Believed people weren't created equally

>Believed people weren't created equally
>Believed in scientific racism

Why was he wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

>past tense

he's still alive and he still writes a lot of shit in prison

he wasnt

Look at these skulls.
One is from an aboriginee, and the other is from a white man.

How can you not say we all belong to one race, the human race?

Take, for example, a Neanderthal skull vs a human skull.

It's like night and day in comparison to that JPEG

It's DEFINITELY not enough time for 65,000 to evolve humans differently at all aside from skin, muscular, and skeletal structure.

You're WRONG if you believe evolution didn't make us all the same.

reverse image search

only shows up on blogs and Veeky Forums

>Only shows up on blogs and Veeky Forums
>That means it's not a real skull on that table
>It's a fake like Dinosaurs

I wonder how many people are going to display racist imagery on their website.

>evolution is to slow meme

Because he wasn't le politically correct >:(((( Dx

One of those skulls is prehistoric, the other is modern.

IQ tests prove you wrong.

dumbass neanderthals and humans - when they had kids, if the mixed species kid was male it was infertile

Anthropology is a shit study, like Psychology, Climatology, Biology and every social science. There is no exact and precise evidence. The whole thing can easily be muddled with religion and politics in a way physics, mathematics and chemistry cannot. Stuff like the controversy over the Lake Mungo remains and the Kow Swamp wouldn't happen in those subject.


do they?
Here we see hispanics (mostly caucasian race + american indian who are supposed to be smarter than blacks too) have scores about the same as blacks
we also see two different races(caucasian and asian) have about the same scores

the gaps are small and there's more variation within groups than between groups
>inb4 that doesn't count, those are young kids
those are 17 year olds math and reading scores
and according to the wikipedia article on iq heritability (which cites sources and the APA)
>The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late teens and adults.[5][6] In simpler terms, IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood.[7]

interestingly, the recent gwas found a very strong correlation of 0.89 between childhood and adult intelligence - so there's that + the fact that the naep scores across the board are very close to what you would expect from adults

intelligence simply isn't racial, nor is race a determining factor, nor is it different things that make people of different races smart

>on agreement between childhood and adult intelligence, as well as other interesting things
>naep scores

Anyways in 20-30 years this will be more or less resolved, genetically speaking
but if black iq is above 90 today or becomes above 90 in the future, then this debate is over

>intelligence simply isn't racial, nor is race a determining factor, nor is it different things that make people of different races smart

I recognize you faggot. Looks like you stepped up your game in your desperate attempt to deny the truth. In between you spouting "back to /pol/" or some dumb shit. Too bad you're still wrong.

How much does it determine your intelligence and behavior?
There is not point denying that race is a factor for lower IQ, wouldn't the environment they are raised in, still be a factor.

>race is a factor for lower IQ
It isn't.

This is how it would look for that to be the truth where you see a red and a blue race.

A stupid person is stupid not because of their race, nor is a smart person smart because of their race.

There can be given many examples for why race is not a very good indicator.
An example is hispanics from Another example is jews, who are supposed to be divergently smart in spite of their race they achieve higher scores.
Another example is pakistanis who score lower than indians.
Recently people have asked the question whether igbos and yorubas are smarter than other sub saharan africans.

Now of course, some of the above conundrums can be explained by environment to save the racial hypothesis, but that's just not something ideologues on the right are very willing to do, but the truth is just because some gaps are more genetic in nature, that doesn't imply that some gaps cannot be more environmental - we have seen this historically with italians and the irish.

It is impossible to prove that all gaps are 100% genetic without resorting to ridiculous ad hoc explanations that break the theory somewhere else.

Suppose that indeed those that are melanin enriched are dumb because of their genes. What to do then? Segregation? Forced sterilization? Genocide? No. All that will happen is more money given for dem programs. You already had a chance to kill them all, but you didn't. If you happen to have that chance given to you again, do it right - erase any and all traces of their people, their language, and their culture.

I think what most white nationalists are asking for is segregation, they believe the root cause of conflict is because of differences between races. As they believe there are moral differences between races

>dude living like a savage is way better than modern society lmao
>I can't just fuck off and live in the wilderness though, I'd rather bomb people
What did he mean by this?

He wasn't wrong.

He tried to live in the wilderness until a construction company paved over some place in the forest he liked. He started sending bombs to engineering professors after that.

>One race

There are Hispanics that range from 40% to 80% European.

Where's the source on this?

Hispanic IQ has never been accurately calculated before.

There's so much malnutrition and lack of education that prevents them from hitting their genetic standard (at 60% Caucasoid, 40% Ameri-indian) of 93-95

>(60% Caucasoid, 40% Ameri-indian) of 93-95

Those are basically Spaniards - 100.
Those outperform Hispanics on virtually all metrics despite having their own minority issues.
For a 93-95, or 94 to be the Hispanic optimum the Amerindian IQ needs to be 85(assuming a weighted average between the two groups and why wouldn't you), which it clearly Isn't nearly as low.

And I doubt this is malnutrition in America. It could be lack of education, but also culture. Culture matters.
Jensen and Eyseneck back in the day - 2 very prominent let's call them IQ people seemed to think that the gap here was overwhelmingly environmental in origin.