Someone asked me if I knew how many milk shake flavor combinations there are if you can get 5 flavors out of 42...

Someone asked me if I knew how many milk shake flavor combinations there are if you can get 5 flavors out of 42. I don't know anything about math but I guessed it was a combination problem and did 42 choose 5.

He then told me some other guy said it would be 42x41x40x39x38. I don't really give a shit who's right I just need to know, am I the autistic one?

>I guessed it was a combination problem and did 42 choose 5
>He then told me some other guy said it would be 42x41x40x39x38
>I don't really give a shit who's right


42 choose 5 = 42*41*40*39*38.

42 choose 5 = (42*41*40*39*38)\5!

Oh fuck, I'm retarded

Is number choose number some dumb ass brit terminology? Never heard that in my life

That's because you're in high school. Fuck off.

Question is phrased badly. Can you pick the same flavor multiple times? Is the combination AAABB the same as BBAAA?

user he wanted your "milkshake"...

To add on to this, even without replacement you have the question of is ABCDE the same as BACDE or any other permutation?

You need to add on 42 choose 4, 42 choose 3, and so on. I assume you don't HAVE to get 5 flavors...

wow that was hard.

The question takes some interpretation by a neurotypical. Obviously choosing the same flavour multiple times is stupid. Also nobody cares what order the flavours are in. So op is right, despite being a faggot

this is so wrong I don't know where to begin...

>choose and pick notation

lmao @ your life

Fuck you youre in high school


fatass emma

You are assuming that the order of addition of flavor doesn't matter, this isn't necessarily the case. Imagine adding chocolate then strawberry then some others vs adding chocolate then vanilla then strawberry, thus causing a 'buffer' between those two strong flavors. Nowhere did it state a well mixed solution.

>Flavor combinations

Not flavor arrangements

Depends can u choose the same flavour multiple times or not, is this order important or not?
Like is strawberry X X X X, the same as X strawberry X X X or not?

>I don't know anything about math
>and I can't learn, so tell me answer
How about "no".


What is the 42 on 5 combo prob that i get TRIPS??!!!