Ayn Rand

So I got both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged for Christmas. Which should I read first?


Read up on how to get better relatives

>should I read this pamphlet or this dictionary first?

It was a wish...

If I recall correctly, Rand says in the dedication of Atlas Shrugged that The Fountainhead serves as an overture to it, so I guess read the Fountainhead first.

Saddest thing I read all day.

Not only is it just depressing that someone asked for Rand, it's also bitterly ironic that you asked someone to go out of their way to get it for you.

>it's also bitterly ironic that you asked someone to go out of their way to get it for you.
Depends whether OP considered it their obligation to get him a Christmas present or whether they wanted to and simply asked him what he would like :^)

Thanks. That does seem to be the consensus,

Das Kapital.
Yes, in parallel you can read The Theory of Moral Sentiments, by A. Smith

How is it a parallel?

I'm reading several books in parallel right now. They have little to do with one another.

>Ayn Rand

The irony

>begging for copies of Rand's works in hopes that hardworking Americans would be altruistic enough to gift them to you
>not picking yourself up by your bootstraps and working diligently to earn them as your own property as God intended


Just read Das Kapital; you'll get more out of it.

You fell for the meme OP. They're both garbage. I hated them even when I was a libertarian ideologue. If you won't heed my warning, you'll just be getting what you deserve i.e. shrill moralizing and billionaire Mary Sues. Drink up, you worthless pleb!

>assuming people are American...

>/pol/'s favourite welfare queen

/pol/ is a christian national socialist board, m8. Rand can go fuck herself.

>liking Rand
>Rand being anything but a tool to troll Veeky Forums

burn them

So we can report these threads again!

Good times.

Take a massive shit into a bucket. Don't bother to wipe. Now this next part is rather labor intensive, so you might want to write it down and commit it to memory.

I want you to kneel before the bucket on your knees. Have both books with you when you do this. Reach down into the bucket and grasp a turd with your dominant hand and open one of the books with your other hand as it lays on the floor. Proceed then to smear each page sparingly with the turd. I say sparingly, because you have a lot of pages between two books to get through. So, continue this process until every page of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged are smeared with fecal matter.

When you have accomplished this impressive feat, go wash your hands. Then I want you to pat yourself on the back for a good five to seven minutes. You've done a lot of hard work so far. You deserve it.

But, the work is not over.

This next part requires at least a gallon of water, so I want you to have gone out and purchased a gallon of either Ozarka or Sparkletts drinking water beforehand.

Sit down on the floor and then proceed to tear out each individual page of both books and consume them one by one. If you need to, take a drink of water to wash each of the pages down.

Once you have completely consumed this hearty repast, sit back and bask in the afterglow of your accomplishment. Now take the revolver out of your backpack, and go to the bathroom. Pull back the shower curtain and sit in the bath tub. Open the cylinder to make sure it's loaded. Now I want you to close it, pull back the hammer and place the muzzle in your mouth. Be sure to point the muzzle upward, toward the roof of your mouth.

Now, squeeze the trigger.

And you will be off on the ultimate adventure.

Those books suck, by the way.


I don't agree with her politics, but I thought The Fountainhead was a pretty good read until the last 40 pages or so.

You might as well throwaway the painfully blunt lumbering mess that is Atlas Shrugged though.

It's true - it is a much more humorous work than anything Rand did (except Anthem when you realize she meant it)

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