What other places do you visit to discuss Veeky Forumserature?

What other places do you visit to discuss Veeky Forumserature?



my mind

>finish book
>discuss it with imaginary gf

>she agrees with everything you say
>thinks your opinions are smart
>worships your cock

Imaginary gf or no gf for me

Gosh darnit, who let the titcow in the house?


pretty much but I give her some diverging opinions

also you made me realize that I don't really picture my penis in fantasies but rather cut the frame right at her

If you had actually dated in your life then this would probably be the way dating goes, actually, if you dated a girl with low enough IQ to uncritically accept all you tell to her about everything related to non-popular literature. Until she leaves you for her ex that is. At least that's how it went for me.

I discuss literature with my wife and my mother. My mother has probably read 2-3 thousand books in her life, but she has a poor memory so she just goes and starts over from the beginning over and over again. I still haven't found a place like Veeky Forums to let me relax and talk shit about this or that author, or to have some book i overlooked before come to my attention. this is a pretty fun place, though I hear from people it used to be better before Veeky Forums was created.

Go read through the first page of Veeky Forums and tell me we aren't better off.

yeah Veeky Forums is 10000% times better with the containment board for commies and /pol/fags

i've strolled through Veeky Forums a coupla times, it seemed fun when i did.

i mean, i looked through it before the election got into full swing, before then i saw an awesome thread of ancient illustrations of knights on snails.

A full half of the posts on page 1 of Veeky Forums are about eugenics. The rest is religion baiting and two people who don't yet know about Google.

I really, really tried to like Veeky Forums but it's not a great place

askhistory and history are great. Whereas /r/books is shit. I think there's a nice medium between literature and history if you're willing to use both sites. I think the history subs having academic flairs helps.

yeah, like right now, i mean before the onslaught of trump. let's be realistic, trump fucking wrecked the shit out of this board. we even have echoes here of his book about deals and whatever. his wasn't so bad before then, at least it was fairly interesting. not that this board isn't occupied by people bitching about woolf and other utter bullshit of little consequence.

sounds awesome

askliterature isn't too bad.

This election really screwed with the culture of every board, but it's a monumental event, so it makes sense. 2008 was kinda the same way for the rest of the internet. Life goes on.


yeah, that, askliterarystudies, not askliterature. that's a pretty solid board from what i've seen.