What is the evolutionary advantage of having nice hair?

What is the evolutionary advantage of having nice hair?

Warmth dummy

Probably something to do with making a rope out of your hair to escape from high places

To stretch pussies.

protects your scalp from UV radiation

Woman are more likely to fuck well groomed men.

sexual selection
its why humans have chins

It keeps the brain warm to optimise its functioning

user that is just with cpus

Cpus work the opposite. They have little protrusions to get rid of heat instead.

Evolutionarily, it makes you more suave, like the Fonz.

Fuck bitches, get cash.

>Nice hair
>Well groomed

These are related, but not the same thing.

>People on this board not understanding sexual selection.
Stop larping, you don't belong here.

Hair is a secondary sexual characteristic.
It also promotes the idea of health and virility.
Raggish animals are usually unhealthy animals.

What is the evolutionary disadvantage of having nice hair?


I fail to see how that is a problem... if you're too lazy to maintain your hair, then that, in itself, is an evolutionary disadvantage for you.

There is no direct evolutionary advantage of strong, thick hair - just like there is none for a clear skin or a symmetrical face.

These are all proxy indicators of overall health and good genetics.

to look snazzy af ofc.

there's absolutely nothing that states reality must work in this manner; Not everything is an advantage. there is no such thing as good or bad, just perception.