Why do so few people understand how amazing the universe is?

Why do so few people understand how amazing the universe is?

Can't have a good universe discussion with anyone without 'that's nice, user'.

I mean seriously, it's like Narnia on steroids except it's real and all around us.

However the universe is amazing or not is an emotional evaluation and thus subjective. Therefore you cannot accuse others for not "understanding" it.

I mean I can if they know nothing about it. That's the literal definition of not understanding it. Nice try though Professor.

what exactly do you mean by understanding it?
Because it is completely subjective.

As a physicist I can say yeah, the laws of our universe are pretty cool but they aren't by any means amazing. Yet you boast that you understand the entire universe and claim that it is amazing.

Why not lay off the drugs for a bit?

Nah ur just a drooling faggot mesmerized by most basic facts of life and those people are trying to end your brainlet conversations asap.

But that's not your fault. It's all the popsci you watch.

The people who think the universe is "amazing" are usually those with a pop-sci level of understanding of it.

The beauty of the universe has nothing to do with the concept of emotion.

It's about using your senses to experience it objectively, for what it is.

It's a state of awareness, a consciousness like that of a greater person that only wants you to connect to it without the interferance of the surface noise of your mind.

Nice strawman user

Implying that thinking the universe is "preeeeety cool" isn't a prerequisite to studying physical science beyond high school level.

>yet you boast that you understand the entire universe

can't seem to find this in OP's post, weird

I think people would appreciate it more if the stars were properly visible at night in the big cities. Right now, I can barely count ten stars at night.

I absolutely love going to the countryside to see the milky way stretching across the sky, but the majority of city-living douchebags will never even know you can see something like that.

Holy shit, you're fucking retarded.

You are right.

Cities are abstract gods, they can cast a shroud over your eyes, consciousness and it blinds you in more ways than one from feeling your true home, the universe.

"...and the signs of the prophets are writtain on the bathroom walls...and tenement halls..."


Love that you are out there.

luckily i live next door to a parking lot and can get a decent view. every night when i take my dog for a walk i always star gaze a bit, sometimes i bring binoculars. i can see objects up to magnitude 4-5. before i got binoculars i didn't care much but now i can tell stars and constellations apart in a heart bit and got really into it

In the area I live in people often mix up Polaris with Sirius A and people always wince at me when I correct them


Most people don't think about new ideas, they're only concerned with things they know and are used to.
That's why there's so many atheists nowadays. They don't see because they don't look.

nothing to do with the topic
