Started eating six prunes a day

>started eating six prunes a day
>started eating a bowl of shredded wheat a day
>seen nothing but benefits

low carb diets can fuck right off

Other urls found in this thread:

High fibre is awesome. Pea and ham soup, lentil soup, cabbage and bacon, lamb and barley soup, cock-a-leekie, porridge, Irish stew, wholemeal bread. Combine with oily fish (sardines, herring, smoked salmon, kippers, smoked oysters or mussels) for omegas and you can't go wrong.

All these stupid modern diets pale in comparison to eating the traditional diets that kept our forebears at a natural, normal weight for their entire lives.

Prunes cause cancer

I like dates better than prunes

But have you ever been on one?

I tried to recently. She never called back.

Low carb is an effective tool for losing weight. Somehow that's been translated by society in to carbs are le evil. There are plenty of wonderful healthy carb sources.

>Fell for the prune juice is for le old people meme
>Order prune juice one day as a joke with some friends
>It's fucking delicious
>Prunes are even better because of the texture

A good rule of thumb is that whatever normalfags say tastes good, eat the opposite. Also low carb diets are a complete meme and the only reason they are so popular is because you have to cut out so many foods that you just end up eating less food overall and lose weight. Obviously stuff like syrup and cookies is bad for you, but plant foods that contain fiber should be the majority of your diet.

I switch days between dates and prunes. Dates have less sorbitol, but more sugar.

>Cockie Leekie was also one of two choices of soup on the Titanic's lunch menu the day it sank on April 14th, 1912.

this desu
Carbs fill me up even more than protein.

Dates are 10x better than prunes, anyone who doubts this is a fucking retard. Not to mention prunes contain carcinogens.

The flavor of dates is much simpler, almost candy-like, while prunes are more fruity and have more depth to them. It's not a matter of "doubting" the taste of dates, I prefer prunes because I like them more, simple as that.

being alive causes cancer

That explains so, so much


Low carb diets encourage eating fiber. The idea is to limit net carbs, I.e. total carbs minus fiber.

When you get into keto territory though you eliminate beans and fruits, which is just silly if you are trying to eat more fiber.


How can you do this without farting literally all day? I used to eat a bowl of oats with coffee in the morning and it turned me into a shitting machine.

Once you actually eat fiber on a regular basis, your gut flora changes and you'll stop farting like a madman.

Like 2-3 weeks?

I've tried cooking more vegetables in my meals but doesn't seem to be enough.

I have no idea how long it takes, but 2-3 weeks seems like it should be enough. Also this sounds dumb but make sure you chew your food thoroughly. For stuff like spaghetti it doesn't matter because it's easily digested starch, but with fibrous foods it becomes more important to avoid stomach upset or indigestion.

i fell for the high carb meme diet. and fucking ended up with heartburn and bloody stool. works for some people. doesn't work for everyone.
no one diet is for all humans

>Heartburn and bloody stool

What foods were you eating? Just because you are eating high carb doesn't mean you have to eat foods that you know will cause you problems like acidic fruits.

beans, lentils, oatmeal. doesn't matter how long i soak them or what brand. shit fucks me up.
even waited it out for a painful month.

really sucks because i wanted to go vegan oh well.

Have you seen a doctor? That doesn't sound normal.

yeah waiting on test results. but he demanded i go on keto/paleo diet.
blood pressure has been higher since all the fooking eggs/meat i've been consuming. but no heartburn

vegan buddy of mine thinks i should just take probiotics/enzymes for 2 months and i'll be set.

Damn that sucks, good luck with your results.

thx m8. eat a nice bowl of beans for me.


>Low carb diets encourage eating fiber.
why would a low carb memer eat fiber when they could eat moar bacon xddddddd. fucking reddit the diet.

I can't say for prunes, but dates are way too disgusting. Almost raw sugar, doesn't even taste like a fruit. Dried figs are where it's at. Haven't tasted none dried though.

I can't imagine how constipated keto diets make people, since fiber is technically a carbohydrate

You are allowed to eat fiber during keto. The goal is to keep caloric carbs under around 30g a day, meaning leafy greens are okay. People on keto seem to eat avocadoes and nuts a lot so fiber probably isn't a problem, I still think it's dumb though.

eat 3 cloves of raw garlic + 2000mg vitamin C and your blood pressure will be lowered more effectively than the most effective medications on the market

straight figs are awesome, they taste like jam

Reducing fiber intake fixes existing constipation though.

I don't think people eating low fiber are at any more of a risk to develop constipation. Drinking enough water and exercising are the main preventatives. And pooping as soon as you notice the urge instead of delaying until the urge has become impossible to ignore. The urge is initiated usually right after a meal with sufficient fat in it. Keto-eaters probably have no problem at all with constipation as their fecal mass is small and they eat lots of fat.

Roll over and try again. only you can make it happen, user

I'm skeptical to believe this study. Here's a meta-analysis that found the opposite. Note that this analysis did include a study where there was no link found between constipation and fiber intake:

>At 6 mo, 41 patients remained on a no fiber diet, 16 on a reduced fiber diet, and 6 resumed their high fiber diet for religious or personal reasons. Patients who stopped or reduced dietary fiber had significant improvement in their symptoms while those who continued on a high fiber diet had no change.

So they had 6 patients on a high fiber diet to compare.

Wow, great study. I'm convinced. Not to mention the sampling consisted of homogeneous patients from Singapore.

I probably wouldn't change your lifestyle based on cursory reads of single small-scope papers.
Although you probably just mine Google Scholar or PubMed for papers that support your unsubstantiated biases.

I think the conclusions of that meta-analysis is mostly agreement with the study I linked:
>Dietary fiber intake can obviously increase stool frequency in patients with constipation. It does not obviously improve stool consistency, treatment success, laxative use and painful defecation.

They couldn't find any conclusive evidence that it would consistently help make pooping easier when constipated but it would make you poop more often regardless. This is congruent with the idea that more fiber equals more poop and that doesn't necessarily help when you're constipated.

Your study says the opposite though.
>Of those who stopped fiber completely, the bowel frequency INCREASED from one motion in 3.75 d (± 1.59 d) to one motion in 1.0 d (± 0.0 d) (P < 0.001)
>Those with REDUCED fiber intake had INCREASED bowel frequency from a mean of one motion per 4.19 d (± 2.09 d) to one motion per 1.9 d (± 1.21 d) on a reduced fiber diet (P < 0.001); those who remained on a high fiber diet continued to have a mean of one motion per 6.83 d (± 1.03 d) before and after consultation.

The effect sizes are rather large though. There was only 6 on high-fiber diet, yes, but
>For no fiber, reduced fiber and high fiber groups, respectively, symptoms of bloating were present in 0%, 31.3% and 100% (P < 0.001) and straining to pass stools occurred in 0%, 43.8% and 100% (P < 0.001).

Not a single one of the 41 people on a zero-fiber diet were having difficulty taking a shit whereas all of the remaining 6 on a high-fiber diet were still having problems. I think this a pretty notable effect.

Ah, well yes, they stopped being constipated so they started having normal-sized poops at a normal frequency. All the people in the study were constipated to begin with so their frequency of pooping was lower than it should've been. So, either they would remain constipated and poop even less often because of less fiber intake or their constipation would be fixed and they'd poop more often but presumably less often than they would've pooped while eating their high-fiber diet without being constipated. In the meta-analysis, the conclusion is that those with constipation are more likely to also poop more often when increasing fiber intake. But they wouldn't be more likely to have small easy shits. The picture I imagine there is that with more fiber intake those with constipation would have their huge painful constipated shits somewhat more frequently due to having even more shit in their guts.

why smoked fish though?

Alright op I'll fall for your meme, I'm about to go to the grocery store so I'll pick up a box or 2 of mini wheats and a bag of prunes. My fiber has been lacking since I started work at a sandwich shop