Hey Veeky Forums ¿what do you think about Howard Philips Lovecraft?

Hey Veeky Forums ¿what do you think about Howard Philips Lovecraft?

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>Had a cat named Nigger-man

Everything checks


>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

Checks out fine.

I have a book collecting all of his works but its so fcking huge and hard to get through, anything of him I should read seperately?

The shadow over innsmouth is my favorite, but for a shorter one "the colour out of space"

He is my favourite writer and someone I personally feel a strong likeness to.


I'm amazed Veeky Forums's leftists never derail a Lovecraft thread for being the most rabid racist to have ever taken the pen.

That's one of the reasons I like him. He is a kindred spirit.

Here is a decent reading list to get you started


Because he was simply a man of his time? Because the myth of Veeky Forums leftists doesnt exist, as exemplified by communism threads getting crushed and mocked? Because Veeky Forums is ultimately dominated 50/50 by redditor newfags and ethics/christfags who see /pol/s "conservatism" as a betrayal of government for the good of god and man?

or because /leftypol/ is a cthuthonic cult

>Because he was simply a man of his time?

He was not. Read the book "H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life" by Michel Houellebecq.

Here's the overview from the Wikipedia page

>In this early published work (which he calls his "first novel"), Houellebecq reports having discovered Lovecraft as a teenager and being struck by how each story was, as he describes, "an open slice of howling fear." He reports a fascination with Lovecraft's anti-modernity, what he supposes is Lovecraft's profound hatred of life and philosophical denial of the real world; Houellebecq notes that his works include "not a single allusion to two of the realities to which we generally ascribe great importance: sex and money." He posits Lovecraft as an American existentialist for whom both life and death are meaningless. He also praises what he sees as Lovecraft's rejection of democracy and progressivism.

>Also noted is Houellebecq's exegesis of Lovecraft's racial preoccupations, which he traces to a 24-month period Lovecraft lived in the comparatively racially mixed New York City of the 1920s, where, Houellebecq says, Lovecraft learned to take "racism back to its essential and most profound core: fear." He notes the recurring image in Lovecraft's fiction of a mammoth, hideous city teeming with terrifying beings.

I understand his peculiarities, I am simply saying his outlook on racial progress was within a standard for the time.

Racism isn't of our time then because it's the current year?

I suppose it depends how you look at it. If Houllebecq is correct then Lovecraft came to his racism through his experiences with diversity, rather than the cultural inculcation that saying, "He was a man of his times," implies. I know what that is like, as I was forced to learn the same thing through personal experience. The hate comes from legitimate fear.

Not the user you're replying to. But I had the same.

I think liberals their personal experience with other ethnicities is one filtered through the comfort of their upper middle class environment.
When they meet a black guy, it's more often than not some fellow indie faggot who they completely relate to and who focusses on his band and makes references to gangsta rap, but is completely detatched from that environment.
That's why liberals have this dumbass idea that religion is just some dressing, because the muslims they will most likely meet are from their class, and they aren't as invested in puritanism as other classes.

Other classes don't have this or most other comforts. Conflict occurs more down below. Hell, look at how much of a mess most working class families are. Are different ethnicities of working class going to do any better then?
So the "phobia" of "dumb rednecks" is completely justified when you are in that very environment.

I agree. I was poor and purposefully brought up in a non-racist home. However, I had the misfortune of living in a town that was half black, and the middle and high schools I attended were majority black. I hate them because I've spent so much of my life around them and I came to understand the actual danger of the situation I am in. There's no covering it over with platitudes about multiculturalism. You have either experienced it or you have not.

Dude the thing was like so scary I can't even describe it literally

Because in all honesty, who cares? Every fucking thread, one of those fucks gets all butthurt and has to toss in their same tired opinion that no one wants to hear. It leads to the same fucking conversation, ending the same way.

do spics not use initialized names? I've never seen it

Has anyone else realized the Cthulthu "mythos" is real? I wonder how Lovecraft learned about it.