The Nu School

Linguistics on Point


time for another riveting round of schizoposting i see

mildly impressed with those trips wrt that image though, keep on truckin brotha

n dubs

sorry no truck for those tripz

William Trucker Dubson

Mutlipass with Class

Enjoy the Curve

Kick it into the Fourth Dimension

Ecosophy Difference and Repetition

Cotton Candy


Take a better look

See a lot more

Spirals of Consciousness

Creatively Cogitate

Buy Stock in Dreams

Coin of the Helm

Was he six pence none the richer?

Memory Castles

Foci and Memory Loci

City Crown and Sea?

Are You watching the throne?

Nobility of the Light to show the way

Adept Adaptii

Write awesome stream of consciousness science fiction cyberpunk novels

Psychophysiological coherence

ReThinking Thoughtwaves

Keep It Silly Sunshine


Self-Referential Processing

The gift of storytelling may be one of life's most powerful

This must be the place

Evolve Our Destinies

Golden Girls

Grace Grit Style and Good Humor

Daughters of Some Hobo

We Had Everything