Why is chemistry harder than physics and math combined?

Why is chemistry harder than physics and math combined?


it is physics and math combined
>kinda >sometimes

Don't ever reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.

It's harder because you're a fucking brainlet.

t. Only A's in O Chem and A Chem

>t. brainlet
Chem is easy af

Well what subject in chemistry are you looking at?

Some parts of chem are easy, other parts are hard.

A little specificity would help.

It doesn't matter anymore I gave up on chem.
I'd rather calculus and mechanics all day.

I suppose the thing with "harder" usually translates into which undergrad is harder. Chemistry has far more labs than phyisics and you need to learn shit more quickly without proper care because you will use it later on. The same with engineering. If I'm honest, I'm terrible at rote memorization and monotonous work which is why I would think chemistry is harder. But as to the skills required to solve a problem in physics compared to one in chemistry, obviously phyisics takes the cake.

>rote memorization
>good for chemistry
Might be why you find it hard.

It has more of it than phyisics that's for sure.

Physics and math are way more difficult when it comes to problem solving, but they consist of logical frameworks which put you on the path to the right solution.

Chem lacks this same form of logical framework and instead relies a bit more on understanding of concepts. The actual problem solving is basically algebra

For me physics is harder than math and chemistry is easy, just that bio-chemestry is dificult sometimes, because of that prop, ethan, methan, things

the rote memorization part of chem is easy, but the part that got me was the structures.

Is there a program that lets me build and observe molecules?

A pencil and a piece of paper.
That's organic chemistry and it's not hard.

I personally think the nomenclature of OC is tricky and takes practice to master, other than that physical chemistry is prolly the hardest shit in Chem because it borders on dangerous levels of being actual physics.

I think you've hit the nail on the head senpai, Chem labs can be downright exhausting and content is covered at a fast pace, but unlike physics concepts in chemistry can be readily demonstrated in labs.

> because of that prop, ethane, methane, things
Nigger that's OC not biochemistry your only referring to hydrocarbons, and yes nomenclature is shit.

Biochem deals more with metabolic pathways, enzymes, catabolic and anabolic reactions, protein structure, chains like the Electron transport chain and shit like that, there's certainly overlap between the two but biochem deals with only explaining why enantiomers, chirality and zwitterions are a thing relative to amino acids and shit.

biochemists usually aren't interested in the real thick of the chemistry involved and certainly not the physical interactions only the concepts which apply to biological systems.

And biochem is a piece of piss because of the lack of information we currently have for complex chemical species interactions in organisms and molecules like the tRNA complex, the vagueness of biochem makes it so tits for A's.

>Is there a program that lets me build and observe molecules?
Yes, it's called x-ray diffraction by use of crystallography.



Chemistry is easy. It only gets hard when it goes full physics (quantum shit, theoretical, etc).

It really isn't

It's not. Just most science teachers are dog shit that should be taken to the trash can.

>Chemistry is only hard if it's physics.

not true. a difficult synthesis question can be equivalent to "ok here's how you change the length of a piece of wood, and here's how you join two pieces of wood together. Now build a trebuchet, then build a grand piano"

because your definition of math and physics doesnt go beyond highschool

^ likely the true answer

because you suck at memorization and writing an answer that is within 3% of the theoretical yield during lab.

If in lab you write down your actual result you will get the lowest grade in your class.

>be good at bio
>be good at chem

>be shit at physics


because is based on empirical knowledge

its not.

You are CLEARLY a Mech engi. I know because i am and I hate it.
It's everything bad about medicine (charts, tables that aren't particulary easy to learn to use) mixed with the equation bullshit of Physics.

Note that you can eventually get used to the equation bullshit like I did. If you cant find keeping the periodic table memorized fascinating, you shouldn't go into chemistry.

Memorizing the periodic table isn't enough, you should also memorize some quantities of interest like 1.8*10^-5

Because there are is no math, it is purely memorization of incredibly weak patterns and every and all exceptions.

of course it matters. bitching about pchem is differnt than bitching about ochem.

I'm an A student when it comes to chem (exception of pchem) but i got all B's for my physics and math classes. Maybe the reason why you're struggling op is because you don't care enough for chem to put in the effort.

sort of. the main part is just remembering all the concepts, once thats down you just have to memorize the exceptions but the awesome thing about chem, is that if your truly know your concepts, often times you can figure out the exception on the spot.

I'm an A student when it comes to chem (exception of pchem) but i got all B's for my physics and math classes. Maybe the reason why you're struggling op is because you don't care enough for chem to put in the effort.

this man speaks the truth. OP probably got an A in calc 1 and thinks he's suddenly a math wiz. Can't imagine how much he would bitch if he was in something like diff eq.

Math is literally easier if you're not a brainlet.


>diff eq.
bruh every engineer takes those, i'm sure math and physics degrees have more than plug n chug equations and integration