfect companion piece


Now I want to re-read it, though I haven't read "Sweet Thursday" yet but I have it sitting on my shelf.

Also the hero wanders the streets, wracked by a moral dilemma. Im gonna re-read it too, it takes like 3 hours tops.


Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre

Holy fuck, Doc is redeemed by his love for a prostitute, is there no end to Steinbeck's plagiary.

Yes! One of the comfiest books I've read.
