Anyone else need their coffee in the morning before dealing with idiotic buffoons?

Anyone else need their coffee in the morning before dealing with idiotic buffoons?

Me. Pick me!


Are Minions the greatest comedic vehicle of all time?

imaginary and not real?

im an alcoholic and when i reached the point of no return, or so i thought, i quit drinking coffee and booze

havent had coffee in at least 2 years

Just had my coffee. You may now post.

I need my coffee in the morning to stimulate my bowels

Can't you go get a real addiction?

Idk, this post's picture made me laugh my ass off so...

I work nightshift so I sit at home all morning and drink about 5 cups of coffee, when I get to work I'm too busy pissing every 5 minutes to even talk to anyone.

Not coffee, but tea. I drink very strong Assam every morning, and I'm completely non-functional until after I've had the first mug-full. After the second mug, I"m approachable, and by the time I'm on the third mug, I'm actually getting things done and fairly pleasant.

I like coffee, but it doesn't like me. I love the flavor and aroma of coffee, but if I drink more than a small cup, I'll have all kinds of gastrointestinal issues. I occasionally have a small cup after dinner or in the morning with a pastry, and I cherish those cups. I also only drink my coffee black, because when I do drink coffee, I use really good beans and I want to be able to taste the coffee.

>magic isn't real

You jest, but after consuming coffee every morning for months I do get withdrawal symptoms such as headache, crankiness, sleepiness etc

not one word I say NOT ONE word until I have thoroughly consumed my cup of coffee. Until then, you may not speak or attempt to converse with me. Once finished, then the exchange of words can commence.

Refer to this diagram to understand when you may speak with me

LOL so true! When hubby tries to talk to me before my coffee I nearly kill him haha xD minions OMG XDd

Are there really people that can't start their they without substances?
does that come with age?

Yes, and yes.

I don't understand it at all, the older I get the less caffeine affects me. I'm pretty sure all these facebook memes are the early signs of dementia.


For me, it's the first sip of the day.

>posting all this drivel

You've taken a wrong turn, your blog is hosted at livejournal. This is a Croatian live action minions reenactment site, and you're on the minion food recreation board.

Not every day but if I go more than one day without it I get a headache and I'm grouchy as fuck.

I don't feel anything drinking these.


I tried opiates, but they fuck up your bowels hard. No idea how people get addicted to heroin, how can you get the needle in the tract when you're straining all day on the toilet?

I recently started drinking coffee, Kava reduced acid. Only one I actually like cause it doesn't have that bitter bite. Plain cup in the morning before heading out is pretty comfy.